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how deep is your obsession

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2005 11:54 pm
by Anubis
i have a deep obession with werewolves. i howl when nobody is looking i walk on my tippy toes. i feel primal in cemitarys, i stare at the moon for hours. i don't shave and i'm known to show my teeth and some times growl when i'm pissed. and i feel home in the woods. also when i'm bored i try to transform.

either i'm a werewolf or i need a girl friend realy realy bad!!! and i hpoe it the first one :)

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2005 12:21 am
by Vilkacis
*shakes his magic 8-ball*


Sorry, dude. I have no clue.

-- Vilkacis

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2005 12:29 am
by Lupin
You're the only one that can answer that. Just remember: If you're afraid your grandmother will get stolen, stick an alarm up her dress and chain her to the fence!

This has been more vital information for your everyday life.

Re: how deep does it go.

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2005 1:25 am
by Vuldari
wolf marine wrote:i have a deep obession with werewolves. i howl when nobody is looking i walk on my tippy toes. i feel primal in cemitarys, i stare at the moon for hours. i don't shave and i'm known to show my teeth and some times growl when i'm pissed. and i feel home in the woods.
...hmmm...except for the cemetary part, I can sympathise with everything you said.

In other word's...if you are nuts, you're not the only one. Image
wolf marine wrote: ...either i'm a werewolf or I need a girl friend realy realy bad...
I serioulsly doubt you're a Werewolf. ...I have no further comments...

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2005 2:26 am
by Figarou
edit...changed the title of this thread.

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2005 3:42 am
by Vuldari
Figarou wrote:edit...changed the title of this thread.
Okay..."How deep is my obsession?".

First of all, I really don't have any perticular "obsession" about WEREWOLVES specifically, or even a significant interest in WOLVES, moreso than any other interesting animals.

However...I DO have a definate "obsession" with the concept of transformation and an insistance that Humans are just as much "Animal" as other creatures (but could afford to be more accepting of that fact). Werewolves just happen to be the most commonly known fictional/mythological shapeshifters. ...with the added bonus of being a contractable state of being. (In other words...according to the popular mythology, it is posible for a NORMAL person, like myself, to become a shapeshifter.)

I think about transforming into anaother form every day of my life, and often dwell upon thoughts about living as something "ferral".

This inspires me to do some "strange" things from time to time, such as trying move my body like another animal (walking on toes...and/or all fours, slinking, trotting, swinging like a monkey, swimming like a frog or a fish, etc.), or having an unnatural facination with the visible presence of a full moon in the sky (because of the "traditional" connection with Werewolves...well...a fairly recent tradition anyway, created by Hollywood and Science Ficton), as well as an odd habit of staring at, and flexing my hand...imagining that it is, or is becoming, somthing distinctly different.

I have howled at the moon more than a few times over the years, but recently it seems to have lost it's value to me , and have not felt any desire to do so for months, or recieved any real sense of satisfaction out of it anymore when I do "for old times sake". Even walking through dark woods under the light of a full moon (something I do any chance I get) doesn't mean the same thing to me as it used to. I suppose it is just the effect of the inevitable dissalusionment of experiencing soo many full moons and nothing ever coming of it. (...what was I expecting anyway?)
I too will often "Growl" when I am angry...but only when I'm sure no one can hear me. In the presence of others, I usually mantain an almost impressive stance of calm, kind if nothing at all phases me. ...which is, of course, a lie I present to the world, and to myself...

I have two reasons for why I don't bother to shave, (most of the time).'s just natural. My biology says I have hair on my face, and I like how it looks there (I feel "fuzzy"... Image), so I see no reason to cut it off, and TWO...shaving is a terrible bother, and I'm lazy, so Not-shaving is just easier.

If I spend more than 15 minutes anywhere I instantly begin to feel like I am "at home". HOME to me is just what is "familiar". However, wooded arias, (especially thick, shadowy ones which are almost "dark" even in broad daylight...very old and full of life), are definaely perticualrly welcoming to me. There are many places I feel that I am a stanger and unwolcome, but I allways feel welcome and comfortable under a canopy of trees, or on the shore of a lake...even if those trees are on someone elses private property. (I got in trouble for tresspassing alot as a young child, before I fully grasped the concept of "borders". I liked to lounge in, and under other peoples trees.)

Exatly WHAT I am "obsessing" about has gradually changed and evolved over the years, and will contunue to do so, without a doubt, but whatever my obsession is, its DEEP. ...really, Really Deep.

Yup...I'm Nuts...

