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Neverwinter Nights 2

Posted: Tue May 05, 2009 2:36 am
by John Wolf
:) Hello fellow Pack's Den Members, I thought I'd update you guys with new PC Game.

Those familiar with the original should know this one takes place five - ten years after the events of the previous. Neverwinter has been rebuilt after the successfull seige against the savage and dark magic influenced Luskan invaders.

Now new threats are emerging against Eastern Faerun in the form of the king of shadow's. There is this scene in the game about half way through with Emaree the druid, where you encounter six adorable giant Arctic Wolves that can be freed from this underground dungeon complex.

The New Graphics are 70% better and high designed than the original, that's about it, hope to hear from The Pack soon. (Howls)

Re: Neverwinter Nights 2

Posted: Tue May 05, 2009 11:00 am
by Vagrant
Plus it had the Mask of the Betrayer expansion, which had a story so powerful it managed to make me cry. It's actually that good that a number of critics have likened it to Planescape: Torment, and heralded as the only worthwhile PC RPG in years.

I mean, the original campaign was incredible (loved the interactions between Grobnar and Khelgar), and it had some really funny moments. But Mask of the Betrayer had such a powerfully emotional plot, I'll never forget any part of it. It was, quite simply, beautiful.

And it had a technicolour talking spirit-bear in it. So what's not to love?


Oh, and then there's Gann-of-Dreams, a silken-tongued character who's so well written that it's simply a joy to talk to him, and I did so at every opportunity, just to see what he'd have to say about any given situation, and how he'd say it.

Neverwinter Nights 2 was one of my favourite RPGs of recent years, and Mask of the Betrayer then went and trumped that with a PC RPG experience that I'll never forget.

Just like Gothic 3 is the most technically brilliant non-linear RPG of recent years (having proper predator-prey relationships between animals, proper NPC schedules, NPC behaviours, a living Worlds and whatnot), Mask of the Betrayer is the most brilliant storied (if linear) RPG.

And I do love my PC RPGs, if you hadn't guessed. <.<

Edit: Oh! Another reason Mask of the Betrayer deserves praise? Pretty much every campaign thus far, both official and fan created, only had depressingly straight relationship options, which I had no interest in. This is understandable, I suppose.


If one plays Mask of the Betrayer in a certain way, one can end up with Gann-of-Dreams as their life partner. And I was so very impressed by this, because frankly I'd much prefer Gann over either Kaelyn (the straight male option) or Cassius (the straight female option).

As I said though, it's tricky to do, but entirely worthwhile. <.<

Re: Neverwinter Nights 2

Posted: Tue May 05, 2009 9:31 pm
by Berserker
My computer could play NWN flawlessly. Would it be able to play 2?

Re: Neverwinter Nights 2

Posted: Tue May 05, 2009 10:29 pm
by Terastas
Berserker wrote:My computer could play NWN flawlessly. Would it be able to play 2?
I would seriously recommend checking your computer's capacity before you pick it up. I got NWN2 for Christmas two years ago. I haven't even gotten the chance to play it yet because my computer can't run it.

Makes me wanna' cry every time I think about it.

And I agree wholeheartedly with Vagrant; even though I've only seen snippets of it on Youtube, Mask of the Betrayer is one of the deepest, most compelling gaming plots I have ever seen. Usually RPGs tend to have pretty substandard plots on account of it needing to fit a universal PC, but MotB had me hooked even as I was reading the Wiki article about it.

And yes, Okku = hot ****, One-Of-Many = cold crap. :grinp:

Re: Neverwinter Nights 2

Posted: Wed May 06, 2009 1:25 pm
by Wingman
I bought NWN2 Gold a few months back, but didn't get too far into it because the retarded AI kept undermining me at every turn. Well, that and because I hated that only my main character could be multiclassed, which made it an even bigger loss when the NPC wizards start blasting off all their spells to kill a few rats.

Re: Neverwinter Nights 2

Posted: Wed May 06, 2009 5:56 pm
by Vagrant
Berserker wrote:My computer could play NWN flawlessly. Would it be able to play 2?
If you could post your computer's specs, I'd be able to give you a definitive answer. But as Terastas pointed out, NWN2 was cutting edge when it was released, like a lot of the best RPGs are, and the Electron Engine (which NWN2 was built on) required a pretty beefy PC. Even the rig I had at the time couldn't run it on full settings, the killer setting being the pixel-accurate shadows shader (which is a joy to behold if you have a PC capable of doing it).

