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What Scared You When You Were Little?

Posted: Fri Feb 13, 2009 9:26 pm
by MoonKit
I was like irrationally afraid of weird puppets in movies because I couldnt tell if they were real or not. They were clearly not drawn and fake. They were 3D. But they had dead eyes so they creeped me out.

For example:

1) Alf...come on. He ATE cats!

2) Those two monster guys in "Labyrinth" that wanted to take her head off....scared the heck outta me!

3) And finally, that monster guy with the really long legs sitting on the sign in "Little Monsters." (who still creeps me out a little because I havent seen that movie since I got over this phobia.)


What about you? :lol:

Re: What Scared You When You Were Little?

Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2009 1:11 am
by Moss27
It. The movie scared me silly.

There was this one other movie... I only slept for two hours that day, so the only thing I remember was this girl eating pudding and... I think tentacles were coming out of her face. Sound familiar to anybody?

And spiders. I think I still am, a little bit. It started when one night, my dad thought he saw a tarantula in his bed, and then the next morning, I woke up to a spider dangling inches from my face. :cry:

Re: What Scared You When You Were Little?

Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2009 1:36 am
by Leonca~
Oh man, mine are really weird. :P

The giant rats (ROUS) from the movie The Princess Bride. Scared me so bad when I was a kid, I thought they were under the bed so I would take a flying leap into bed every night. :lol:

El chupacabra. Oh my goodness, haha. :lol: I saw it on TV when I was young so I thought it was real and it was going to come for me at night and suck out all my blood. I have since learned enough about animal anatomy to see how unlikely the existence of such a thing is, but when you are a kid it is so easy to believe.

Re: What Scared You When You Were Little?

Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2009 1:55 am
by PariahPoet
-Yeah, puppets freaked me out too.
-Anything from the 80's when bloody moving corpses were the hip thing with horror movies like The Thing, the remake of The Fly, and those kind of movies.
-Muscovy ducks(when I was 3, my parents' landlord had one that would attack me every time I went outside. -_-
-Waking up to find everyone else gone. O_O

Was never scared of regular things like spiders and rats and snakes and actually had all of those as pets growing up. I think my main fear though, was evil people. My worst fears were of being kidnapped or held hostage and things like that. Could be why I've never been a people person.

I was never afraid of ghosts or monsters coming to get me, but sometimes the image of these things just creeped me out and kept me awake because I was afraid I'd fall asleep and have nightmares about them. (had tons of nightmares as a kid) Any time this happened, I had a strategy for getting over the creepy feeling. I would imagine that monster being somewhere or doing something ridiculous. Like one of the Goosebumps books had a plant-man hand reaching out of a closet. Creepy. I thought of it reaching out of the toilet. Funny. XD

Re: What Scared You When You Were Little?

Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2009 4:25 am
by *nagowteena*
Spiders, Jesters, and clown dolls. (I once found one in my house, don't know were the heck it came from, but I threw it out!)

in general I don't like human dolls, they creep me out.

EDIT: oh and I just remembered, I'm also if not scared, very jumpy around balloons. (yes, I know it sounds silly) but for some reason when they pop it scares me to death, so in turn I don't like being around balloons for fear that they will pop.

Re: What Scared You When You Were Little?

Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2009 8:03 am
by Wingman
Well, even when I was young there was little that genuinely frightened me. Most scary stuff just startled me if it popped up suddenly, but then after that it's just "Hmm, okay." I suppose part of it was the little-boy logic that my parents or whatever were nearby to keep me safe, but part if it was just raw curiosity. I've got a streak in me that wants to look under every rock and peer past every corner, even if I know I'm not going to like what I see. I cannot actually remember anything that genuinely scared me as a youngster.

Though there have been a few odd moments where, for no reason that I can think of, I'd see something that's not scary and it would nearly give me a heart attack and I'm hit by the "Run Away!" hammer. There's no real pattern; a dog, my own shadow, someone walking on the sidewalk ahead of me, a particular sound. It doesn't really make sense, and it only seems to happen once for whatever the particular thing is.
The vast majority of these occur when I'm dreaming. Everything that scares me seems to exist in my head.