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2005 4:18 am
by Figarou
How deep is my obsession? Not as deep as home theater!!! :D

I like werewolves. But werewolves don't run my life. Its only there for entertainment purposes only. I like to watch werewolf films, collect a few werewolf items, look at werewolf art, and enjoy the company of other werewolf fans. Thats it.

I don't howl at the moon, growl, stand on my toes, nothing thats werewolf related.

nuff said. :roll:

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2005 4:41 am
by Aki
Pretty deep.

I'll growl, star at the moon, howl at it if no one can hear (Though it sounds rather bad :lol: ), walk on toes, etc. I've also gotten called a 'girl' or 'cat' on multiple occaisons because i rarely clip my nails, but this is for two reasons 1) Nails are useful, help peal of stickers or open things, oh, and theres clawing stuff. hehe. 2) They grow fast and i'm lazy as hell. Because, you know, its girly and catlike to be a lazy bum who can't be bothered to cut his nails and puts them to use. :P

I like Wolves alot, so thats transfered to werewolves, not to mention shapeshifters in general. Because shapeshifting is just plain cool... 8)


Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2005 4:44 am
by Figarou
Aki wrote:

Hmmm...I was wondering....are those size "D" :jester2:

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2005 4:57 am
by Lupin
I don't howl at the moon, I only stand on my toes when I'm in the pool, but I do growl when I'm annoyed at something. A lot of other people do that though.

Edit: I do have a fascination with the moon, though. I'll go out during a full moon to take pictures, and get distracted looking at it.

And this image is really cool

Figarou wrote:
Aki wrote:

Hmmm...I was wondering....are those size "D" :jester2:
Well it was based on this ... ianmax.jpg
I just figured the ears would make it stand up a bit more.

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2005 5:26 am
by Vuldari
Figarou wrote:How deep is my obsession? Not as deep as home theater!!! :D
...well...really...My biggest obsession would have to be VideoGames. ...all that other stuff is just what my mind does when it is left idle. Image (Vuldari's mind, when left to idle, can become a very scary and dangerous thing.)

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2005 5:34 am
by Figarou
Vuldari wrote:
Figarou wrote:How deep is my obsession? Not as deep as home theater!!! :D
...well...really...My biggest obsession would have to be VideoGames. ...all that other stuff is just what my mind does when it is left idle. Image (Vuldari's mind, when left to idle, can become a very scary and dangerous thing.) don't want to be idling to long. Carbon deposits can build up. :D

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2005 5:50 am
by Lupin
Figarou wrote:
Vuldari wrote:
Figarou wrote:How deep is my obsession? Not as deep as home theater!!! :D
...well...really...My biggest obsession would have to be VideoGames. ...all that other stuff is just what my mind does when it is left idle. Image (Vuldari's mind, when left to idle, can become a very scary and dangerous thing.) don't want to be idling to long. Carbon deposits can build up. :D
But carbon is nature's lincoln logs. And not the tiny ones, the big ones that you build cool stuff with.

And as for my bigesst obsession, I'd have to say it's computers just by the number of green, blinking, lights I can see in the dark right now, followed by photograpy. I own like four different camerars. Real overkill.

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2005 8:44 am
by Scott Gardener
Yes, the werewolves are in my head, too. It started with a daydream after seeing Teen Wolf, and it so far has lead to a stack of short stories, two unpublished novels, numerous drawings, numerous BBS posts, and now, through The Pack and all of you, I can now officially say I've influenced the making of a werewolf movie.

I've refused to shave the bridge of hairs between my eyebrows, and I've walked many a mile on digitigrade stance. Lately, I've climbed stairs on all fours, and I howl at rock concerts and other events. I've actually watched turkey movies like Darkwolf, knowing in advance they were not the next Emmy, just because they were werewolf-themed. I've even eaten raw lamb once.

Oh, and if you're really obsessed, aconite and belladonna are both available as homeopathic remedies for fever. They're heavily diluted, so they're more or less safe as long as you don't go over the recommended amounts. I would not recommend taking them willie-nilly, however, if there's nothing wrong with you.

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2005 8:58 am
by Kzinistzerg
:lol: i like werewolves, but it's more of the i-like-being-out-in-nature than a i wanna be a wolfie!

