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The New World--Game Thread

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2009 12:15 am
by Wingman
March 23rd, 2009: A New York Airport

The typical confusion of strangers fills the terminal, revealing no patterns of gender, age, or nationality. Some read magazines or books, others type away on laptop computers and handhelds, and a few others just stare off into space with distracted gazes. The PA system chimes, and someone snorts loudly as they wake up.

“Now boarding flight 213.” A woman’s crisp voice echoes over the terminal speakers. She repeats herself in Spanish as people began to drift towards the departure gate.

A maintenance door off to the side of the terminal opens and a man steps out. He looks to be in the tail end of his fifties, or even early sixties, with a bushy moustache and a small soul patch. His receding salt-and-pepper hair is in disarray, and his already weathered features are hardened by steely determination. A irritated maintenance man, perhaps, save that the only stitch of clothing he wears is a thigh-length brown coat that barely covers enough flesh to preserve modesty. His physique is that of a very active man, probably some sort of professional athlete in his younger days.

Those near to him shy away slightly, subtly moving so that their luggage and bags are between them and him. He glares around the terminal, clearly looking for someone, sniffing as though he has a runny nose.

Two security guards detach themselves from the wall they were standing against, clearly intending to go investigate, but a quiet message over their radios stops them short.
Whispers begin to race across the terminal, accompanied by airport employees who begin to quietly usher people out of the room.

A cluster of black-suited government-issue men and women emerge from the hallway leading back into the main airport. Perhaps a dozen in total, their uniform lack of individuality plays tricks with the eyes and makes an actual count difficult. A handful of NYPD officers linger in the background, hanging back to prevent anyone else from entering this section of the airport.

Something major was going on, and all eyes turned to the nearly-nude old man by virtue of him being the newest and strangest thing in the room. One set of eyes in particular widened in fear, and their owner began slowly backing away while trying to hide behind others. Just another Caucasian guy in a crowd of Caucasian guys, he had no distinguishing characteristics other than his dark blue denim jacket. For whatever reason, Mr. Denim Jacket is absolutely terrified of the old man.

The old man spotted the denim jacket, and recognized his quarry, but was cut off as the suits quickly placed themselves between him and the rest of the terminal. Several of them began shepherding the remaining people back towards the NYPD officers. The leader of the government suits stepped forwards, flashing a badge.

This is going to be how I format my GM-speak, just so you know. I'm going to give you folks a chance to act before the action starts. What you do is up to you.

Re: The New World--Game Thread

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2009 12:40 pm
by Grayheart
Sasha had been sitting in one corner of the terminal, waiting with a friend who wanted to get her flight and was a little bit wary about flying in general. They had been engaged in a rather heated discussion about the most recent developments in politics when the disturbing restlessness of the gathered people started to annoy her. Sasha looked up to find out what was going on. Something in the backyard of her mind told her that unusual things were happening. She scanned her surrounding and the first thing she saw was the nearly-nude man. She frowned and went on with her observing of the current situation. At the sight of the black suited men and women her eyes opened wide with surprise — even wider after she’d noticed the additional bunch of NYPD Officers.

“What the hell,” she whispered and placed herself unconsciously between her friend and the rest of the crowd. A feeling of danger tingled inside her. She saw that one of the black suited figures stepped toward her, her friend and the remaining people who had been sitting near them. Obviously this person wanted them to walk towards the bunch of NYPD Officers and away from the nearly-nude man. Her friend followed this order immediately but something prevented Sasha from doing so. Her curiosity damned her to stay where she was and to observe what was going on.

Re: The New World--Game Thread

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2009 10:50 pm
by Aki
Rafael had been minding his business, calmly waiting for a friend's flight to arrive. He wasn't fond of the airport, but he had been willing to brave the rushing crowds, self-important business men, and over zealous security guards for the sake of giving a friend a lift after a long flight.

Then things got weird.

The nearly-naked elderly fellow had prompted the questions of what he was doing here and why he was so under-dressed. Rafael had watched him and the guards as the situation escalated. It'd provided a bit of much-needed entertainment and he was too curious to be polite and try and ignore it.

The subtle evacuation surprised Rafael when it began though, he hadn't expected that at all. The guards directing the man off to a side room for questioning or even tackling him had seemed like what was going to happen, but this? It was too weird, even in the post 9-11 paranoia about terrorists. The question of what was going on became even more urgent as NYPD officers and FBI agents showed up.

He watched the nearly-nude man more thoroughly, tracing his gaze back to a rather intimidated looking fellow in denim. Why that one man in particular seemed so terrified struck him as odd and Rafael began to pick his way through the crowd towards the denim-jacketed-man. He must know something...

Re: The New World--Game Thread

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2009 10:29 am
by Silent Hunter
“What do you mean the flight is cancelled?” Thomas walked through the terminal on his phone, half running at times. Time was short and he was already late. Ironic considering that he was berating someone for late themselves. “Look, I don’t want your excuses. I really don’t have time for them now. I have a meeting to go to.” The annoyed complaints from the other end of the line he called made him sigh. He dropped his grey suitcase with a clatter and pressed the phone closer to his ear. The background noise of an airport could easily degrade a phone conversation to just saying “What” or “I can’t hear you” while the phone credit was just devoured.

“OK if you there on time I....” His voice trailed off as Thomas spotted a semi naked man with NYPD and what could possibly be FBI agents around him. “Err..I need to go now; some nutcase is in the, I terminal with a whole damn host of officers swarming him. People are starting to get filtered out. I will discuss things with you later, bye”. His hurried tone betrayed that he wanted to focus on what was going on now rather than the current convocation He quickly shoved his phone in his pocket and just followed the same direction. As he got close to one of the Officers though he slowed down a bit and turned to face the smart suited man. “Sorry to bother you Officer. I am Thomas Gerry, attorney here and I was just wondering what was going on here?” He did not expect a response as he glanced at the man, still surrounded by officers. Some other people had actually started to get near him too. Thomas felt as if this was not going to end well whatever happened.

Re: The New World--Game Thread

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2009 11:16 am
by Wingman
I miniaturized the below text to save space, if you cannot read it, hitting the Quote button will put it back to normal size.
Since google images is much easier than sketching this stuff out myself, here’s some pictures to help give you an idea of what I’m talking about.
Shameless, I know. If anyone has any problem with it, let me know and I’ll stop and get rid of the links. I'm not going to intentionally use characters that belong to someone else, save for a few public domain people.
If you guys feel like it, feel free to do the same for your characters, as it always helps to put a face to a name and a voice.

Airport terminal.

The Old Man (Harry Bishop).

The guy in the denim jacket.

Much like the pictures, I’ll be using a random name generator or two to create names for various people. I’ll stay away from names I recognize as belonging to real people, and I’ll run them through google, but I’m not omniscient. So let me know if I manage to randomly pick your cousin’s name out of my hat or something, I don’t want to ruffle any feathers by using the name for a serial killer or something.

In some cases, what you notice is going to be dependant on what skills you have, and thus I’m going to alter my descriptive text accordingly. Well, to a certain degree, but this means that in many cases, Sasha is going to notice things that Rafael might miss, because she has ranks in Investigation. On the other hand, Rafael is much more likely to notice ways to get past obstacles, by virtue of his Athletics (Parkour). Pretty straightforward stuff, but I just want to let you know.

Additionally, I’ll be writing this is second-person perspective for the most part, essentially telling you what you see. Yes, that does mean that not everyone is going to see and hear the same stuff.

@Sasha: The agent is clearly distracted, and moves on immediately upon seeing your friend begin heading out of the terminal. He seems to have completely missed the fact that you’re not leaving as well.

Like you a few others don’t want to leave or cannot leave, such as a very confused man with both his legs in casts, his crutches are nowhere in sight.
A teenaged boy is cradling a small bag in his arms, an unusual behavior, until you notice the glint of a camera lens peeking out. He’s slowly ambling towards out of the terminal, but clearly intends to stick around as long as possible.
A heavyset Asian woman next to the departure gate is shrilly protesting, and refusing to move. Her son, perhaps twelve at the oldest, is antagonizing the agents and calling them fascist pigs.

Amongst those leaving the terminal, you notice two in particular: A Caucasian man in a denim jacket who, by all appearances, is about to break into a sprint and run away. And a Latino man behind him, it’s fairly apparent he’s following the man in the denim jacket.

The government agents are all tense, as if they expected the old man to attack them with his bare hands. A few of them were nervously twitching their hands towards their holsters. Their leader steps forwards, though not very far, and flashes his badge.
“Harry Bishop, you are under arrest for the murders of Barbara Okuley, Curtis Heuser, Stefania Adamczyk, and Alexander Fried.” He then begins to read the old man his rights.
The recitation is interrupted as a sound akin to an idling motorcycle rips out of Harry Bishop. He is alternating between glaring at the agents and the escaping man in the denim jacket.

“You’re making a mistake here.” There’s just a hint of gravel in Harry’s voice.

As his eyes skip back and forth, he glances at you, and suddenly he’s looking right at you. Desperation is apparent in his eyes. Perhaps it’s a trick of the light, but it looks like his irises jumped up a few shades of brightness. The skin on the back of your neck suddenly feels like its got pins and needles in it, and everything is starting to get blurry. For the briefest of instants you feel the sudden urge to go running after the man in the denim jacket. Then it’s gone as suddenly as it came, whatever it was.
Surprise and recognition flash across the old man’s face, giving way to desperation. Clearly whatever he had just tried hadn’t worked.

The man in the denim jacket keeps glancing back at the old man, though he doesn’t seem to notice you. Up past the NYPD officers, a small crowd has already gathered, and everyone leaving the terminal is being directed off to the side, where even more officers wait.
As soon as the man in the denim jacket sees this, he glances around, and then promptly vanishes from sight. In the stream of people, you expect him to have just lost sight of him, but after a moment you’re convinced that the man had indeed vanished.


“This area is closed to the public.” The officer is about to wave you away when he fully processes what you said and glares at you as if you’re some new and particularly loathsome type of fungus. “Wait, you’re his lawyer? You’re going to have to wait to talk to him until after he’s in custody.”

Practically as soon as the officer finishes speaking someone walking past you bumps into your suitcase and trips. You hear them hit the ground, though when you look no one is there.

Re: The New World--Game Thread

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2009 3:10 pm
by Grayheart
Sasha shook her head a little bit to get her senses clear and looked straight back into the eyes of the old man. She shuddered a little bit after she’d realized what the agents accused him to have done. Then she started to wonder about what just had happened between them. Obviously this man — Harry Bishop — wanted her to follow the guy in the denim jacket — but how did she know this? Why had she felt — even for a short time — the urge to follow the denim guy? And for what reason did the man show this surprised expression in his face?

Puzzled by all this questions she needed two seemingly endless seconds to overcome her indecision. Then she took off her gaze from the eyes of the old man and tried to find the denim guy — if not him than the Latino who had been following the stranger. She tried to get a glimpse of at least one of them — she didn’t know why, but her often damned curiosity made her sometimes doing things that certainly would lead her into trouble.

But despite her intention to find a sign of the denim guy she remained where she was and casted from time to time another gaze into the direction of Harry Bishop. She had the feeling that she could get more answers at the current moment from the things that were going to happen to him than from immediately following the denim guy. Still she hadn’t the courage to even ask one of the questions that were on her mind — afraid that one of the black suited agents or a NYPD Officer could force her to leave.

Re: The New World--Game Thread

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2009 5:20 pm
by Silent Hunter
The mistake the officer had made in thinking that Thomas was this man, Happy Bishops lawyer was one that jumped out at him. Normally he would have said the truth yet looking at the man he was compelled to look into this. It was not right. He was accused of homicide yet there was something more to him. On top of that there was the fact that it could mean money involved if the person actually did let him become his lawyer. In times like these that was always good. “Umn yes in fact I am. What police department are you taking him to?” said Thomas, trying to make sure that he did not sound unconvincing to the officer.

As the words came out of his mouth a small clatter then a large thud. Thomas span around to cast eyes on his suitcase. It was on the floor but puzzlingly enough there was no one there to make that thud or anyone running away. He stooped down to pick up his suitcase yet lost grip on it, only to have it crash down again. Finally picking it up he held onto it tight and looked at the officer. “So, how long is this going to take?”

Re: The New World--Game Thread

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2009 9:53 pm
by Aki
What? No way, Rafael thought, his brow furrowing. That couldn't have just happened, it was impossible. It was like the whole scene had been a movie and the man had been edited out, removed so abruptly from the picture that it was only obvious if you had been watching that one spot in particular, as Rafael had. Rafael kept moving towards where the man had been, trying to see if the man had ducked down or something, or maybe - though the thought was laughable - if there was a trapdoor or something he'd snuck down. When confronted with the alternative of the man vanishing completely, having a random trapdoor in the airport sounded as reasonable as saying the sky was blue.

Re: The New World--Game Thread

Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2009 4:19 pm
by Thunderclaw
This is too easy Tessen thought.
He knew there was something different about the gathering at the airport that day, he had sensed it. a gathering of people, and the semi-naked man was a good start to preventing what he had seen coming. Tessen was big enough to sneak around with the NYPD officers undetected or ignored, thanks to a rather convincing disguise. He had to see the events that would turn out, and if at any time he was alone with the old man, he would have to get him away from there, along with the other supernaturals that he sensed were in the airport.

Re: The New World--Game Thread

Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2009 4:31 am
by Wingman
@Sasha: The agents seem content to ignore you so long as you stay out of the way. The same couldn’t be said of the kid with the camera, who had gotten a little too close, and was now in the process of getting frog-marched out of the terminal to be handed off to the NYPD.

You spot the Latino guy standing alone near the NYPD officers, looking around in confusion. The man in the denim jacket is nowhere in sight.

Hesitantly, the old man lets the police handcuff him, and they began to walk him back towards the terminal exit, and likely a car parked out front. In the moment before he was forced to turn away he motions with his head for you to follow.

The officer sighs and tells you to go wait somewhere off to the side, and that he’ll send someone to give you a ride to the station in a little while. After that, he promptly goes back to ignoring you and dealing with the other people nearby.

@Rafael: The smooth unblemished floor shows no signs of any trap doors, and the walls show no signs of hidden passageways.
Perhaps there was some truth to occult urban myths after all.

Two FBI agents march a teenaged boy past you and hand him off to an NYPD officer.

It was happening just as you’d foreseen. Just a few moments more, and you would have your chance. Then you see something out of place.

About twenty feet away, you can see a Latino man looking around in confusion. You hadn’t seen him here, there shouldn’t be anyone standing there. Things were changing already, but it should be alright if you can get him to move someplace else.

This is one of those things I mentioned earlier, a place where other players are going to befuddle your precognition. So, it’s between you and Rafael(Aki) now, for good or ill. Yay for player interaction.

It’s worth noting that Rafael, Thomas, and Tessen are all within about twenty feet of one another. Should Sasha follow along, she’ll also be passing through the same area the FBI agents and the man they arrested are going to be passing through here very shortly.

Re: The New World--Game Thread

Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2009 5:37 am
by Grayheart
Sasha frowned after receiving this wish of the old man. It was clear that he really wanted her to follow, but why did he think that she would do that? She’d never seen him before and he was accused of having murdered several times. But then on the other hand there had been this strange feeling just a few moments before. Although she was wary about believing things that couldn’t be proved by positivist methods — and things like telepathic mindforcing certainly were of this kind — she knew by instinct that science was not satisfying in all questions on this earth.

Ah, to hell with science, skepticism and caution, she thought and — after making sure with a look around that no one would notice her starting to follow the procession after the captured old man — slowly walked behind them. She knew that the officials around would certainly try to stop her from doing so, if they would notice her. Thus she chose a rather slow pace, reminding herself of the capoeira lessons about malicia— and cast a look at the Latino who was standing near the NYPD Officers. Obviously he also had lost track of the denim guy. Strange.

Re: The New World--Game Thread

Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2009 7:41 pm
by Aki
Rafael was stumped, the man was gone and there was no sign of him anywhere. Like a ghost or something, he thought. Nah, couldn't be, he added, shaking off the thought and thinking a moment of how he might be able to pick up on the denim jacket man's trail once more.

Then he saw the agents dragging away the boy and handing him off to the police and got an idea.

Rafael approached the officers, trying to look concerned and lost. "Excuse me, officers," he began. "I'm looking for my friend, we got separated during the evac," he explained and raised his hand to roughly indicate the denim jacketed man's height. "He's about this tall, wears a dark denim jacket and has brown hair. I didn't see him get ushered out and stuff so I was trying to find him..."