Maybe it has something to do with the awesome serial killer vibe I occasionally give off.

Then I growed up, found the internet, and saw some really messed up stuff. Now I'm thoroughly corrupt and headed for Hell with a smile.

Since I feel obligated to give something that actually scares me on a regular basis: Not knowing what's real anymore. I don't just mean specific things, but in general, people, places, memories. I dread that with every fiber of my being.

Re: What Scared You When You Were Little?

Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2009 12:31 pm
by fredriksam
Lets see.

First. Moss27: The movie with the girl and the tentacles growing, is probably, Species. The girl was an alien.

Things that scared me:

1 Scary sounds in the house
2 weird puppets i saw on TV
3 nightmares
4 After some arching from a lamp i was afraid the house would burn down.
5 Mom and dads washing machine. (it was probably possessed)
6 spiders
7 moths that kept flying at my face in the dark.
8 angry swans (got nipped pretty hard by one)

Re: What Scared You When You Were Little?

Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2009 5:29 pm
by Aki
Monsters and ghosts, mainly. I had a bad habit of playing scary a** games and watching scary a** movies as a kid, in spite of that, haha. Had a couple nights where I was paranoid as hell thinking the headcrab-zombies from HL1 were gonna get me. Slept with my head under my pillow. That'll stop them pesky headcrabs... :lol:

The American Godzilla movie got me pretty good too. Those mini-zillas were the worst thing for me, haha. That one dude getting pounced and nom'd is still pretty vivid in my head, even though that particular scene was silhouetted and implied rather than explicit blood and guts - your head filled in what was happening pretty well.

Re: What Scared You When You Were Little?

Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2009 6:55 pm
by outwarddoodles
I had a pretty insane imagination as a child (well, I still do), and couple that with my already well developed and heightened sense of anxiety, I used to have a large amount of strange fears.

1. Somebody here mentioned human dolls as a fear. Well, ME TOO. Egads, I still can't stand residing the vicinity of a mannequin; they give me the creeps.

2. Mind reading. I was perpetually convinced that someone could read my mind, particularly during awkward silent moments.

3. Ghosts/Poltergeists and the like. Self-explanatory.

4. Fire and Fireworks. The Fourth of July was my LEAST favorite day of the year. I couldn't even handle sparklers. Now, I can mess around with sparklers (I even lit roman candles, ONCE), but I still detest handling matches or having to light anything. When I DO have to light something, I always use my left (non-dominant) hand in place of my right, just in case something goes wrong.

5. Jack-O-Lanterns. I was perpetually convinced they were alive whenever I turned around -- only moving when no one was there to witness them.

Re: What Scared You When You Were Little?

Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2009 8:12 pm
by Fallenwolf
well terrorists
thats all

Re: What Scared You When You Were Little?

Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2009 9:32 pm
by PariahPoet
Ooh yeah, definitely human dolls. *shudder*
The eye thing in the trash compactor in Star Wars creeped me the heck out too. O_O

Re: What Scared You When You Were Little?

Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2009 9:50 pm
by WerewolfKeeper3
Dolls {porcelain... those things look TOO real...just waiting for their heads to move and their eyes to blink. {shudders violently}}
Things in the dark...
...People i cared for dying. Still do have these fears...
when i was little, monsters of course. Then i learned while there are such things, they're not under my bed or in my closet... in the down town lawyers office maybe but... :lol:
now a ghost... eh... that's a different story. While i'm not actually afraid of ghosts... it's sorta like that, you want it to happen, but you're probably going to freak when it does things.
Snakes... well only the poisonous kind. I actually think it would be really cool to have a pet snake.
That's pretty much me... and i'm glad i'm not the only one freaked out by the dolls... puppets... yeah those creep me out too...

Re: What Scared You When You Were Little?

Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2009 9:52 pm
by Silverclaw
Hmm, lets see...

