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Pack Alpha Help. (No problem with this pack, please read!!!)

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2009 8:11 pm
by WereDragon25
Hey, I had to move to Conway a few months ago. I have been kinda going around school, and I noticed a girl in one of my classes had the look and scent of a therian. I went to her and started to talk, the subject of werewolves came up. It turned out that she was also a therian. She said a therian half-breed (therian and sanguarian(modern-day vampire)). After we talked for a while, we are the only therians in the school. Since both of us have been wanting... no needing a pack that we can actually be around, face-to-face. After a while, instict drove us to want to get our hierarchy down. Since there are just two of us in this pack, currently, all there is to figure out is who is the beta and who is the alpha. I was ready to actually fight for the dominance, I just felt a need to be alpha. Then she said that because I'm full-blooded therian, I should be Alpha, and it was my choice to place her as beta, omega, or just a regular wolf. I decided she would be best as a beta, whenever another therian moves to Conway. True, she is still a beta, even if there is no one else in the pack that she is of a higher rank. After she submitted to my... show of dominence, I think it would be called that, I actually started to think, she will look up to me as alpha, :? and so will any new pups to my pack, which kinda've scared me :( . Are there any tips, advice, or anything from a Pack brother with an idea, or a beta or the alpha on here, with any advice, it would be GREATLY appreciated, thank you all for reading this.

Re: Pack Alpha Help. (No problem with this pack, please read!!!)

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2009 8:51 pm
by Berserker
You're only 15. You're still just a puppy... somehow I doubt your "instinct" would really be able to justify yourself as an "alpha" at this point.

And what is a therian's "scent" like, anyway? Perfume? And she's a therian/vampire half-breed? What?

Here's my advice. Ask her if she wants to go to the movies. If she says yes, then she might be your new girlfriend. Your new human girlfriend. Then, you should treat her as an equal and ditch all this half-formed therian junk. No offense, but you don't sound like you even understand it yourself. Chances are, she probably doesn't either.

Re: Pack Alpha Help. (No problem with this pack, please read!!!)

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2009 9:08 pm
by WereDragon25
I'm pretty sure that she isn't just going along with what I say because she likes me, if so, her boyfriend would kill me. I'm not so sure about the sanguarian and therian mix, she said something about a sanguarian in her family and a therian also. I can see you're point. I am still a pup. No offense to the Pack, but I keep feeling a need to have a pack, a face to face pack. I don't know if scent was the right word, I just have a feeling that I can't justify that she really is a therian, I am not so sure that she is also a sanguarian. I think she may have one in her family, that she was telling the truth, but that lineage didn't follow through to her. Anyone else with advice, though? If this pack does truly think that I am still too young a pup to follow an alpha's instincts. I will follow this pack's advice that I shouldn't get this pack to the level I am trying to get it to. Please, I will start a topic with a poll so the pack brothers and sisters that don't want to comment on a kinda touchy subject, that way those brothers and sisters can comment on my "alpha" problem. Thank you for the comment, though, Berserker, I will honestly think about you're advice and sleep on it. But, still anyone else with a comment on this, please comment or poll, on the poll that I will set up.

Re: Pack Alpha Help. (No problem with this pack, please read!!!)

Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2009 12:38 am
by Aki
Wait what?

I'm no therian myself, but everything I've heard from any sort of reliable source about it is that it's a belief, not something in your blood. You can't look or smell like a therian (unless "look" happens to include some sort of overtly therian thing like the symbol they have), having one in your lineage doesn't mean much, etc.

Also, all that stuff aside, I'd hardly consider "two" a pack. That's like, a pair or a duo or something. A pair of people doesn't need a leader at all. Generally any conflicts can be resolved easily since there's only two people. Leaders are for bigger groups.

Re: Pack Alpha Help. (No problem with this pack, please read!!!)

Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2009 1:15 am
by Wingman
Three is the smallest you can go and have an "outsider" to the group, and thus three's the smallest group that might need a leader.

I feel there's a difference between a "pack" and friends with similar interests, and that you might be confusing the two a little. Swap out some words and you've got what everyone who has met someone else has gone through at one point or another, it's not exactly unique to therians.

Protip: Having the mindset that you're automatically superior to someone, especially due to some intangible reason, and then acting on it, rarely ends well. You usually hear about this in in connection with say, assault charges when the person didn't get their way.
For example, if someone walked up to me and said "I'm superior to you because [some insubstantial reason], and you have to do what I say." I'd probably laugh in their face, and insult them and punch them in the nose if they pushed it.

I'd say it's best to leave the whole pack issue alone for the moment, since you don't seem all that sure of it yourself. You're trying to find benchmarks for an incomplete platform, settling anything now will likely just result in trouble later on. No sense in jumping off buildings if you only think you can fly, right?

But then again I'm not a therian, so I don't really have any experience with this stuff.

Re: Pack Alpha Help. (No problem with this pack, please read!!!)

Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2009 10:55 am
by Silverclaw
After she submitted to my... show of dominence,
Ummmm, what do you mean?
You're not getting violent with her I hope?

In a real wolf pack, its usually an extended family. There is the alpha pair(most likely mates) and their offspring.
So if you two are dating, and you wanted to make a 'pack', you would both be alphas then. :wink: I would not recommend the whole breeding thing right now though :P Friends are much better substitutes.

Re: Pack Alpha Help. (No problem with this pack, please read!!!)

Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2009 11:56 am
by Berserker
Yep, real wolf packs don't quite work this way. Wolves would probably not go out and make up their own pack with a random stranger unless mating was involved, in which case the male and female would both be alphas.

I don't think you can really apply any kind of wolf-like behavior to your situation, WereDragon. Aki is on the right track here. I don't think you've been driven by instinct at all. What you're doing--and I'm going to be harsh--is attributing entirely human fantasy ideas to what you think is therianism, without really having much knowledge or experience about it. You're basically roleplaying, spurred on by (mis)information from the Internet... and that girl is too. (When I was that age, I loved werewolves, but if some teenage girl tried to tell that she was "a therian half-breed," I probably would have laughed.)

I'm not trying to discourage you from making friends with people. I'm only saying that your thread sounds a little silly, and that you might want to rethink what you've been doing.

Re: Pack Alpha Help. (No problem with this pack, please read!!!)

Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2009 12:57 pm
by Baphnedia
Oh my. Don't worry, I'm not offended (couldn't imagine how I could be offended by this)...

Ok. The actions of previous generations always get misinterpreted by future generations. It happened to the Maya and I am watching it happen within the therianthropic / otherkin communities. *heavy sigh* The list starts with folks howling into the night, or manifesting their life around a belief system. I cannot say it boldly enough. That is all this is.

It doesn't diminish it's importance. It doesn't necessarily replace other belief systems (religion, rule of law or lack thereof, etc). It doesn't diminish he or she who holds these beliefs or any other beliefs for that matter. Whether you understand the social mechanisms of wolves or not, forget not that this is human society that you are dealing with.

By only making friends with other Therians, you isolate yourself from 98 or 99% of most people out there. There are worse things than being alone. Being alone in a crowd.

Now, on the subject of dominance. I highly suggest you learn why you need to be the dominant one in a relationship (friendly, family, intimate, whatever). Demonstrations of dominance can be little things, or they can be big things. Many of them are classified as abusive, in one situation or another. Many of them are also classified as illegal. Determine if your need for dominance stems from being a Therian, or if being a Therian stems from your need for dominance. I do not judge, what conclusion you come to is your conclusion. For me, there are no 'wrong reasons' for being a Therian, Otherkin, Furry, or whatever label is most appropriate. However, there are hurtful reasons for being these things.

I hope that what I am saying helps you to the maximum benefit. Knowing that you are in need of help is in and of itself it's own revelation. In all things, we all need help. In my case, I seek out and receive it regularly. Usually in different methods, but it is something I do. I'm glad you reached out regardless. Helping you helps me help myself as well.

Re: Pack Alpha Help. (No problem with this pack, please read!!!)

Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2009 10:43 pm
by PariahPoet
*impassively licks a paw*
Silly canids and your need for social structure. ^^
As a feline, I will submit to none, nor will I impose my will on anyone else. I don't see any reason in hammering out a rigid social order when you have nothing to hunt anyway. -_-

Aki- just wanted to make a note on one point. Therianthropy isn't really a belief. If that were so, then someone could in theory "convert". It's something that you are or aren't. The only choice you have in it is if you are, whether to accept it or not. But you are right in that there is no physical difference between therian and non.

Re: Pack Alpha Help. (No problem with this pack, please read!!!)

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 12:00 am
by Bloodyredbaron
If you're looking for leadership advise, CRUSH ALL WHO OPPOSE YOUR REIGN! CRUSH THEM! CRUSH THEM! NO MERCY!

I have to agree with the general consensus, two people are not a "pack", or a group, you two don't need a leader.

Re: Pack Alpha Help. (No problem with this pack, please read!!!)

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 12:15 am
by *nagowteena*
PariahPoet wrote: Aki- just wanted to make a note on one point. Therianthropy isn't really a belief. If that were so, then someone could in theory "convert". It's something that you are or aren't. The only choice you have in it is if you are, whether to accept it or not. But you are right in that there is no physical difference between therian and non.
I must agree with PariahPoet, ether you are, or you aren't just because you want to be a therian doesn't make you one.

and depending on whether you want to admit it to yourself and others (I believe) may have an affect on your behavior.

Now, I do not believe a therian would act the same as a real wolf. 1# a therian wolf has been raised in human culture, as to where a real wolf hasn't. and I believe that there are many degrees of therianthropy.

now, on the subject of this thread, I do not believe you should have a pack, one reason is because 2 doesn't really make a pack, and another reason is you both are teenagers. you don't know what you truly want, and shouldn't be trying to dominate, (it just won't work out in the human world.)

My advise, try to live in the real world, and think before you act. your only a year younger then I am.

Re: Pack Alpha Help. (No problem with this pack, please read!!!)

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 12:52 am
by vrikasatma
From what I've noticed, in a pack, males and females have separate hierarchies.

For example — in nature, it's the female that drives the mating game. The male only approaches by her consent, else he's sorry. "If there's a beast in men, it meets its match in women." (Which is why I consider rape to be not just a hideously vicious act, it's an affront to Nature)

Take a look at the she-wolf giving birth in the den. She will wildly repulse any who come in, including her mate. The classic Springtime picture of Wolf life, the male sitting outside his mate's den, looking dejected. And he is — but being dejected is preferable to being ripped to shreds.

Don't get wrapped up in your own testosterone. She is you as you are together, and don't worry about dominance. Enjoy it for now; you two stand in equal relation to each other.

"Stand together yet not too near together/ For the pillars of the temple stand apart/And the oak tree and the cypress grow not in each other's shadow." — Kahlil Gibran