If you haven't upgraded your computer since NWN though, then I can say for a fact that it won't. Between 1995 and 2007, PC hardware changed drastically and quickly, six months could make the difference between a cutting edge machine and complete obsolescence. After 2007 though, things began to slow down, and that's waht allowed consoles to catch up. Lately, things are even reeling in a backward sort of way, with technology being less of a concern, and ideas being the most important currency in PC gaming.

A lot of my favourite games lately have either been 2D or a very undemanding form of 3D, but unfortunately NWN2 was released before this renaissance hit, back when graphics were all the rage.

The only place PC graphics are really being pushed these days are with some MMORPGs, being the few instances of games that actually try to properly implement DX10 stuff (Crysis being the last that did it fully, I think).

But I digress...
Wingman wrote:I bought NWN2 Gold a few months back, but didn't get too far into it because the retarded AI kept undermining me at every turn.
This is true of every Bioware/Obsidian game ever, unfortunately. But there're AI mods out there that take the AI from retarded to worryingly sapient. Take a look on the Neverwinter Vault, I believe the man at the forefront of AI coding is Tony K.

NWN (and 2) is a game that's excessively modifiable, so much so that it puts Oblivion to shame, so the mods are definitely worth looking into.
Wingman wrote:Well, that and because I hated that only my main character could be multiclassed,
Yep, again, this is fairly standard. This is actually because the characters are designed to fit a story role, their class plays a major part in the story. If that really bothers you then NWN, being story-heavy and story-driven, might not be the game for you.

Regardless, this, again, can be fixed with mods. The other option is the completely open-ended yet story-lite Storm of Zehir expansion, where you can do whatever you like to whatever or whomever you like, whenever you like. It sort of makes it a bit like a board game, really.
Wingman wrote:which made it an even bigger loss when the NPC wizards start blasting off all their spells to kill a few rats.
That just means you're not fantastic at it. ;p

The main campaigns are stupendously easy on anything but the hardest difficulty setting. If you really want to be schooled, try playing the Penultima campaign for the original Neverwinter Nights. Personally, I can control each member individually using the pause mode (space-bar), so even bad AI isn't too much of a concern for me. The default game allows you to turn the party AI off, after all.

So if you feel the AI is the only thing shooting you in the foot, then just turn the AI off and just be the puppeteer, pulling the strings of all. So not wanting to use mods isn't much of an excuse. All you have to do is click one little button and then you have complete control.

Re: Neverwinter Nights 2

Posted: Sat May 09, 2009 6:44 pm
by Wselfwulf
This game had one of the most solid engines I've seen for a PCRPG, the same one as the KOTOR's, which were both also good.
I thoroughly enjoyed it, played through the original with a friend and had a tonne of fun. I mean sure, I prefer real time collision detection (like oblivion or dungeon lords) but this was pulled of so smoothly it didn't matter.

I also praise the attention to narrative and especially character/isation. It's unfortunately atypical of RPG's around these days.

And yeah, MotB is good old epic high fantasy. God of death, eh? How about I DRINK YOUR DEIFIC SOUL.

Re: Neverwinter Nights 2

Posted: Sat May 09, 2009 9:26 pm
by Terastas
Wselfwulf wrote:God of death, eh? How about I DRINK YOUR DEIFIC SOUL.
Eh, I prefer the 'Eternal Rest' approach. Myrkul actually encourages you to absorb him; setting him to rest is what actually scares him.

"A final irony, even here."

Gann's take on "The God of the Dead. . . Who is now dead" was amusing too.

Re: Neverwinter Nights 2

Posted: Mon May 11, 2009 8:21 am
by Wselfwulf
Yes, typically with these quasi-sandbox games I can't help but make a character for each major path. Can't tell you how many times I played Arcanum. And Gann was a great character, and the dream sequences...all very well done.

Re: Neverwinter Nights 2

Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 5:07 am
by John Wolf
Wingman wrote:I bought NWN2 Gold a few months back, but didn't get too far into it because the retarded AI kept undermining me at every turn. Well, that and because I hated that only my main character could be multiclassed, which made it an even bigger loss when the NPC wizards start blasting off all their spells to kill a few rats.
I have to admit that the ending cutscenes were nowhere near as impressive as the original Neverwinter Nights cutscnes, instead most of the Companions died and cheap low resolution reports on what happened to different player played regions.

The Expansion campaign started out good , then the story turned to rubbish and the ending was dreadfull. Looks like my opinion is reversed. :roll: