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Werewolf Card Game Ideas?

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2009 2:59 pm
by Watergazer
Far be it for me to indulge in another majorly huge art project but one of the many things I've had in my head are creating card games. I have several in mind and actually have the game mechanics all down. They all hinge around there being 2 players. Most card games I have (Munchkin, Killer Bunnies, SPANC, Ninja Burger etc.) need more than that to play so it's hard getting enough I wanted to create 2 player games. I have concepts for felines versus canines, predators versus prey, and of course...vampires versus werewolves. This was before I became aware of the on-line BiteFight game, which I found to be rather boring actually since there's so little interaction and so many hostile players.

My idea is similar however, and would features vamps as a team and werewolves as a team. Each players has a stack of cards to draw from for their initial "pack" or "coven." Then you have a group of humans worth so many points going in the center playing field. Vamps and weres would have to fight each other and also have to capture the human (meat). The team that gets the most points and/or annihilates the other wins. And of course there will be weapons and armor you can gather, moon phases to effect certain game outcomes, and traps you can set for your rival.

The problem is I don't know if there'd be interest in this idea for a card game, especially given that BiteFight is so prevalent and a card game could look like a copycat idea. Plus I can't draw people really well...just weres...and it would be a decent sized project I wouldn't want to have to pull off all by myself so would need to rely on another artist...which could be a problem since I couldn't pay them and it would be a pay on deck sales or game distribution thing.

What are your thoughts? I don't want to give too mch of the game ideas away here so I'm sorry if it's not real specifical on gameplay but I appreciate your ideas.

Re: Werewolf Card Game Ideas?

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2009 3:54 pm
by Berserker
The Rage (Werewolf the Apocalypse) CCG was prolific during the 1990s and produced many expansions. It predated BiteFight by a decade... I'm afraid it would be difficult to create any sort of elaborate werewolf-based card game without seeming to copy it.

Re: Werewolf Card Game Ideas?

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2009 4:57 pm
by Watergazer
I didn't even know they created a card game! I wouldn't want a card game I'd create to be anything like Magic or something massive like that, requiring collecting. I'm thinking something smaller, and something anybody could potentially take interest in, not just WTA players. But wow I have to look up that game now.

Edit: I just searched some of the cards on ebay and I have to say...ugh. Then again, I never did like White Wolf's werewolves so I guess I can't expect better for the cards. Bummer.

Re: Werewolf Card Game Ideas?

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2009 6:09 pm
by Whisperwind
what if you did something like the are you a werewolf game.. i dont know how popular it is, i've only seen it in a few card shops and saw it played once but it was amusing..

Re: Werewolf Card Game Ideas?

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2009 7:36 pm
by Watergazer
That game takes a ton of people unfortunately. I've tried to get a group of 5 even together to play any kind of game and haven't been able to do it, let alone 20some people.