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Werewolves and todays world

Posted: Fri May 29, 2009 5:01 pm
by Werewolfdragon
Werewolves, how do they fit into, Today's world? This is a vast subject with many parts. So how does the werewolf fit into the world today? In ancient times they were viewed as evil spirits by most, or
even as witches who had made a pact with the devil. But what about the barbarian tribes, specifically the berserk's who took on the mind of beasts? Werewolves, nowadays most people view them as
monsters, or demonic beings. Thus they are betrayed as such in movies and most books.

Lycantropy, When one believes, in their mind, to be a wolf.
And the term Werewolf, loosely translates into man-wolf.

What does it really mean?
Where does the Idea of the Werewolf really come from?
Are their still some left? And if so where are they?

These are only a few of the questions that must be asked.

It is my belief that some of the myth might have come from the barbarian cultures. However where did they get the idea from? And how?

Werewolves are real even to this day. And yes they are around us even now. Why can't I see them then? you may ask. This is simple to answer. You can't see them because you are not looking in the
right place. Look into your self, and search for the animal within, and you will find part of the answer to this and many more question, if you look beep enough.

What am I saying you may ask? I am saying that we are the Werewolves. We are the human/animal combinations of the legends, not some unknown outside source. Does this mean that we should cast
away our humanity and go romping through the forest's. Most definitely NOT! All this means is that the very thing that scares us the most in the movies is in reality already a part of ourselves. It is a part of
ourselves that we have one-way or another managed to suppress. This is why Werewolves are so intriguing to us. because the werewolf is that part of us most no longer realize is even there. It is the
animal within ourselves.

The werewolf is seen in the person who moves something by themselves in order to protect someone that they hold dear. such as is the case of the person who is granted super-human strength and moves
a car in-order to save a loved one who is being crushed. Now science tells us that this is just adrenaline. I disagree with the scientist on this note.

While it may very well be adrenaline that grants us the power to do such a feat, there is more to it then this. What causes us to release the adrenaline? It is our innate instinct of survival, the animal within us

Am I saying that we all have a werewolf within us? No I am saying that we all have an animal that is a part of us. It may not be the wolf. It may be a tiger or a bear. Ect... That we take after and not the
wolf. Regardless it is there inside us. It drives us to survive regardless of what that survival may cost us. It drives us to protect those things and people that we hold dear. It is our animalistic nature, our
instinct. and our very survival depends entirely upon it every day of our lives.

In today's world most have forgotten who we really are, and have abandoned our animalistic natures completely. But it hasn't abandoned us. We need to remember who and what we really are. and
return to the past.

Am I saying that we should revert back into animals? No how can we revert back into something that we already are? What I am saying is that we should remember. I am saying that werewolves are real,
and I am saying that we should find the truth. For there is much we have forgotten about ourselves. This is what I am saying. Nothing more nothing less, just this...

With this in your mind, how would you act in today's world, as a werewolf ? ? ?

Re: Werewolves and todays world

Posted: Sat May 30, 2009 2:19 pm
by Gevaudan
I think that we've covered this topic before, in numerous ways, and on many different threads. In fact, I think that the question you're asking is the general theme of this forum. Please use the "Search" function at the top of the page before posting a redundant thread.
Thanks! :D

Re: Werewolves and todays world

Posted: Sat May 30, 2009 7:16 pm
by Werewolfdragon
Sorry I wasn't aware that any other posts went into as much detail as Mine does. Besides Why git mad about it, If you don't want to put in your point of view then you don't have to. But Please, REMAIN ON TOPIC if you do choose to post, thanks.

Re: Werewolves and todays world

Posted: Sun May 31, 2009 12:11 am
by Gevaudan
Werewolfdragon wrote:Sorry I wasn't aware that any other posts went into as much detail as Mine does. Besides Why git mad about it, If you don't want to put in your point of view then you don't have to. But Please, REMAIN ON TOPIC if you do choose to post, thanks.
I'm not getting mad about it. I'm just pointing it out for future reference.

I was fairly "on topic." Even though I wasn't talking about the subject matter of this thread, I was talking about the thread itself. I think that it needed to be said politely before others would say it impolitely.

Re: Werewolves and todays world

Posted: Sun May 31, 2009 1:05 am
by Werewolfdragon
O! Ok I see. Well in that case what are the others that talk about the same thing as mine, so I can go have a look see?

Also It is begining to look as thow this Post needs to be deleated anyway for no one is posting anyway..

Re: Werewolves and todays world

Posted: Sun May 31, 2009 12:32 pm
by Gevaudan
Hey, no need to delete it. We're talking, aren't we? :D

Well, you could search things like "modern werewolves," "society," or similar terms. Here on The Pack, we prefer that members search and post on old obscure threads about certain topics, instead of creating a new post about a topic that's been discussed already. It keeps the forum neat and tidy, and it encourages discussion without multiple threads. Plus, it's fun to read the really, really old threads on here, back from the early days.

Re: Werewolves and todays world

Posted: Sun May 31, 2009 12:46 pm
by Werewolfdragon
Gevaudan wrote:Hey, no need to delete it. We're talking, aren't we? :D

Well, you could search things like "modern werewolves," "society," or similar terms. Here on The Pack, we prefer that members search and post on old obscure threads about certain topics, instead of creating a new post about a topic that's been discussed already. It keeps the forum neat and tidy, and it encourages discussion without multiple threads. Plus, it's fun to read the really, really old threads on here, back from the early days.
Very well, :( I will take note of this for future posts that I create. :) hwlwnk

Re: Werewolves and todays world

Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2009 10:28 pm
by RedEye
Keep in mind that while other Boards call this practice "Necroposting" and either prohibit it or frown on it, we of The Pack view it as a way to have not only fewer threads to deal with, but also as a way to research things that have already been brought up and discussed.

That way, we can see how the idea of a Werewolf has evolved here over time, and also how we have taken a fantastic being and done our best to provide a realistic basis and explanation for their existence. can find all this stuff in the things that say "Read this" at the top of this forum...

Re: Werewolves and todays world

Posted: Sun Jun 07, 2009 6:17 pm
by Werewolfdragon
This post is going no where Please Will someone Erase this post? I would like to have it deleated if you would this is a request from the creator Werewolfdragon Thinks.

Re: Werewolves and todays world

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2009 9:59 pm
by Scott Gardener
Part of the problem is that the original questions are so broad that it's hard to decide where to begin.

I wouldn't advocate just axing this post as being "already covered." Otherwise, we'll have a tough time talking about much of anything werewolf related. If we put in a "no 'been there, done that' posts" rule, this site will dwindle pretty quickly.

Re: Werewolves and todays world

Posted: Sat Jun 20, 2009 3:25 pm
by RedEye
Unless others request that this thread remain active, it will be deleted in 48 hours.
That's Monday, people; so make up your alleged minds. :lol:

Re: Werewolves and todays world

Posted: Sat Jun 20, 2009 7:36 pm
by Werewolfdragon
RedEye wrote:Unless others request that this thread remain active, it will be deleted in 48 hours.
That's Monday, people; so make up your alleged minds. :lol:
Thank you RedEye
You heard RedEye people, anless you pull togather and state that you wish this POST to remain ACTIVE, it will be Deleted as I have requested, The final say has been given to all of you...Their is no reason to keep this post active if there is not going to be others posting ( ON TOPIC ) to it...