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Anybody read Japanese?

Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2009 12:22 am
by PariahPoet
I made this sketch and want to put it on a shirt. My problem is I used a translator and I want to be sure I have the text right. I don't want to be laughed at when I wear this to an anime con. XP
The translation should be close to "Wandering in a world of dilute darkness." ... uyami2.jpg

Can anybody help me out double checking this? My luck I'd use my last sheet of transfer paper and put it on a shirt only to find out I had the text upside down. O_o

Re: Anybody read Japanese?

Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2009 11:02 pm
by RedEye
If you're referring to using either Kanji or Katakana script, there are some translation/character generators in the Japan-space of the Internet. Some even make an attempt to keep the syntax correct.

I suspect your best bet would be to use one of the "Oriental" roman character sets and print it out in english, since one mis-stroke on a character can change the meaning of things drastically; usually in a hilarious manner. That is where the "Jingrish" translations come from that are so odd and humerous. That's also why I suggest you stick to english with an oriental character set...

Re: Anybody read Japanese?

Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2009 11:24 pm
by PariahPoet
I did use a translator program to copy the characters exactly. I even converted the text back and forth a couple times to make sure the meaning didn't drift as it sometimes does with translating programs.

I have two main concerns. First being the vertical text. I want to be sure that is the way it should be read, that I didn't accidentally make it upside down.

Second I wanted to see if someone familiar with the language could make sure the connotations are correct. Sometimes the most literal way of saying something doesn't turn out exactly like you intend. I'm sure a lot of people when first learning English would interpret the phrase "fat chance" as a good chance since it stands to reason "fat chance" would be the opposite of "slim chance".

I am probably a little too obsessive, but I like to maintain linguistic accuracy. I'd rather not be producing my own reverse engrish.