Re: The New World--Game Thread

Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2009 4:30 pm
by Silent Hunter
Thomas sat down and looked around, knowing that the officer would rather not have to deal with him. Of course with his profession, some hate was to be expected. Looking around Thomas saw Harry Bishop get walked off in handcuffs out of the station. As he watched the staff, officers and any remaining people in the terminal far off, he noticed an airport staff member nearby. Watching him close by for moment he went to walk to him to ask something. As he got close the staff member started to leap around for no reason. Getting annoyed at this Thomas quickly put his foot out in the path of this worker. It was not a professional or kind thing to do yet nor was what this probably ill airport worker was doing. As the person started to run, probably trying to find a place to hide, he caugh his foot and fell down. Quickly Thomas took this moment to crouch down to the worker.

"Are you OK there? Seems you are a bit dizzy?". He said, smiling slightly. He took this chance to look around and see a young Latino man nearby who seemed to be hovering slightly near the officers too and asking them if they had seen someone.

Re: The New World--Game Thread

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2009 2:51 pm
by blackwolfhell
Samuel pulled up in his ford GT at the terminal entrance. He saw police cars outside the front door. 'what's going on?' he thought. He was supposed to pick up a friend, but looks as though his flight was cancelled. He saw the police escort a man into a car. 'NYPD.' He thought. 'This is gonna be awhile.'

Re: The New World--Game Thread

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2009 3:16 pm
by Wingman
@Sasha: The agents change formation to fully surround Harry Bishop, and they proceed towards the terminal exit.

In short order they approach the entrance into the main airport, where the NYPD officers were working to clear a path.

@Rafael: The officer shrugs,
“Sorry buddy, can’t help you there.” Then he sees the FBI agents approaching with their prisoner and directs you to move off to the side and clear the way for them.

@Sasha, Rafael, and Thomas: This is for all of you
Nearly as soon the FBI agents and their prisoner enter the main airport someone screams near the door.

The denim jacket guy is visible once again, apparently having reappeared right in front of someone. He sprints for the door as soon as he realizes he’s visible, though not before Harry Bishop spots him.

With deceptive ease he snaps the chain between his handcuffs and barrels his way through the agents in front of him. From the way they go sprawling like ragdolls you’d have assumed they’d been hit by a car, not a man.

Nimble as a gazelle the old man sprints across the room towards his quarry. Like some action movie hero he hurls himself through the air, easily a fifteen foot leap, and collides with an invisible barrier with enough force that it sounds like a gunshot. He bounces to the ground with blood streaming from his nose, broken on impact it would seem.

Panic breaks out, and one of the FBI agents whips out his gun and takes a shot at Harry. The bullet hits him dead center in the chest with a meaty thud and falls to the ground. In the silence after the gunshot the bell-like sound of the bullet hitting the ground seems loud indeed. A little pink circle marks where the bullet hit, and Harry looks surprised that they actually shot at him in a crowded airport. For a second no one moves, and then Harry starts pounding on the invisible barrier that separates him from his prey.

People start screaming, and running, and generally panicking. The FBI agents all start running towards Harry, the NYPD officers all look very confused, and the denim jacket guy cowers against the wall as his magical shield begins to flicker.

From inside the airport comes the sound of a gunshot, and then people start screaming and running out through the front doors.

Re: The New World--Game Thread

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2009 5:53 pm
by Grayheart
"Holy Crap!" Sasha swore and almost fell into a running pace - giving up her intention to follow at least five steps behind to prevent any agent or police officer to stop her - not that anyone of them would now care about her any more. The very moment she saw Harry Bishop breaking the chain of his handcuffs like they were made out of wool, she forgot everything about caution. Her senses tingled with the anticipation of coming danger and she felt the familiar rush of adrenaline through her veins.

Her feeling proved to be correct - although almost stunned by the fact that Harry Bishop had obviously superhuman strenght and was even able to withstand a gunshot, she was also shocked by the fact of a FBI agent shooting around in the middle of an airport. Despite this she didn't panick - her curiosity and the adrenaline in her blood prevented her from doing so.

