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Script Frenzy

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2009 1:41 am
by Wingman
Script Frenzy.
Brought to you by the same people responsible for NaNoWriMo, but instead it focuses on writing a script.
Script Frenzy wrote:It's called Script Frenzy and it's organized by us here at the Office of Letters and Light. Script Frenzy runs from April 1 to April 30. The challenge: Write a 100-page movie, play, graphic novel, or series of TV scripts in a month.
I'm certainly tempted to enter, as I have been meaning to get around to wrapping my head around screenwriting. Anyone else think they might enter?

Edit: A link I found about how to format a script.
And, MZP-tv has a bunch of scripts that you can check out to see what they look like, more or less. Such as episode one of Gods(pdf), which sounds like it would be a rather awesome show.

Re: Script Frenzy

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2009 4:18 pm
by RedEye
Script writing is a great deal more complicated than writing a novel or even a short story.

This "Script Frenzy" seeme to be the creation of someone with way too much free time on his/her hands... :P

Re: Script Frenzy

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2009 6:17 pm
by Set
RedEye wrote:This "Script Frenzy" seeme to be the creation of someone with way too much free time on his/her hands... :P
Brought to you by the same people responsible for NaNoWriMo
Explains it all right there.

Do we really need ANOTHER pointless thing to suck out people's souls with? Are people that damned bored?

Re: Script Frenzy

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2009 9:45 pm
by MoonKit
Every time I see NaNoWriMo written out I read it as some weird new Japanese fad. I dont know why, it's just what my mind jumps too.

Re: Script Frenzy

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2009 6:11 pm
by RedEye
At least NNWM tries to get people to write something that isn't school or study related. It challenges people to actually try writing in a creative manner (outside of their Resume's that is).

Script writing is a very specialized form of writing, requiring knowledge of the story to be told, the setting it's told in, the means of creating that setting, and the necessary movement of the characters.
Writing a book really isn't in the same league.

I still say someone either has too much time on their hands, OR needs to have their own scripting skills validated. :P

Re: Script Frenzy

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2009 7:03 pm
by Set
The thing that gets me about NaNo and anything similar (well, besides the annoyance of having my mate and half my friends disappear for an entire month) is their whole attitude of "DON'T proofread, DON'T edit, just write as much as you can as fast as you can." They're not encouraging people to write. They're encouraging people to write badly. I've seen some of the most godawful things ever penned by man - and those were the ones who had editors! I won't even touch NaNo's hell spawn for fear of losing what little sanity I may have left.

Re: Script Frenzy

Posted: Sun Mar 22, 2009 5:25 am
by Wingman
Set wrote:The thing that gets me about NaNo and anything similar (well, besides the annoyance of having my mate and half my friends disappear for an entire month) is their whole attitude of "DON'T proofread, DON'T edit, just write as much as you can as fast as you can." They're not encouraging people to write. They're encouraging people to write badly. I've seen some of the most godawful things ever penned by man - and those were the ones who had editors! I won't even touch NaNo's hell spawn for fear of losing what little sanity I may have left.
Well, in part that mindset is validated, since it keeps people from clamming up because they have bad grammar, or spent 40,000 words going on about how much they hate their teachers, but many people seem to be missing out on the last few steps of the process, wherein their writing is edited and polished, and then edited again, and then evaluated for whether or not it's worth subjecting to another round of editing in order to turn it into an actual book.
It's why I didn't even get half of mine done, since I couldn't bear to just write down a bunch of crap. I saw someone with over 100,000 words listed, less than a full week after it started, and a bunch of others averaging 20,000 words a day. That's just silly.

Re: Script Frenzy

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 2:18 pm
by Scott Gardener
I'll be there. Rather than my usual serious stuff, since I'm running out of back-logged unfinished ideas, I'll instead do a comedy, "Ravenlost." It's a parody of a Ravenloft campaign I played in back in 1991.