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Twilight the Movie-Your Reviews!

Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2008 9:35 pm
by MoonKit
I went at midnight and I was actually pleasantly surprised. It was still cheesy and romantic (which I loved) but it was unexpectedly funny. It moved slow at times but the actress who played Bella did an awesome job and even made me feel better about the character. I especially loved the scene where Bella goes to the Cullens for a visit.

"You mean if I end up as...the meal?" :lol:

Emmett was hilarious standing on the hood of the cars. 8)

Re: Twilight the Movie-Your Reviews!

Posted: Sat Nov 22, 2008 6:43 pm
by AngryGothChick
I heard a lot of the fans hated the movie.I thought it was great,and by far,one of the best movies I seen all year.(I need to find my copy of the book and get back to reading it.)It was romantic and it had it's funny moments.

Charlie, with his gun before he was going to meet Edward,
Charlie giving Bella pepper spray,
Mike's random dance outside the diner, ect...

I can't wait for the other three.I hope they don't rush,and take their time.If the date doesn't get pushed back,and production isn't delayed,Breaking Dawn will be in released when I'm 20.Yaay. :D

Re: Twilight the Movie-Your Reviews!

Posted: Sat Nov 22, 2008 7:39 pm
by Moss27
Twilight was freakin' awesome!

Aw man... I just came back from the movie theatre, and I have to tell other people how I feel other than my brother. XD

The obvious good parts:

It stuck with the book. that, I was happy with.
Charlie was the funniest thing in the movie!
I fell in love with Jacob. XD Can't wait to see his wolf form.
I agree that Emmett was hilarious!
Carlisle was freakin' hot.
Edward was freakin' hot.
Alice was just perfect!
You should've seen me swooning in the theater!
And for a guy that totally hated the character he played, Robert Pattinson did a very good job. I love his American accent!
I was really warm from blushing too much.

Now the criticizing part. Hopefully I won't spoil that much.

I didn't like how they did the diamond skin thing. You couldn't really tell, only that there were rainbow specks and they became whiter. I thought it would be all out bright and full rainbow spectrums and all that.
Jasper didn't get enough time in the movie... He was really pretty, too.
The ending was slow. I wanted it the perfect ending, stopping with Bella and Edward. Heck, even Jacob would've been a good ending.
It went slow in some areas, and some of the camera shots were kinda awkward.
The vampires flew too much for my taste.

Rating: In my heart, it's an A+++++++++!!! Though, as a former video communications student, it's a B, a high A- at the most.

My dad decided that we're going to visit Forks. YAY!

Re: Twilight the Movie-Your Reviews!

Posted: Sat Nov 22, 2008 10:38 pm
by RedEye
Buffy's gone Hollywood!

Srsly; I saw a lot of rehash from Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Too bad they didn't cast Sarah Gellerman in the lead; she would have been perfect. :lol:

Re: Twilight the Movie-Your Reviews!

Posted: Sun Dec 07, 2008 6:03 pm
by NightSlash
Ugh, this was horrible. And no, I've never read the books, but I've also read reviews of the movie from people who liked the books but hated the film, so it's not just me. But, yeah, this was bad. Sparkling vampires...

Give me the badass western gang in Near Dark or the savage animal pack in 30 Days of Night any day of the week over these losers. Only James and his little pack were interesting, though that may be because they seemed to act like werewolves, especially James.

EDIT: By the way, I just read on another website that the director of Twilight got fired and won't be back for the second film.

Re: Twilight the Movie-Your Reviews!

Posted: Wed Dec 17, 2008 2:42 pm
by Celestialwolf
As one of the few guys who's read the books (yes, I admit it; though it was mostly for the werewolves), I didn't think it was too bad, actually. Maybe I'm just weird. Stephanie Meyer did graduate from Brigham Young University (I plan on getting my bachelors there) and is a member of the same church I am, so that could be what piqued my interest as well.

I want to see the next one (whenever it comes out) to see how they portray werewolves...

Re: Twilight the Movie-Your Reviews!

Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2009 6:46 pm
by Silveera-Ice
Maybe im the only one her, but I kinda liked the film. It is what I would class as a typical teen film. I have never read the books, but the "Sparkling" idea was interesting... if not slightly sad, :lol: When the film started with the deer being chased, I thought, hang on a sec, this is about werewolves!? But no....

Re: Twilight the Movie-Your Reviews!

Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2009 7:31 pm
by MoonKit
So can we like all get together and buy Matt a movie ticket to see this? I think the response of him seeing this movie would be just too funny to pass up.

Re: Twilight the Movie-Your Reviews!

Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2009 12:07 am
by kayanat
When is the next Twilight movie coming out? I love Twilight, i have all the books(read them a few 100 times. LOL!) and now i have the new movie twilight. But will they start shooting the next one? and when will it be out in theatres? thanks guys!!

Re: Twilight the Movie-Your Reviews!

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2009 6:13 pm
by Fenrir Wolf
I thought it was terrible. The romance was incredibly superficial and happened way too quickly, the vampires were stupid, and anyone who's read the books, isn't in the "OMGTWILIGHTISTHEBESTTHINGEVER" bandwagon, and actually knows anything about literature, will tell you that the main werewolf character, Jacob, is a total pedophile, but that seems to be part of werewolf nature in the Twiverse. Imprinting on babies the way the werewolves do is just another form of arrange marriage. The whole series is disgusting, because none of the negative things that happen in are acknowledged, things which totally go against the idea of "perfect romance." Edward being an abusive, manipulative prick certainly don't help, but neither does Bella's acceptance of it.

Re: Twilight the Movie-Your Reviews!

Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2009 10:18 am
by Terastas
Something telling, I think, was seeing the tool that plays Jacob being interviewed by a woman from Access Hollywood. When she asked him about what to expect from the sequel, he pretty much just hung his head down and muttered: "You don't need to see it."

Either this is the dumbest cast ever assembled, or even the people in the movies think they are tween-driven crap.

Right now I'm guessing both, because Robert Pattinson is definitely missing a few brain cells. Two more telling moments:
1) On the Tonight Show, Pattinson admitted freely in front of Jay Leno and Heidi Klum that he didn't shower that morning.
2) When they won the MTV award (another rant entirely) for best kiss, the girl that plays Bella shied away from a recreation (evidently Pattinson is so repulsive she won't kiss him without being payed).

That neither Matt nor Anthony have found a distributor for their movies while this P.O.C. movie with a P.O.C. cast continues to rake in millions is nothing short of an abomination. It's not the end of civilization, but you can see it coming from here.

Re: Twilight the Movie-Your Reviews!

Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2009 12:06 pm
by Berserker
Terastas wrote:Something telling, I think, was seeing the tool that plays Jacob being interviewed by a woman from Access Hollywood. When she asked him about what to expect from the sequel, he pretty much just hung his head down and muttered: "You don't need to see it."
Why is he a tool? Seemed like a pretty normal person to me.
the girl that plays Bella shied away from a recreation (evidently Pattinson is so repulsive she won't kiss him without being payed).
It could be that Pattinson's not her boyfriend.
That neither Matt nor Anthony have found a distributor for their movies while this P.O.C. movie with a P.O.C. cast continues to rake in millions is nothing short of an abomination. It's not the end of civilization, but you can see it coming from here.
Who says Matt and Anthony's scripts wouldn't end up being P.O.C. movies with P.O.C. casts? Script writers see their stuff get turned into garbage quite often.

Re: Twilight the Movie-Your Reviews!

Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2009 12:58 am
by MattSullivan
Yes, you never know what will be a hit or miss. That's what Twilight has going for it. It's a surefire hit. I can only hope my script gets made and achieves the same kinds of success.

Thanks for the vote of confidence bro :}

Re: Twilight the Movie-Your Reviews!

Posted: Tue Jun 09, 2009 12:35 pm
by Uniform Two Six
New Moon trailer is out now on the Stephanie Meyer website There's a shot of Jacob Black shifting into a werewolf. The transformation is sort of lame (although in keeping with the book), but the wolf form is extraordinary. The shift scene can be found here: http://poisonedcandyapplex3.deviantart. ... -125051113. I actually can't wait to see this thing just to see the Quilleute Pack. They must've gotten Industrial Light and Magic to do it or something.

Re: Twilight the Movie-Your Reviews!

Posted: Tue Jun 09, 2009 4:23 pm
by Terastas
*clicks the link and blows chunks (just like John Belushi's zit impression)*

Good god, it looks like one of the werewolves from Buffy the Vampire Slayer on the CW. :P

Hey, wait. . . That's exactly what Twilight is! It's a crappy CW vampire-themed teen drama on the big screen!

Re: Twilight the Movie-Your Reviews!

Posted: Tue Jun 09, 2009 4:29 pm
by Uniform Two Six
You've got to be kidding me. That wolf looks awesome. Wow. I must be really out there or something. :?

Re: Twilight the Movie-Your Reviews!

Posted: Tue Jun 09, 2009 5:36 pm
by Berserker
Terastas has been spray painting in an unventilated area, just give him some time.