-Spiders and most bugs in general (still like that :P )
-"Monkeys". Thats what I would call the nightmare creature that I could dream about. It was based off this scary Christmas ornament we used to have. It was like a teddy bear made out of dark brown/black cotton balls with googly eyes on it. Scared the s*** out of me for some reason. In my dreams it would grow to be about 7-8 feet tall and try to kidnap me/harm me. More like a bear/gorilla monster than a monkey.
-The dark.
-Being alone.
-Being in my room and the door closing and locking by itself.
-When I was little, I saw an eposide of "Rescue 911" about a little boy who got attacked by an alligator. I was convinced that night that their were alligators in my room after me. Stayed up until 5/6 in the morning looking out for them. I was so tired by then I was starting to see their shapes in the blanket folds. lol
-Random movies: Cat's Eye(shudders) Willow, The Witches, Ernest's Halloween(the troll that would turn kids to little wood statues), The Great Ewok Adventure(loved the movie, but the giant monster scared the poop out of me! Come to think of it, that thing was just like Manbearpig)heh
-That bad men/monsters would get me if I went into the basement alone or downstairs alone at night.
-Tranformations(Funny, now I love that stuff :D )

Re: What Scared You When You Were Little?

Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2009 10:48 pm
by Moss27
About all of these human dolls?

The one thing that scared me about them, is that it looks like they're talking to me when I'm lying in my bed. So I replaced them with no-mouth teddy bears.

Re: What Scared You When You Were Little?

Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2009 11:05 pm
by FormicHiveQueen
I saw Jumanji when I was really little, and after watching the scene with the man-eating plant I was scared stiff of flowers until I was twelve.

Re: What Scared You When You Were Little?

Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2009 11:47 pm
by PariahPoet
Oh man I forgot one.
When I was little I had a carebear movie and the villain was a face in a book. My parents always had to be in the room to fast forward when it got to that part. If nobody was there to ff, I would run out of the room shrieking.

Tell me that thing would not be horrifying to a 3-year-old! O_O It shows up at minute 7 ... re=related

Re: What Scared You When You Were Little?

Posted: Sun Feb 15, 2009 1:23 am
by lycanthropeful
Clowns and spiders scared me as a kid, and still do.

When I was younger, I had the most irrational fears when I went to bed. One was the fear of cutting off my circulation in my wrists by sleeping with my forearm under my pillow, which my head was pressing down on. The other was the completely irrational fear of having a needle stabbed into my bellybutton.

Yeah, WTF, I know, right? ??

Silverclaw, I would ALWAYS see scary things in blanket folds too! My senses get all enhanced and I start forming images and hearing sounds that aren't occurring. I once got mad at a kid in my health class in middle school when we were discussing our fears. I never liked the dark (and still don't), and he commented, "Well how can you be afraid of stuff you can't see? You can't see anything in a shadow!" and I'm like, "OhhOHHHH, but you CAN, good sir!"

I also never watch horror movies. So in the odd event that anyone on this forum dates me, never take me to a horror movie. :P
Edit: I also remembered watching E.T. when I was younger, and for some reason, I got the most terrible fright from the scene from where Eliot is visiting E.T. in that makeshift alien hospital thing, and E.T. is all pale and sickly and dying... I almost peed my pants, I think, because I was just so disturbed by that.

Re: What Scared You When You Were Little?

Posted: Sun Feb 15, 2009 1:38 am
by Wolf Gal
i was scared of the boogy man
i watched the movie by accident and i have been scared ever since hahahahaha :cry: :cry:

Re: What Scared You When You Were Little?

Posted: Sun Feb 15, 2009 1:49 am
by OukaHowls
The movie " the Grimlins" ( or however you spell it...) scared the crap outa me.... I'm still not over it, even though I love horror movies. I'm sure I'll be over it once I watch the movie again. But every time I got one of those furby toys I cried and threw it across the room.

Nothing else scared me except the stupid closet that was right by my bed... F*** I had two doors, one was the bathroom and the other the closet, which both let to my mom's room. It never failed that one or both of those doors would suddenly open slowly. I swear I passed out every time.

