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What is this weird thing?

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2009 4:09 pm
by WereDragon25
This topic is more related to any and all Pack members who know ANYTHING about health. Even though this is happening to my gums, I think it is doctorial since it doesn't involve my teeth.

OK, we all know how normally your gumline above your teeth is like...


all of the way around, right?

In the past...two days? Maybe three. My gumline has started expanding. It is now shaped like...
an arch, I guess? It goes straight, like above, and then it arches just over my left canine tooth. At first I thought that it may just be a sore or something connected to one side of the gums, but, I looked, it is connected to the tope and both sides, It is like in that one spot, the gumline decided to drop half and inch. It also HURTS!!! I wanted to ask you all, because it has gotten past what I can deal with, plus I was wondering if it is normal, from how quickly it happened. And, the pain has gotten so bad, I haven't slept in a few days, as you will notice from the times I have posted on here. I got in BIG trouble for sleeping in class, but it was all I could do, I was too tired.

Re: What is this weird thing?

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2009 5:09 pm
by RedEye
Get to a Doctor or Dentist NOW!

It sounds like you have an infection that has become an abcess.

If the thing breaks and gets into your bloodstream, you could die...or lose your kidneys. Seriously.

Anytime you see that much change in yourself, don't post here... get to a Doctor or an Emergency Room!

Re: What is this weird thing?

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2009 5:15 pm
by WereDragon25
?? WHATTTT??? Ummm, I just called every doctor we knew, granted, which isn't a lot, considering we just moved here, but... they said the soonest anyone could get me was a week or two :( ... My dad said that I should stab it with a needle to release the fluid, but I... like... keeping my skin together :( , he is having me gargle with peroxide and salt water, which, by the way, BURNS :cry: , what are the chances it WON'T do what Redeye said for that week or two ?? ? By the way, it started hurting... I'd say a week ago. Maybe a little more. And, in the words of Scooby-Doo, just watched it with my niece, Ruh-Ro!!!

Re: What is this weird thing?

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2009 7:42 pm
by Baphnedia
Stab it with a needle? No! Stabbing it will just release the fluid all right - right into your blood stream. You need to contact dentists in your area, let them know you are showing up for emergency dental care - or call the hospitals and let them know you're going into the ER or Urgent Care for emergency dental care.

Keywords: Emergency Dental Care.

Now go!

Re: What is this weird thing?

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2009 8:13 pm
by WereDragon25
Got it, bye!