Instead she started to make her way into the direction of Harry Bishop and the place where the old man tried to reach the denim guy who'd surprisingly reappeared again. The only thing she thought of was not to come into the possible way of another gunshot - she chose the way of a halfcircle to reach her destination. While doing so, she tried to evade bumping into any of the panicked people running through the airport.

I have to know what's going on here in this madhouse, she thought frantically, This whole mess is against every law of common sense!

Re: The New World--Game Thread

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2009 8:39 pm
by Aki
Rafael had been feeling somewhat disappointed that his cunning plan turned up no results, though that was somewhat assuaged when Denim Jacket Guy showed up again. Unfortunately, he didn't get a chance to try and talk to the man, as before he even got close everything went crazy.

Rafael couldn't tear his eyes from it, transfixed by the scene of Bishop ripping off his cuffs with ease, knocking aside FBI agents and then proceeding to smash into an invisible wall, all things that shouldn't be possible. The gunshot and how Bishop shrugged it off was just the icing on the cake.

"Merde..." he muttered. He kept back - he couldn't help in this situation, and getting too close was just asking to get hurt, either by Bishop or stray rounds from the FBI agents' firearms.

Re: The New World--Game Thread

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2009 7:36 am
by blackwolfhell
Samuel heard the gunshot and reached into the back seat. "Bessie," He muttered as he pulled out the .45 glock and stuck it into the back of his jeans. He got out and ran into the airport. He saw a man in a denim jacket run past. Sam watched a man punch against an invisible barrier. He was surprised when he saw the FBI agent holding out a gun. He also noticed a women circling around the crowd, moving against the flow of bodies trying to escape.

Re: The New World--Game Thread

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2009 3:29 pm
by Wingman
@Sasha, Rafael, Thomas, and Samuel:

A shimmering spiderweb of orange lines highlights the invisible shield behind which the denim jacket man is cowering.

“You can’t!” He pleads.

“I can!” The old man grins a fierce grin as he hits the shield again. With a sound like a shattering mirror the shield collapses and sends up a spray of glowing orange radiance before fading out entirely. He grabs the young man and easily lifts him off the ground, “You’ve been a very, very naughty little boy, Daniel.”

Before he can say anything else, Daniel slaps his hands against the old man’s chest. With a loud whoosh, the air ripples and the old man is blown back across the airport. The FBI agents are once again scattered like bowling pins as he plows through them.

He moves through the air strangely, as if in slow motion. Then everything slows down even more, until the airport is motionless. People are frozen in mid-step, not even blinking or breathing. Then the old man falls to the ground and rolls to his feet. Other than him, there are only six other people moving; you three, Daniel, a man who had just run into the airport moments before, and a very sleepy looking young redheaded woman who abruptly appeared in the middle of the airport. She is wearing an oversized t-shirt, and from all appearances she has just gotten out of bed.

“Well, what’s all this then?” Then she stops and looks at you all curiously, “You’re new. Did Tiler send you?”

At the front of the airport Daniel is banging on the door, though it’s frozen in place like everything else. After a moment he collapses to the ground wearily.

Re: The New World--Game Thread

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2009 5:58 pm
by Grayheart
Sasha didn't understand anything that was going on right now - but what she knew was that Harry Bishop was obviously trying to do a lot of harm to the denim guy - Daniel, she reminded herself. Maybe he even wanted to kill him - and she couldn't let him do that without trying to interfere. For a short moment she ignored everything and everyone else in the room and moved closer to Daniel, placing herself between the somehow exhausted looking man and Harry Bishop, before even considering an answer. She casted a look into the direction of Daniel then she did the same with Harry Bishop - only then she looked back to the red headed women.

"Honestly I have no friggin' idea what's going on in this madhouse," she spoke in a rather calm, but still upset tone that made her state of emotion rather obvious. She knew she wouldn't have any chance to prevent Harry Bishop from whatever he wanted to do if he started another attempt to reach Denim Guy - but there was still the rush of adrenaline through her veins and her feeling of righteousness that made it impossible for her to stand at the side and just watching what was going to happen.

"But I would really like to have some answers - now," she went on, looking for a short moment into the direction of Harry Bishop , before directing her gaze to Redhead again, "And no, Tiler - who ever that may be - didn't send me and I have no idea what you can possibly mean with 'you're new'. I even have no idea who you are - or should I better say what you all are?" With this last words she made a short gesture into the direction of Harry Bishop, then Denim Guy, then Redhead.