Silverclaw and Lycanthropeful: I know... I always thought I saw some twisted creepy face in my blankets.

I always have nightmares, everynight I do. I guess it's normal for me, I have a twisted mind so sometimes I like them. It's usualy bloody and me killing someone or being chased by something, but it never scares me. I onetime had a dream that I transformed into a lycanthrope, and it really hurt. I mean it REALLY hurt. When I woke up, I was bleeding from my mouth and nose. My eyes where burning and my body ached. I could barely stand or even sit down.

I always had nightmares when I was little and even now. Before I even started watching horror movies. Guess that's why I could watch so many scary movies and not get frightened. How funny.

Re: What Scared You When You Were Little?

Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2009 2:35 pm
by RedEye
I have (and still have) an irrational fear of injections. Hypodermics give me the willies! I have to force calm on myself to have injections or (in the past) give blood. :sweatdrop:

One of the things I undergo is a thing called a Transframinal Spinal Injection. Once past the numbed skin, there is no pain; but I can feel the needle sliding along the bones of my spinal column. :innocent:

That's why I opt for sleepy-juice when I have it done to me. :shudder:

Re: What Scared You When You Were Little?

Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2009 2:57 pm
by lycanthropeful
^That's gotta be fun.

Actually, then, I missed a whole section of fear. I also can't handle hypodermic needles - I had blood drawn once, though, for a cholesterol test, and the nurse was wonderful. I never felt the needle at all. But otherwise, no. I'd love to donate blood, but I shudder at the thought.

I also hate anything about the dentist: the novocaine, the atmosphere of a sterile office, sitting in the chair, the lights, the drill, etc. On top of that, when I was younger, I used to be deathly afraid of throat cultures. I had strep when I was 6 and the doctor had to press down with all his strength on my abdomen on the waiting table to get me to stop thrashing and shove the swab down my throat. Anything intrusive, I guess, is bad: throat tubes, needles, shots... even when I watch House I freak out! :P

Re: What Scared You When You Were Little?

Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2009 4:58 am
by Moonwatcher
wat scared me when i waz little waould bemy parents hahaha they put me in my place. :)

Re: What Scared You When You Were Little?

Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2009 9:41 pm
by WerewolfKeeper3
I honestly was never really afraid of needles... it was the pain. I give blood and honestly, i don't mind it too much. I've even had my teeth drilled without Novocaine {i chewed a hole in my lip when it was numb...not fun after wards} It's only kinda painful... half way between tickling and hurting... weird huh...

As for the needle between the bones... i do believe i have a new fear... thanks RedEye...

(You've thought up worse, remember?)

So? And some of those someone else thought up...
(True... you're afraid of pain in general...)

Yeah... Pain, that's another fear...

Pariah: I'll admit... when i was young i watched this... and i actually didn't have a problem with the face in the book... i thought it was cool...

Re: What Scared You When You Were Little?

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2009 1:24 pm
by MoonKit
PariahPoet wrote: The eye thing in the trash compactor in Star Wars creeped me the heck out too. O_O
Yuck! You reminded me. Some of the things in Never Ending Story and Star Wars gave me bad dreams when I was little. :lol:

Re: What Scared You When You Were Little?

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2009 5:09 pm
by Grayheart
The only thing I can remember what scared me to death when I was really little was the Gmork in the Never Ending Story Movie. I should say what I remember by now, 'cause I'd forgotten this till my mother told me this while watching the movie again some years ago. She also told me I couldn't look away completely, 'cause somehow the Gmork fascinated me. Nowadays I love the Gmork - he's just cool and he's telling the truth about humans without hope.

I also think the Gmork actually was the root and reason for my werewolf passion. He strongly resembles the werewolf I'd dreamt of when I was fourteen - this dream was just horrible! Just imagine a werewolf, almost three meter height, pitch black coat, green eyes, with claws and fangs as long as your fingers! I had this dream several nights in a row ... brrrr ... just horrible.