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English translation of my HP

Posted: Fri Feb 13, 2009 6:41 pm
by Curan
Hallo, since a long time I've allready planned to do a translation of my websites. Now I've finally managed to begin to do it for english speakers beeing able to understand, what's written there. ;-)

Most of the parts aren't translated yet. But the novel-section and most pages of the home-area is already done. :wink:

You are very welcome to throw an eye on it. And if there are still errors (and surely there will be any yet) don't hesitate to give me recommendations. hwlwnk

Here's the link:
Canilobo's Den

Re: English translation of my HP

Posted: Fri Feb 13, 2009 9:28 pm
by Shadow Wulf
Ooh Ive been waiting for you to translate your website. :o Thank you so much, now I dont have to use a translator to read some of your pages! :D

Re: English translation of my HP

Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2009 4:00 pm
by Curan
Shadow Wulf wrote:Ooh Ive been waiting for you to translate your website. :o Thank you so much, now I dont have to use a translator to read some of your pages! :D
I hope it will be possible that way. A fellow of mine had just a look on the pages which are already translated. And he said there would be a lot of errors and it wouldn't be proper english. There would be a lot of work to correct it.

It took more than five ours to do that translation. I'm sorry, but what you see there is the best I can do. I hope you can understand what's written there.

But I think it's better to provide a bad translation than providing no translation. Thus, I'm continuing my efforts.