Re: The New World--Game Thread

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2009 6:53 pm
by Aki
Rafael stared at the newly arrived redheaded woman, then at Bishop and Denim Jacket Guy, who was apparently named Daniel. Then he noticed that only he, Daniel, Bishop, the Redhead and three others were still moving. Everyone else seemed frozen in place, like a picture or photograph.

Rafael prodded one of the NYPD officers he was standing next to, as if to test this theory, and mumbled a curse under his breath as he realized it was right - they'd frozen for some inexplicable reason. Perhaps the same reason that Daniel had been able to create some sort of shield, or push Bishop away or that enabled Bishop to knock FBI agents around.

"No no no," he said, turning to the redheaded woman and pointing accusingly, as if she were responsible for the whole mess. "You tell us what all this is first. Because I couldn't tell you a damn thing about it beyond it being crazy as f***."

Re: The New World--Game Thread

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2009 7:37 am
by blackwolfhell
Sam was freaked out. Time just stopped and here he was with some other people-plus a redheaded women-standing around. Sam's hand itched towards the gun, but he felt this could be somewhat friendly meeting.
If someone got hurt, then he'd start shooting.
He noticed a man collapsed outside the terminal doors. It was that denim jacket guy they refered to as Daniel.
"What's going on?" He asked, walking closer to the group.

Re: The New World--Game Thread

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2009 6:35 pm
by Silent Hunter
Thomas did not know what was going on. Everything seeemd to freeze and go still and Thomas felt dizzy. He collapsed to the cold hard ground and moaned. His head felt like it was spinning and he truely did not know what to do.

Re: The New World--Game Thread

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2009 9:05 pm
by Wingman
@Sasha, Rafael, Thomas, and Samuel:
The redheaded woman blinked a couple times and sighs.
“Wow, you guys really are new.”

She then looks around as if finally noticing the situation. With a frown she glares daggers at Harry. “You owe me for this old man, big time. Trying to kill him-” She waves a hand at Daniel, “-in the middle of my airport? Have you gone senile?”

“Oh come on, Cat, he brought it on himself.”

“Whatever, just not in my airport, mmkay?” She grabs something hanging around her neck, though it’s hidden under her shirt. All around the airport people start moving slowly, shuffling their way back to where they were standing before the panic broke out. From their blank faces and glassy eyes it looks almost as if they’re sleepwalking. Slowly they seem to wake up, and the contingent of FBI agents continues walking towards the exit. From the looks on their face, it seems like a promising lead had just turned out to be a false alarm.
“Sorry for the worry folks, everything’s cleared up now.” The NYPD officers begin following the FBI agents out of the airport, and airport employees begin apologizing for the delay.
Throughout all of this, no one pays any of you the slightest bit of attention.

The redhead looks over you all and flashes a sheepish smile. Whatever she had just done seems to have taken quite a bit out of her and she looks rather tired.
“Sorry we had to meet like this, I’m Catriona. Wolves really aren’t my specialty, but someone will be along in a minute to explain this all to you.”
Harry interrupts her when he swears loudly. Daniel had vanished once again.

“All right, I’ll send you guys on your way.” Before you have time to protest, Catriona snaps her fingers and a shimmering blue-silver mist springs up and swirls around you. It clears a moment later, and you four find yourselves in a windowless room. It appears to be a waiting room of some sort. A door on the right side of the room is marked as a restroom, though the two doors at opposite ends of the room are unmarked. A handful of chairs are set up along the wall, along with a magazine rack.

Re: The New World--Game Thread

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2009 10:14 pm
by Aki
Rafael looked around the room slowly, blinking a bit and wondering what the hell just happened. He been just about to comment on Catriona's remarks about newness or wolves and the way she unfrozen all the people, but now she wasn't here. Or rather, he wasn't there, the airport was gone and had been replaced with this waiting room.

The other folks from the airport were still here though - well, the ones he hadn't learned the names of, anyways. One of them seemed to be having a bout of vertigo or something.

"So, does anyone here know what all that was about?" he asked, turning to the others. "Because I don't know s***, and I'm wondering if I might not be the only one in the dark here."