Re: how deep is your obsession

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2005 12:56 pm
by outwarddoodles
wolf marine wrote:i have a deep obession with werewolves. i howl when nobody is looking i walk on my tippy toes. i feel primal in cemitarys, i stare at the moon for hours. i don't shave and i'm known to show my teeth and some times growl when i'm pissed. and i feel home in the woods. also when i'm bored i try to transform.

either i'm a werewolf or i need a girl friend realy realy bad!!! and i hpoe it the first one :)
I don't know about howling but I myself walk on my tippy toes around just sometimes. I don't know why in the world you feel primal in cemitaries, I call that creepy. I bare teeth often when surprised, but I don't put that and tippy toes along with my fandom for werewolves. I love the woods. And I don't try to transform. And the not shaving is probaly just your laziness or unwillness for self grooming and hygeine. I do think theres a line between a werewolf fan and werewolf obsessed, inwhich I beleive can get unhealthy. Most likely when it comes to the people who all they want to to be a werewolf. I can surely say I'd not want to be a werewolf.

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2005 1:07 pm
by outwarddoodles
I'm a werewolf fan. I don't obsess about them want to be one. Act like them, etc etc. Ofcource I'm a BIG werewolf fan and am interested in anything werewolfie. I'm just posibly more rational on my loves and likes.

When I do walk on my toes its just because I find it comfortible. And whats fun, but havent done in a while, is running on all fours.

The moon, I don't connect the moon to much with a fandom for werwolves. I just really think the moon is pretty and I love the way the moon looks as it is by the path it takes around the earth and by the way the sun shines and we veiw it. Just understanding why it looks like it changes, come out at diferent times, and looks like it is at different places.
...well...really...My biggest obsession would have to be VideoGames. ...all that other stuff is just what my mind does when it is left idle. (Vuldari's mind, when left to idle, can become a very scary and dangerous thing.)
I love flea markets to death but wha we most often get from them is super nitendoe games. Which is what my brothers are obsessed with and I do really like. Especially Street Fighter and Mega Man games. We love other consels but our NES and super Nitendo rock.

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2005 1:13 pm
by Hamster
I'm not THAT bad.

I could sit and stare at hours of werewolf art (One, because I love em' and two, I learn from them). I can also watch the best werewolf movies in a row and I'm itching to watch my "The Howling" video again but my VHS and DVD player is broken so I have been watching DVD's on my PS2.

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2005 1:24 pm
by Teh_DarkJokerWolf
I myself do not believe you are nuts for the simple fact that my obession is quite similar to yours.. For the first part of my passion for werewolves is strong and I really love to draw them and collect werewolf items and many werewolf movies..I howl often and I've been doing that since this all started. My sister tells me my howl sound very realistic and to me it does too, but I am not trying to brag about this by no means, but I really love werewolves and I believe I always will :D I am even in progress with several werewolf movie script ideas and several werewolf novel ideas and my plan is to just make movies and books all about werewolves and hopefully it takes me somewhere :D Who knows?

SabreWolf aka Sabre aka WereWolf Queen aka WereWolfQueen_84 :D

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2005 2:11 pm
by Shadow Wulf
i always wanted a werewolf as my girlfriend, and always staying in werewolf form, even when she goes to bed..........Yes, i find werewolf's to be rather sexy. ok see i let the whole thing out, you people are the first ive ever told about my obsession, :oops:

you guys probaly, think im sick now :dunce:

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2005 2:19 pm
by outwarddoodles
I just find that quite weird and little bit of too much information on the bed part.

But eh, Van Helsing Werewolf: lck

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2005 2:25 pm
by Figarou
outwarddoodles wrote:I just find that quite weird and little bit of too much information on the bed part.

But eh, Van Helsing Werewolf: lck
Lots of women find the Van Helsing werewolf to be SEXY.

Goldenwolf thinks so. ... =5244#5244

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2005 2:25 pm
by Shadow Wulf
you want me to delete that part then

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2005 2:30 pm
by Shadow Wulf
oh and how do you get that van helsing scene to be on here. how did you get it period

Re: how deep is your obsession

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2005 3:43 pm
by Tovam
I like to walk digitigraded (altough it's hard to take larger steps that way :( )
I also love the serenity of forests and cemetaries, and I stare at the moon for the same reason
And the growling, snarling, howling, ... well, some things can better be left unsaid :P
wolf marine wrote: either i'm a werewolf or i need a girl friend realy realy bad!!! and i hpoe it the first one :)
Hey, I recognize that attitude! :o
Shadow Wulf wrote:i always wanted a werewolf as my girlfriend, and always staying in werewolf form, even when she goes to bed,..........Yes, i find werewolf's to be rather sexy.
And I won't even try to deny this :lol: