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DE-Evolution vs. Evolution

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2005 12:50 pm
by Wynd
Ok, had to bring up this subject because it's been on my mind for a while, and my mate and I discussed it a while back. ( and yes, I can officially say mate now...he proposed this Sunday...whee! :D )

So, the term therian has been brought up a few times on this site and others...Theiranthropy being the condition of sharing one's soul w/ a specific animal, if I am understanding it correctly? Well to take the idea of werewolves and other were-beings in a slightly different direction...what if they're more real than we think, just not quite Interesting idea, no? as we think of them?

For example, shamans from many different cultures would undergo meditations to become 'one' with a given animal's spirit. Certian cultures adopt bestial or animalistic tendencies...what if this is in fact a sort of evolution for humanity? Granted, most folks would look at becoming more animal as a bad thing, but if you think about it, animals don't require many of the things man does simply to survive. What if humanity ( or at least some of them ) are evolving towards a more instinct driven species? After all, according to Darwin we started as apes. * with the pointy teeth, claws, and tails all that entails* Even if you tend to believe we were more humanoid apes, our canince teeth and nails are leftovers from a time when man needed these to survive, and was more primal.

The reason I bring this up is because after doing a bit of reading a while back, my mate and I realized that there is a culture that believes the 'world will end' in 2000-something. (sorry, don't have the info right here in front of me ) But if you look at the Mayan ( or is it Aztec ) calendar, they break things down into "ages". So when they say the "world" will end, they mean this world...the current one. Not that the planet will blow up or anything, but that it will begin the dawn of a new age. If I remember correctly, their calendar also goes backwards...not forwards. So it's as if they were counting down to something.

Now look around today. People are popping up all over saying they're werewolves, theirans, shifters, whatever. I'm not saying they're wrong...but isn't it possible that they are among those thos are in fact "De-evolving" into a more primal, better adapted to survival state? Children who are the beginning of a move back to living with the earth, not just on her??? Isn't it possible that this is not simply a spiritual thing, but an actual physical change as well?

Do I think these people can actually shift into a 10 foot tall, hairy creature? No. Do I think that perhaps there is something in their genetic makeup that sets them apart from averege people? Maybe. And I hate to bring the X-Men movies into play here, but they make a point. Evolution keeps on going...constantly changing species to better fit / survive in their environment. Maybe mother nature realized how screwed the human species is, and is trying to effect a change.

Don't believe the world's going to heck? Take a peek at the news some time. Weird $hit happening all over, and yeah, some of that is buisness as usual. But what about the truely wierd stuff. There sure have been a lot of animal attack in the past few years, haven't there? Including animals previously OK with humans. ( Roy with his tiger, the dude that watched wild bears, the sharks massing in florida...the list goes on )

Am I totally nuts? Mebbe. :lol:
But I know what I've been seeing the past few years, and it'd kinda made me think. If nothing else, it's interesting, no?

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2005 12:58 pm
by Wolfhanyou
I believe it was the Mayan calender... or Inca. Wait... did the Inca even have a calender? :?

Anyway, I heard that the world was supposed to end in 2021. I suppose it could be possiable that some members of the human species are de-evolving because of something nature has in store. But... I dunno. I'm a kid, I can't really hold up an argument of this sort of stuff. But I can comment and hsow my views. :D

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2005 1:04 pm
by Wynd
:D *grin* That's what the forum's for, hon! All views and opinions welcome, I'm just curious what other people think.

Hrm...dunno. My history isn't that great...did the Incans have a calendar?

*looks around* Anyone a history major? Anyone? Anyone?
Bueler? Beuler? :lol:

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2005 1:12 pm
by Silverclaw
Interesting...makes ya think :D

Oh, and I hear that the world should end in 2012. Thats were the Aztec/Incan/whatever calander ended. And something about a new Incan god appers during that year as well. I forget the details now

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2005 1:16 pm
by Wolfhanyou
the Mayan calender predicts the end of the world
Submitted by maleorange on Sat, 05/21/2005 - 21:42. | Report a problem (See the rules) Friendly Talkzone

in 2012. But for the last 30 years some group or individual has predicted the end of the world every month. The jehovahs Witnesses did in the 60s or 70s according to there mathmatical precision based on the bible. Frpm 1990 to the year 2000 so many groups and individuals predicted the end of the world, more than at any time in history and they often told us the exact day and they all woke up the next day thinking what will i see when i look out the window, and yes they saw cars going along and people walking thier dogs and they thought but today is meant to be the end of the world. Anyone thinking about the end of the world after all those predictions think again
Huh. It is 2012. Got my facts mixed up. :oops:

got it from here: Heh. Some of the comments are pretty funny.

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2005 1:25 pm
by Figarou
hmmmm....end of the world? As in kaboom!! Gone? go bye bye? Or end of all life on this planet?

One can not predict the end of all life. But we are at the point where we can end it ourselves. (Nuclear warfare)

Even so, there will be survivors and life starts all over. If the world blows up, thats a different story.

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2005 1:28 pm
by Wolfhanyou
Figarou wrote:hmmmm....end of the world? As in kaboom!! Gone? go bye bye? Or end of all life on this planet?

One can not predict the end of all life. But we are at the point where we can end it ourselves. (Nuclear warfare)

Even so, there will be survivors and life starts all over. If the world blows up, thats a different story.
Like in "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galexy?" :lol:

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2005 1:29 pm
by Figarou
Wolfhanyou wrote:
Figarou wrote:hmmmm....end of the world? As in kaboom!! Gone? go bye bye? Or end of all life on this planet?

One can not predict the end of all life. But we are at the point where we can end it ourselves. (Nuclear warfare)

Even so, there will be survivors and life starts all over. If the world blows up, thats a different story.
Like in "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galexy?" :lol:

you got it.

have duckie, will throw. :duckie

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2005 1:31 pm
by Wolfhanyou
W00t. *throws ducky at some random passerby-er :Duckietoss:

Re: DE-Evolution vs. Evolution

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2005 2:09 pm
by Vilkacis
Wynd wrote:( and yes, I can officially say mate now...he proposed this Sunday...whee! :D )
Congrats :D
Wynd wrote:<snip>
To tell the truth, I find it somewhat disturbing to hear evolution talked about as if it were some sort of entity, or something that just happens without cause. The changing of a species over time is purely mechanical, and the mechanism is by-and-large usually natural selection. Species do not 'de-evolve' unless the features they have evolved compromise their survival or make them unattractive to the opposite sex, or for some other equally plausible reason. It's not something that happens spontaneously, or by the will of 'mother nature' because she sees disaster in our future.

Why are we seeing so many people who think they are animals, weres, therians, and the like?

Because humans have the ability to appreciate, love, desire and emulate that which they like.
Because these people are not significantly more likely to die than anyone else.
Because these features do not make them any less attractive or less able to reproduce.
Because this kind of thing is easily hidden.
Because this kind of thing won't ruin your life.
Because humanity is thriving and humanity is more accepting of difference than ever before.

And finally, because we are now able to communicate broadly and find acceptance and form groups with people all around the world. In other words, you just hear about it more because you have found your way into one or more of these groups. Do you think most people have even heard of a 'therian'? Is it really any more common now than it ever was? If so, its growth is much more likely due to advanced communication than some nebulous force of 'de-evolution.'

Some minor points:
Wynd wrote:but if you think about it, animals don't require many of the things man does simply to survive.
I have to disagree. Man is much more fit to survive. Man doesn't need any more than an animal to survive, but man can use more in order to make survival easy. And we have, and we do, and we survive well. We live longer and we die less.
Wynd wrote:The reason I bring this up is because after doing a bit of reading a while back, my mate and I realized that there is a culture that believes the 'world will end' in 2000-something. (sorry, don't have the info right here in front of me ) But if you look at the Mayan ( or is it Aztec ) calendar, they break things down into "ages". So when they say the "world" will end, they mean this world...the current one. Not that the planet will blow up or anything, but that it will begin the dawn of a new age. If I remember correctly, their calendar also goes backwards...not forwards. So it's as if they were counting down to something.
Silverclaw wrote:Oh, and I hear that the world should end in 2012. Thats were the Aztec/Incan/whatever calander ended. And something about a new Incan god appers during that year as well. I forget the details now
We had and still have the same thing in our culture. Before it was called it the Y2K bug, and now there's the 2038 problem. It's not unusual for a culture, especially one where superstition is common, to surround a special occurence with supernatural or uncommon meaning.
Figarou wrote:Even so, there will be survivors and life starts all over.
Figarou brings up a good point. Even if the human race is screwed, we will eventually hit some sort of equilibrium, or we will die, possibly taking the world with us. I don't see de-evolution as a significant factor in this.

-- Vilkacis

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2005 3:06 pm
by Aki

If the world ends, at least i'll be able to say i got to die in the Apocalypse...

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2005 3:11 pm
by Wynd
:D Vilkacis, thanks! *happy in-love Wynd*:lovestruck:

Well to respond...I didn't mean that evolution was a sentient thing, although I personally do believe that the Earth itself is a living, breathing entity and should be respected and cared for. ( if you want to call it deify-ing, whatever ) But that's neither here nor there, and my momma always said to never talk w/ friends about politics or religion, so...

I will mention that when I said de-evolving, I meant it as what I imagined most people's view to be...when in fact I think it could be an evolution towards something better, the next stage, if you will.

I won't argue with the advanced communication enabling people to come in contact with other like minded individuals...heck, we're all posting on the interent, something that in my parent's childhood wasn't even a thought, and on computers much smaller than the room-filling originals from the earlier days of our technology.

( I have to disagree. Man is much more fit to survive. Man doesn't need any more than an animal to survive, but man can use more in order to make survival easy. And we have, and we do, and we survive well. We live longer and we die less. )

Now this I just outright disagree with. Take your average human and your average cat / dog / pick a critter and drop them both off in the wilderness with nothing but their skin / fur/ etc. and in a month's time see who's still alive and kicking. The average human is so completely disconnected to their origins and instincts that most would simply starve for lack of pre-packaged, microwavable food. Not saying I'd do much better, but I enjoy learning about wilderness survival and might be able to make it a bit longer than some. *maybe* :?

Another peeve I have is that without created tools mankind couldn't hunt
and take down any real prey, where as animals have all their weapons built-in. We may be able to do more because of our much-touted brain capacity, but while this has enabled us to make some great advances ( medicine for the sick, etc. ) it just seems like humankind is determined to stay the 'top dog' on the food matter how many species we have to extreminate to do it. Look at what else our ability to do has given diseases that never existed before, weapons of mass-distruction, pollution, and the mass genocide of more species than I can count.

I'm not saying humans all suck, and should all die...I'm just saying that I think we can be something better. The species has such potential to do great things...and we've not even come close to tapping that potential, because most are too busy worrying about their own lives. * and no, I am not entirely guilt-free of this myself and won't lie and say I am*

Yes, many cultures have or surround certian events w/ superstition, but I have long wondered exactlly where these legends, myths, and stories begin. It's been my experience that many times the old wives tales we hear have at least a grain of truth to them. Not saying I believe in "Santa Claws," but...

As to life starting over...yup. Bettin' on that one. After all, humankind has really only been on the planet for an eyeblink in the grand scheme of things...especially when you compare us to dinosaurs. Heck, I figure some disease or another that we create will wipe most or all of humanity out, and then it's some other species turn as king of the hill. My opinion though, is look how much damage we've done to the planet in the realatively little time we've been here, and I wonder when we've going to hit a point where we realize that there's too many kids in the pool. Honestly, how much longer can we continue as a species the way we're going? Consumption of fossil fuels, destruction of the rainforests...treating the earth like it's something we own.

My earlier comments about 'de-evolution' were merely one thought about how humanity might be able to turn things around. Living more simply, and more in tune with our surroundings. Is this fact? Who knows...I'm just tossing up my thoughts for anyone who's interested to read.
* wow...intelligent conversation and debate. y'know, this is actually kind of fun!

Anyway, many thanks for your thoughts and ideas, s'the reason I posted this topic in the first place. There's a lot of neat people on this board, and it's always interesting to hear how other folk's minds work.

Any other thoughts, people? Keep em' coming! hwlwnk

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2005 3:14 pm
by Wynd
Whew! OK, I need a break from serious stuff for a sec, those were my two longests posts since joining this forum. Quick! Someone hit me with a duckie water-balloon!

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2005 3:16 pm
by Figarou
Wynd wrote: Quick! Someone hit me with a duckie water-balloon!

One water filled duckie comming right up!!! :wetwolf4:

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2005 3:22 pm
by Aki
Another peeve I have is that without created tools mankind couldn't hunt
and take down any real prey, where as animals have all their weapons built-in. We may be able to do more because of our much-touted brain capacity, but while this has enabled us to make some great advances ( medicine for the sick, etc. ) it just seems like humankind is determined to stay the 'top dog' on the food matter how many species we have to extreminate to do it. Look at what else our ability to do has given diseases that never existed before, weapons of mass-distruction, pollution, and the mass genocide of more species than I can count.
Thats the price for a powerful brain and thumbs to craft and weild weaponry and such. :P

All the species are determined to satay, or rise in the food chain. Its survivial of the fittest. Because of what we craft, we are the 'fittest'.

Think of it like this, when everything was made, all the other species choose natural weapons and stuff, Humans got crafty and went with thumbs and good brains. Then exploited these...

We cheated and now we're at the top. :D

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2005 3:24 pm
by Figarou
Aki wrote:
Think of it like this, when everything was made, all the other species choose natural weapons and stuff, Humans got crafty and went with thumbs and good brains. Then exploited these...

We cheated and now we're at the top. :D

*thumbs up*

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2005 3:34 pm
by Lupin
Another peeve I have is that without created tools mankind couldn't hunt and take down any real prey, where as animals have all their weapons built-in.
We have our weapon built in, but ours is the ability to make other weapons.
We may be able to do more because of our much-touted brain capacity, but while this has enabled us to make some great advances ( medicine for the sick, etc. ) it just seems like humankind is determined to stay the 'top dog' on the food matter how many species we have to extreminate to do it. Look at what else our ability to do has given diseases that never existed before, weapons of mass-distruction, pollution, and the mass genocide of more species than I can count.
But all species, if given a chance would try remain 'on top' forever. And while our intelligence did do all of this, it also gave us the power to realize that it is happening, and correct the mistakes we've made before.
Aki wrote:We cheated and now we're at the top. :D
It's not cheating if they aren't any rules :wink:

Edit: English works better if I type correctly.

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2005 3:38 pm
by Aki
Lupin wrote:
It's not cheating if they are any rules :wink:
Heh, point taken.

To use Halo for a example, we're like the guys that use the plasma Sword.

It isn't cheating, but it sure as hell isn't very fair. :lol:

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2005 3:39 pm
by Figarou
Lupin wrote:
Aki wrote:We cheated and now we're at the top. :D
It's not cheating if they are any rules :wink:

No rules....but there is laws. :wink:

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2005 3:41 pm
by Wynd
:P Ahh...wet duckie goodness! Erm...wait, lemme rephrase that. :oops:

Meh...I could do without technology. ( says the gal on the WEB board while on her COMPUTER, lol )

Here's hoping we (as a species ) do actually realize what we're doing before it's too late, and not once we've already crapped up the planet entirely beyond saving. *crosses fingers*

I suppose thumbs are a good thing...after all, without them I couldn't work the can opener and my cat would be pissed!

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2005 3:59 pm
by outwarddoodles
Things don't really 'de evolve'. They may become simpleir but they are evolving to become that way. And humans are not the most evolved etheir, just the most evolved towards intellegents.
( and yes, I can officially say mate now...he proposed this Sunday...whee! )
So, the term therian has been brought up a few times on this site and others...Theiranthropy being the condition of sharing one's soul w/ a specific animal, if I am understanding it correctly?
Theres many veiws on therianthropy rather than just say sharing a soul. Some beleive they have an animal soul, some seem to have a spiritual connection, some beleive they are mentaly a therianthrope, and some use all these quantum and meta physics stuff I can hardly understand.
but if you think about it, animals don't require many of the things man does simply to survive.
Not really. We both need food and water to survive.
What if humanity ( or at least some of them ) are evolving towards a more instinct driven species?
To me instint's are quite a complicated thing. I think that as we are born we are instintive to eat, and ofcource for mammels we suckle. And to drink and praticaly survive. Lets say a cougar, a cougar may be born and instintively know to kill in order to eat, but they do not know HOW to kill. Animals have their own control over their minds, not as instinctive as many may, or seem to want to, beleive.
Now this I just outright disagree with. Take your average human and your average cat / dog / pick a critter and drop them both off in the wilderness with nothing but their skin / fur/ etc. and in a month's time see who's still alive and kicking. The average human is so completely disconnected to their origins and instincts that most would simply starve for lack of pre-packaged, microwavable food. Not saying I'd do much better, but I enjoy learning about wilderness survival and might be able to make it a bit longer than some. *maybe*
Not precisely. Humans do know that one rule all the animals know, the one instinct I know every creature was born with: To Eat. After that its what i say, they don't learn HOW to kill or what to precisly eat. If that cat is like mine and was never taught by his mother to eat, most likely it's living off scraps from someone or something, the average cat I don't think knows how to hunt. Dogs could be the same. Its whether or not at some point they learned how, cougars and wolves are not prepackaged killers that know everything about how to hunt.
Another peeve I have is that without created tools mankind couldn't hunt
and take down any real prey, where as animals have all their weapons built-in.
Our weapon is our brain and using it. A cougar has used it's claws and strenth and thus evolved to its technique, we have changed for our technique and we use tools with our nice built in brain. (and thumbs!)
it just seems like humankind is determined to stay the 'top dog' on the food matter how many species we have to extreminate to do it.
Its called we don't want to be killed or eaten, just like every other animals out there.
I'm not saying humans all suck, and should all die...I'm just saying that I think we can be something better. The species has such potential to do great things...and we've not even come close to tapping that potential, because most are too busy worrying about their own lives. * and no, I am not entirely guilt-free of this myself and won't lie and say I am*
We are doing something amazing! We have the potentials of our brains that we use for all the objects we have around us today! Its amazing!
As to life starting over...yup. Bettin' on that one. After all, humankind has really only been on the planet for an eyeblink in the grand scheme of things...especially when you compare us to dinosaurs. Heck, I figure some disease or another that we create will wipe most or all of humanity out, and then it's some other species turn as king of the hill. My opinion though, is look how much damage we've done to the planet in the realatively little time we've been here, and I wonder when we've going to hit a point where we realize that there's too many kids in the pool. Honestly, how much longer can we continue as a species the way we're going? Consumption of fossil fuels, destruction of the rainforests...treating the earth like it's something we own.
I don't think humans and their capabilities will ever devolve, or the items we have. But I do think that society may one day down grade itself. Its true, sadly enough, just look into the newpaper for once! All the killing and scandals, cheats and lies. We are defeintly going to kill each other before the sun blows up.
My earlier comments about 'de-evolution' were merely one thought about how humanity might be able to turn things around. Living more simply, and more in tune with our surroundings. Is this fact? Who knows...I'm just tossing up my thoughts for anyone who's interested to read.
'In tune with nature' is sort of a weird thing. I am as aware of the computer and TV infrount of me as a tree infrount of a llama. I am 'in tune' with my surronds, which is my living room. But the fact that I am watching the TV and a llama is unlikely to watch a tree, I think I'm more aware of that TV.
* wow...intelligent conversation and debate. y'know, this is actually kind of fun!

Anyway, many thanks for your thoughts and ideas, s'the reason I posted this topic in the first place. There's a lot of neat people on this board, and it's always interesting to hear how other folk's minds work.
Oh I know! I love having conservations and debates. And its one thing about werewolves I like here, the fact we strive with our thoughts to make one realistic. And I love debates of all kinds, whether I screw myself over with my ignorance or put a great word out there.

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2005 4:01 pm
by Figarou
outwarddoodles wrote:
Theres many veiws on therianthropy rather than just say sharing a soul. Some beleive they have an animal soul, some seem to have a spiritual connection, some beleive they are mentaly a therianthrope, and some use all these quantum and meta physics stuff I can hardly understand.

