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Teeth And Claws

Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2004 1:02 pm
by Darksong17
I'v seen to many werewolf movies with yellow teeth and yellow claws. What is your opinion?

Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2004 2:32 pm
by NightmareHero
Id prefer something that didn't look like they didn't wash their mouths. White teeth, or the same color as wovle's teeths and claws. the claws aren't that noticable, but the teeth are, the last thing the audience needs is to register subconsciousely in their minds that werewolves are unsanitary because of tarter buildup. Obiousely, I'm not against seeing blood, especially after a kill, but I wouldn't want them slobering with red goop, falling out of their mouths, I'm sure that the females would have learned some type of ettiqute to keep their mouths from looking dirty. Maybe their eating habits at a dinner table rub off in wolf form, at least they should wipe their mouths of the blood or wash them with river water, hey you know what that brings up another idea, I've never seen werewolves "drink" They could kneel down on all fours and and sip it up like normal dogs do with thier tounges, or since they would probably have poseable paw like hands, the could scoop up a bunch and splash their faces with it.

Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2004 2:40 pm
by Silverclaw
They would have white teeth I would think. As humans, they most likely brush, floss and go to the dentist. They would not develop tooth decay in werewolf form. Hmm, a werewolf with braces... :lol:
The claws would look good as black or even an ivory white color.

Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2004 2:41 pm
by Apokryltaros
What about gray claws?

Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2004 3:25 pm
by Treads Lightly
It only seems reasonable that even if they didn’t take care of their teeth in human form, since the teeth they have just formed, there would be little plaque on them. A wolf’s natural diet ensures that they don’t have cavities, very few sugary items. Course canines have a sugar tooth, and a werewolf is in more of a position to get such things than a normal wolf.

Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2004 3:26 pm
by Apokryltaros
Like chocolate and ice cream?

Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2004 4:00 pm
by Treads Lightly
Whatever he wants! :)

Clerk at 7-11 talking to police officer:

Officer: What did he take?
Clerk: Four gallons of vanilla ice cream and a slushy.
Officer: No money?
Clerk: He didn’t seem interested in the register.
Officer: Was he armed?
Clerk: Kind of…

Seriously though, they would have access to their freezer and the treats therein. More specifically I was referring the fact that they would prepare food ahead of time, preferably food they like.

Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2004 4:20 pm
by Terastas
Even if the werewolf's teeth were green in human form, they would regrow and reshape when they become fangs, so any stains on their teeth would at best only be found on the tips of their fangs. Likewise, if their teeth change form as a result of lycanthropy, it would make sense that any damage done to their teeth would be repared by the regenerative properties of lycanthropy. They wouldn't necessarily have to be pearly-white, but any results of a lack of poper dental care would not carry over into their werewolf form.

Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2004 8:19 pm
by Vuldari
For all the reasons allready stated, the teeth should be white. As for the claws, well...what color are a feral wolfs claws? I can't say one has ever let me get close enough to check.

"heeere wolfie. Nice doggie. Just let me take a look at those...Gaaaaahhhh!!!..."

Posted: Sun Dec 05, 2004 10:41 pm
by Sporty Fox
Wolf claws can come in different colors, even on the same paw. They can be white, black, grey, tan, spotted, striped, you get the idea. The teeth would look best in white, especially when they glint in the light as the werewolf bares it's fangs.

Posted: Sun Dec 05, 2004 10:44 pm
by WolvenOne
For claws, I would say, look at a were wolves claws and base it off of that. I think they're a sort of dark greyish tan color.

As for teeth, Mmm... I would say, keep em simply purely white, maybe a little yellow placed strategically near the base.

Posted: Sun Dec 05, 2004 10:47 pm
by Figarou
Just make sure the teeth/fangs are nice and straight. Not pointing in different directions. There was a wolf type creature in X-files that had horrible fangs.

yuck. I don't want to see that.

Posted: Sun Dec 05, 2004 11:05 pm
by akujiwolf
Apokryltaros wrote:What about gray claws?
grey claws would conflict with the color scheme.

Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2004 1:25 am
by Apokryltaros
akujiwolf wrote:
Apokryltaros wrote:What about gray claws?
grey claws would conflict with the color scheme.
Hot pink with sparkles, then?

Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2004 2:59 am
by NightmareHero
I wonder what kind of nail polish the woman would use to have that show up.....


Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2004 3:15 am
by Xodiac
I preferred the black claws because a lot of canines have black claws - though don't ask me which, and I dont know if wolves are among them. I think yellow teeth are better than white because, well, wolves don't brush. You can say, "But humans do!" all you like, but there's still not many with WHITE teeth. Most people's are various shades of yellow. Heck, smokers almost CAN'T have white teeth!

Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2004 3:22 am
by ShadowFang
Glad everyone seems to agree with the poll above. The teeth shoulden't be "white white". I mean, nothing is. Maybe like a off white, very light brown kind of white. Make it appealing but at the same time, make it realistic.

Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2004 9:56 am
by Darksong17
Xodiac wrote:I preferred the black claws because a lot of canines have black claws - though don't ask me which, and I dont know if wolves are among them. I think yellow teeth are better than white because, well, wolves don't brush. You can say, "But humans do!" all you like, but there's still not many with WHITE teeth. Most people's are various shades of yellow. Heck, smokers almost CAN'T have white teeth!
Werewolves/wolves also don't eat tooth decaying foods. The meat they eat, the bones they chew on etc act as a natural floss. I'v yet to see a wolf eating sugary sweets =)

Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2004 10:06 am
by ABrownrigg
(image of the director rolling on the floor laughing)

YES, the female werewolf will have PINK CLAWS WITH SPARKLES. WHEEEEEeeeeee.

No no, seriously. I personally agree anyway with most of you. White teeth, most arent in wolf form long enough anyway to get enough tooth damage to make em all plaquy and disgusting. Not to mention every time they transform they would regrow anyway, regenerate in a way, and they'd be white again. My vote, is for white pearly white teeth, that are nice and strait and natual wolf like.

As for claws. Hmm, I've always been partial to black claws myself, but that would bring up a new question. Claws in general, do claws grow newly inside the transforming finger, splitting the human nail and extending out that way? or does the natural )clear) human nail just get longer and curl in on itself, making it more claw like.

Anthony Brownrigg

Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2004 11:09 am
by Apokryltaros
Think-Harder wrote:I wonder what kind of nail polish the woman would use to have that show up.....

Glitter polish, of course.

Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2004 12:29 pm
by Vuldari
ABrownrigg wrote:As for claws. Hmm, I've always been partial to black claws myself, but that would bring up a new question. Claws in general, do claws grow newly inside the transforming finger, splitting the human nail and extending out that way? or does the natural )clear) human nail just get longer and curl in on itself, making it more claw like.

Anthony Brownrigg
I think, since the claws should be sturdy enough to actually do something without breaking off, having them grow fresh would be better than curled,elongated fingernails. It would only be attatched by a thin strip of skin then anyway. They would surely fall off. At least, the way I see it.

Yes...teeth should not be pure glossy white, but more ivory white. As for claw color, I think the suggestion that it could vary silghtly from WereWolf to WereWolf is a good Idea...if only to help distinguish the various characters.(assuming there will be more than one WereWolf.)

Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2004 1:30 pm
by Lasthowl
Well, not pearly white. Enamel is not as white as we see your average Hollywood smiles naturally.

Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2004 1:50 pm
by ABrownrigg
Okay okay, fine not pearly white. But natural white, as in clean, not blood and tartar stained..

Also, there WILL be more than one werewolf in this film...,

Anthony Brownrigg

Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2004 2:31 pm
by Apokryltaros
ABrownrigg wrote: Also, there WILL be more than one werewolf in this film...,

Anthony Brownrigg
So, the film won't be about the last werewolf on Earth, and his desperate, heart-rending quest for a girlfriend?

Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2004 2:36 pm
by ABrownrigg
Hell no. There might be more werewolves out there than you think. You just don't see em every day. They tend to go camping a lot.. outdoorsy types really. Drive SUV's.. carney folk... smell like cabbage.. small hands.. nnnnrrr

Either that or they enter politics.

Anyhoo thats my theory. Now I must sleep as I'm running on 38 hours of coffee.. (bows) thank you.

Anthony Brownrigg