The wolf is pretty good.

Re: Twilight the Movie-Your Reviews!

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2009 8:15 am
by Terastas
Umm. . . No. It really isn't. The transformation itself is only three frames long, and the graphics I would say are on par with a PS2 title. That and the fact that the wolf at first looks more like a brown husky puppy, then it hits the ground and seems to miraculously sprout fangs and those stupid mung chops they used to give cartoon wolves in cartoons to make them look more sinister. And I'd swear the very last two frames make it look like the head is detached from the body and moving completely separate from the rest of it.

If you're wondering how I saw all this, I right-clicked, save-as'd and watched the damn thing with Quicktime. You can watch the whole thing frame for frame by dragging the playbar back and forth instead of just hitting play since the whole thing is only one second long and see what I mean. You can actually pinpoint the frame where the animators finally gave him fangs.

I'm sorry, but it looks like something out of a Sci-Fi Channel original. Even Nightwolf's transformation in Mortal Kombat: Annihilation looked more convincing than that.

Re: Twilight the Movie-Your Reviews!

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2009 1:45 pm
by Uniform Two Six
Yes, I would admit that the transformation itself was less than fulfilling, but you have to remember that they're (supposedly) trying to follow the book. In the scene when Bella meets the rest of the pack, Paul gets pissed off because she's in tight with a vampire (and they hate the vamps), and he trys to kill her. Jacob shifts to protect her, and the transformations are described exactly that way. Almost instantaneous. I was referring to the wolf itself. I'm thrilled that they finally have a werewolf that actually looks like a wolf (as opposed to the were-pigs or whatever they are in Underworld).

Re: Twilight the Movie-Your Reviews!

Posted: Sat Jun 13, 2009 2:41 am
by AladasianTheMeerkat
I said it once in mIRC, and i'll say it again here:

Re: Twilight the Movie-Your Reviews!

Posted: Sat Jun 13, 2009 8:00 am
by Terastas
AladasianTheMeerkat wrote:I said it once in mIRC, and i'll say it again here:
:lol: In mid-leap it sure as hell does.

I think the developers have realized that it doesn't matter how crappy the Twilight movies are since 99.9% of the revenue is going to be from psycho lovestruck tweens that would watch it even if they used sock puppets for the werewolves.

And frankly, I wish they would do that; then it would be mildly entertaining. Usually it's irritating when filmmakers stray so far from the original, but in this case, I think watching a movie make a mockery of the book would be absolutely hilarious. :grinp:

Re: Twilight the Movie-Your Reviews!

Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2009 1:19 pm
by Wingman
Terastas, let me introduce you to Edwood Sullen, Jakob Blaq, and the rest of the cast of Potato Moon. ... d-her-dad/

Re: Twilight the Movie-Your Reviews!

Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2009 1:16 pm
by Rosiewolf
Terastas wrote:*clicks the link and blows chunks (just like John Belushi's zit impression)*

Good god, it looks like one of the werewolves from Buffy the Vampire Slayer on the CW. :P

Hey, wait. . . That's exactly what Twilight is! It's a crappy CW vampire-themed teen drama on the big screen!

I think the CW is actually coming out with a crappy vampire themed teen drama called "The Vampire Diaries," Terastas. Either that or I saw it on another channel, but it doesn't matter. Now that everyone is obssessed about the Twilight series, there is no end to all the cheesy vampire novels. (Has anyone seen the Teen section of Borders, that's all there is!). No one ever wants to make a good werewolf TV show that won't get cancelled. (If it was given more time, Wolf Lake could have been better and sorted everything out if they weren't cancelled).

Okay, rant over with. I'm back on topic.

I never really cared a whole lot for the Twilight series. The plots in the books seemed similar to each other and it--to me--just seemed like everyone was making a big deal of such a small thing. This, of course, is just my opinion.

Re: Twilight the Movie-Your Reviews!

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2009 3:03 am
by AladasianTheMeerkat
Terastas wrote:...even if they used sock puppets for the werewolves.
The Funday Werewolf Show, perhaps? :lol:

And oh lord, you can only imagine the werewolf-related slash that will eventually pop up from said cross-legged, lovesick tweens.

Re: Twilight the Movie-Your Reviews!

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2009 3:28 am
by Wingman
Okay class, time for Twilight Remixed.

Buffy vs Edward, a transformative work with scenes from Buffy The Vampire Slayer and Twilight.

I mean wow, this is absolutely fantastic. Some of those clips go so well together, especially the night ones. She really picks him apart.