Hmmmm....I wonder if there is any animals out there that thinks it has a human soul?

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2005 4:04 pm
by outwarddoodles
Figarou wrote:
outwarddoodles wrote:
Theres many veiws on therianthropy rather than just say sharing a soul. Some beleive they have an animal soul, some seem to have a spiritual connection, some beleive they are mentaly a therianthrope, and some use all these quantum and meta physics stuff I can hardly understand.

Hmmmm....I wonder if there is any animals out there that thinks it has a human soul?
Feros was way ahead of you! ... thropy.gif

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2005 4:07 pm
by Vilkacis
Wynd wrote:although I personally do believe that the Earth itself is a living, breathing entity and should be respected and cared for.
While I can go for the earth being full of life, and needing to be respected and cared for, calling it sentient is going a bit far for my tastes. Heh.
Wynd wrote:
Vilkacis wrote:I have to disagree. Man is much more fit to survive. Man doesn't need any more than an animal to survive, but man can use more in order to make survival easy. And we have, and we do, and we survive well. We live longer and we die less.
Now this I just outright disagree with. Take your average human and your average cat / dog / pick a critter and drop them both off in the wilderness with nothing but their skin / fur/ etc. and in a month's time see who's still alive and kicking. The average human is so completely disconnected to their origins and instincts that most would simply starve for lack of pre-packaged, microwavable food.
Take your average 'civilized' human, and sure, I'd agree with you there. Through our lives, for better or worse, we've been spoiled by modern convenience. But the same would happen if you took a housecat that was raised entirely indoors as well. Drop them both in the wild, and as like as not neither will last long. Both lack the necessary knowledge to thrive in that environment, but I daresay that unless the human is stupid it has the better chances of surviving long enough to adapt. And what are humans, if not adaptable?
Wynd wrote:Another peeve I have is that without created tools mankind couldn't hunt and take down any real prey, where as animals have all their weapons built-in.
But humans do have the brainpower and ability to create and use such tools. Denying a human tools and telling it to survive is like denying an animal its claws and teeth and telling it the same.
Wynd matter how many species we have to extreminate to do it. Look at what else our ability to do has given diseases that never existed before, weapons of mass-distruction, pollution, and the mass genocide of more species than I can count.
This is all very sad and unfortunate;

however, none of this supports the idea that humanity is evolving or devolving toward a more instinct-driven state. It is only an argument that we might be better off if we did.
Wynd wrote:Yes, many cultures have or surround certian events w/ superstition, but I have long wondered exactlly where these legends, myths, and stories begin. It's been my experience that many times the old wives tales we hear have at least a grain of truth to them. Not saying I believe in "Santa Claws," but...
Which is more dangerous: a lie or a half-truth? Be careful when digging for grains of truth, because they are hard to identify and are easily confused.
Wynd wrote:My earlier comments about 'de-evolution' were merely one thought about how humanity might be able to turn things around. Living more simply, and more in tune with our surroundings. Is this fact? Who knows...
It's a fantasy and a hope, but it's not a goal entirely unworthy of pursuit.
Wynd wrote:* wow...intelligent conversation and debate. y'know, this is actually kind of fun!
Heh. To tell the truth, that's one of the reasons I hang out around here. For all the ducky-tossing and general sillyness, it's also one of the more intelligent places I've found on the web.
Wynd wrote:it's always interesting to hear how other folk's minds work.
Indeed :D

-- Vilkacis

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2005 4:07 pm
by Wynd
lol...that would be...odd. A rabbit tryint to walk on it's hind legs and drink a bottle of beer, for instance? Ok, mebbe not.

I do have a comments about the cat thing tho. I got my cat as a kitten, already de-clawed and *snipped*, yet he's an adept mouser and hunts by whapping the mice to death. He didn't get taught that by his mother, he was seperated from her very young. He learned it by adapting, and working with his instincts to hunt, because he's well-fed and has no actual need to hunt for food.

* Besides which he didn't eat it, he just whapped it, drooled on it, and deposited the slimy, broken bundle on my pillow the next morning! Yeeeech! Thanks, Peaches!*