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A formal introduction...

Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2009 10:00 pm
by White_Wolf
Hello all, I'm new here but haven't taken the time to properly introduce myself....

I'm White_Wolf, a 32 year old married, mother of two. I'm a writer by profession and am in the works of having a manuscript published. I've always been interested in the paranormal, i.e. vampires, werewolves, shape-shifters, faeries, knomes, wizards, sorcerers...etc., you get the picture!

I live in the backwoods of Louisiana, and am very hesitant about leaving my place of solitude in lieu of going into the city. I feel suffocated by all the "busy-ness" of big town life and would love it if I could stay at home in my woods forever. I love the outdoors and can usually be found in my flower garden pulling weeds or teasing new plants into blossoming.

:wink: I do go through a change each month, but it can be contributed to PMS cause there is absolutely no fur involved, well...unless I forget to shave my legs...So...*big breath for focus* I look forward to meeting more of you and am ready for the rubber duck pelting now....

Re: A formal introduction...

Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2009 10:56 pm
by Berserker
Welcome! What is your favorite werewolf story?

Re: A formal introduction...

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2009 2:36 am
by Wingman
Hahaha, the one person who comes prepared for the duckies, and there are none to be found.


I've actually never seen it spelled "knomes", is that some specific variant of "gnomes"?

Re: A formal introduction...

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2009 7:35 am
by Gevaudan
Are you sure you're ready? You might want to prepare yourself...

:ducktoss3: :ducktoss3: :ducktoss3: :ducktoss3: :ducktoss3: :ducktoss3:
:ducktoss3: :ducktoss3: :ducktoss3: :ducktoss3: :ducktoss3: :ducktoss3:
:ducktoss3: :ducktoss3: :ducktoss3: :ducktoss3: :ducktoss3: :ducktoss3:
:ducktoss3: :ducktoss3: :ducktoss3: :ducktoss3: :ducktoss3: :ducktoss3:
:ducktoss3: :ducktoss3: :ducktoss3: :ducktoss3: :ducktoss3: :ducktoss3:
:ducktoss3: :ducktoss3: :ducktoss3: :ducktoss3: :ducktoss3: :ducktoss3:

Re: A formal introduction...

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2009 10:14 am
by Noir-Okami
Gevaudan wrote:Are you sure you're ready? You might want to prepare yourself...

:ducktoss3: :ducktoss3: :ducktoss3: :ducktoss3: :ducktoss3: :ducktoss3:
:ducktoss3: :ducktoss3: :ducktoss3: :ducktoss3: :ducktoss3: :ducktoss3:
:ducktoss3: :ducktoss3: :ducktoss3: :ducktoss3: :ducktoss3: :ducktoss3:
:ducktoss3: :ducktoss3: :ducktoss3: :ducktoss3: :ducktoss3: :ducktoss3:
:ducktoss3: :ducktoss3: :ducktoss3: :ducktoss3: :ducktoss3: :ducktoss3:
:ducktoss3: :ducktoss3: :ducktoss3: :ducktoss3: :ducktoss3: :ducktoss3:
Welcome. :D

And, Gevaudan brought the duckies. :D :duckieinmouth:

Re: A formal introduction...

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2009 5:26 pm
by RodolfoGurenaito
Holy frag-nades! Here, with that much incoming, you'll need these. *gives Spartan Helmet and Shield*

Re: A formal introduction...

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2009 10:14 pm
by White_Wolf
Thank you Berserker.

Yes, "knomes" is spelled "gnomes", I will blame that typo on the fact that my children are driving me insane!

*Grabs spartan helmet and shield and runs for cover* Thanks bud!

So, am I all initiated? Lol, my favorite werewolf story is one about the Land Baron's wife. She attacked a hunter one night and ended up losing a paw. The hunter took his "trophy" to show the Baron, only when he pulled it from his napsack, it was a female hand instead. The Baron recognized the ring as that of his wife's. When she was questioned, she had wrapped her hand in binding cloth and ended up confessing.

I mean, if it had me...I'd just eaten them all and spent my hubby's money! Lol... :lol:

Re: A formal introduction...

Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2009 4:39 am
by Wselfwulf
I once started reading this one where some archetypically overdramatic female lead character asks a werewolf to assasinate her. It was a soppy romance in the end I think, I, uh, never finished it.

Re: A formal introduction...

Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2009 7:11 am
by RodolfoGurenaito
As far as I can tell, you're in the clear. Keep the Duckie protective gear handy though. I know I do.

Re: A formal introduction...

Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2009 2:16 pm
by Xiroteus
Welcome to the forums. :)

Re: A formal introduction...

Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2009 11:02 pm
by White_Wolf
Thank you all for the warm welcome and the rubber duck battering *rubs sore rump and whines* I'll keep my protective gear handy just in case anyone else gets a wild hair. Can I have a rubber duck now?

Re: A formal introduction...

Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2009 12:03 am
by Lone&Obsolete
Wow that story sound fascinating thank you for the new material i must hunt down and read for myself. Welcome welcome.
I know what you mean about the city. I get agitated with loud people and much rather be running in the woods around my house. Hope to see ya around. give me a hwlwnk I have a starting story thread in the creative writing thread. Hope you like it if you ever get around to reading it. you dont have to...
See ya around hwlwnk

Re: A formal introduction...

Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2009 7:05 pm
by White_Wolf
Lone&Obsolete wrote:Wow that story sound fascinating thank you for the new material i must hunt down and read for myself. Welcome welcome.
I know what you mean about the city. I get agitated with loud people and much rather be running in the woods around my house. Hope to see ya around. give me a hwlwnk I have a starting story thread in the creative writing thread. Hope you like it if you ever get around to reading it. you dont have to...
See ya around hwlwnk
Thank you for the warm welcome! You must know that the number one requirement for anyone who wants to write is a passion for reading! I would love to read your stuff! I'll lope on over there and take a look as soon as I get this posted. I look forward to chatting with you more! :wetwolf4:

Re: A formal introduction...

Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2009 7:05 pm
by John Wolf
I hope your here to stay and enjoy your time here. :D

Re: A formal introduction...

Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2009 9:19 pm
by fenrisz
welcome and how could some one not love to read is my question

Re: A formal introduction...

Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2009 9:36 pm
by Wolf Gal
welcome White_Wolf.
i am just wondering wats ur fav coloured werewolf???

Re: A formal introduction...

Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2009 10:40 pm
by Cyberwatt
Hello, White_Wolf! Nice to meet a fellow writer. I think you'll find plenty to like here. Do check out the Creative Writing and Art sections if you haven't already. There's some wonderful talent to be found. Hopefully, you'll be able to grace us with your own contributions soon! :D


Re: A formal introduction...

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 3:06 pm
by Malignant-Librarian
:femshft Welcome to the pack, girlie!