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Extreme music for extreme people?

Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2005 10:57 am
by Morkulv
I was wondering, are there any people here who likes to listen to 'extreme' music? Like black metal, death metal, grindcore, etc...

As you may have noticed, I really like the band Emperor (avatar), and other black/death metal bands. :D


Some samples from other bands:

Akercocke: ... y_Evil.mp3

Blacklodge: ... .A.O.S.%20[The%20Arrival%20Of%20Satan].mp3

Enjoy! :)

Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2005 1:38 pm
by Terastas
I like metal if it's done with effort. While I don't know if they'd qualify as black metal or grind core, I'm a big fan of bands like the Cult, Sevendust, System of a Down, Disturbed, Evanesence, etc. because, not only are they nice and intense, but their guitarists can actually play more than three chords, and more than that, their lead singers can actually sing. Way too many bands like Slipknot and who knows how many Slipknot clones are out there (the ones that have names like Kevorkian or Kollumbine Killaz) is that the singers think they can get by with just devil-growling.

Right now I'm on a campus computer though, so I can't visit those websites to compare. :P

Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2005 3:56 pm
by Morkulv
A lot of nu-metal you got there. :D

Anyway, maybe you should try Strapping Young Lad. It's rough, with some death-metal invluences, but it doesn't sound like a broken vaccuum-cleaner anywere. :P

Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2005 6:02 pm
by Searif
I like any music that can be louder then a howler MONKEY , so im sure I like alot of metal and stuff like that

Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2005 6:04 pm
by Shadow Wulf
i like to listen to 80s rock, there the best :D

Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2005 6:05 pm
by Searif
bah, 80's makes me sad :(

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2005 4:01 am
by TrotFox
Terastas wrote:I like metal if it's done with effort. While I don't know if they'd qualify as black metal or grind core, I'm a big fan of bands like the Cult, Sevendust, System of a Down, Disturbed, Evanesence, etc. because, not only are they nice and intense, but their guitarists can actually play more than three chords, and more than that, their lead singers can actually sing. Way too many bands like Slipknot and who knows how many Slipknot clones are out there (the ones that have names like Kevorkian or Kollumbine Killaz) is that the singers think they can get by with just devil-growling.
This pretty well describes my leanings. If it's got good rythm and can be cranked while driving I'll likely be able to get in to it. Right now I've got a compilation disk in my car's MP3 player with Audioslave, Metalica, Linkin' Park, Tool, and Disturbed. There's another disk in the car with Evanesence, Madona's 'Frozen', Alien Ant Farm, and some others.

There's more too, but I can't remember them all right now. I'm not terribly widely versed in my musical selection though as I pretty much only know what comes on the Radio. I'm not antisocial, but the Hermit lifestyle would have suit me well before I met my wife. She's the only reason I have a social life so my exposure to new music has been limited until recently. ; ]

Trot, the loner, fox...

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2005 11:48 pm
by Scott Gardener
If it actually has a sound, instead of just being sound. If you take "heavy" and stretch it too far, losing sight of melody, you get pretty much a continuous tone that sounds basically like someone trying to sing while shape-shifting, to the tune of a defective washing machine. I've tried some death metal albums and found that the entire album sounds very much like the first minute. It's pretty much a continuous overlap of:




Occasionally intermixed with...

Comphlebethmoodyphah... morduphlabyphoobleth...

Death Metal is supposed to be the ultimate in hard edge. But, I actually find more intensity in the almost Zen-like anger of Nine Inch Nails, where the intensity, hard edge, and anger comes back around in Yang to Yen fashion, into a soft and melodic trance. That's the music to which I listen when I'm needing to hear something extremely moody, such as when I'm writing stories about aliens blowing up humanity, demanding answers to things we don't understand.

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2005 6:25 am
by Morkulv
Scott Gardener wrote: JujujujujujujjuujjuuJujujujujujujjuujjuuJujujujujujujjuujjuuJujujujujujujjuujjuu



Occasionally intermixed with...

Comphlebethmoodyphah... morduphlabyphoobleth...


Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2005 7:30 pm
by Terastas
Also, it took me a while, but I found "Praise" by Sevendust hosted in MP3 format. This is easily one of the most intense singles in my collection; anybody can smoke a pack a day and growl at the mic, but there's only one Lajon Witherspoon. :D


Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2005 3:36 pm
by Set
I honestly don't know the difference between alot of music types. If someone tells me a song is death metal instead of just metal I have no flippin' clue what they're talking about.

Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2005 11:11 am
by Morkulv
Reilune wrote:I honestly don't know the difference between alot of music types. If someone tells me a song is death metal instead of just metal I have no flippin' clue what they're talking about.
Thats easy. If a vocalist sounds like the cooky-monster, then you know that its death metal, and not just metal. :lol:

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2005 9:00 pm
by vrikasatma
They're not death or any kind of metal, but I used to follow Crash Worship before they broke up in '99.

Now, <i>that</i> was one intensely extreme night out! :howl:  :oo

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2005 9:33 pm
by Black Shuck
I don't listen to a lot of death metal, but I like Type O Negative and Black Label Society. I like 70's and 80's rock and the good heavy metal from the 80's. Not Kix or Accept or those type of bands. I like Rob Zombie/White Zombie too. I've listened to a little bit of Strapping Young Lad (the music video where they're all dressed like hillbillies, I liked that song), Akercocke, Slipknot, and In Flames. I think industrial music is good too, like KMFDM. I don't know what Rammstein and Fear Factory are, but they sound close to KMFDM to me. My other favs are Ozzy and Alice Cooper (shock rocker, but he was on a metal show, even though he's not metal :roll: ...). Yay for loud music! (Anything else I listen to isn't extreme as you can prolly tell :lol: )

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2005 1:33 pm
by Morkulv
Rob Zombie is cool. Especially songs like Iron Head (with guest-vocals from Ozzy Osbourne :o ).

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2005 1:48 pm
by Terastas
Black Shuck wrote:I think industrial music is good too, like KMFDM. I don't know what Rammstein and Fear Factory are, but they sound close to KMFDM to me.
Rammstein and Fear Factory I'm pretty sure classify as Industrial Rock, though I'm almost certain KMFDM's style is most commonly known as Megalomania (feel free to correct me if I'm wrong). And yeah, I like a lot of their music too (some of it's crap mind you, but most of it's pretty cool).

I guess the best way to sum up my personal inclinations are that I prefer music to be intense as opposed to heavy. An online friend recently introduced me to Nightwish and Royal Hunt, and boy do I wish I'd bookmarked those MP3 links. :(

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2005 1:52 pm
by Trinity
Hrmmn.., Intesne music.

I've heard some Black Lodge, nice stuff. But I'm into more of the lyrical intesne rythmns styles of NIN, Sisters of Mercy, Crux Shadows ( though they stuff tends to eb 'softer' ), Type O Negative.

Give me old-hard core Metal from teh late 80's and I'm happy.

Classic Rock is a fave.

Yea. I'm a mosh pitter.., or was until I got like.., all soft and stuff. :P feh.

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2005 2:15 pm
by Black Shuck
Morkulv wrote:Rob Zombie is cool. Especially songs like Iron Head (with guest-vocals from Ozzy Osbourne :o ).
That's a cool song! They played part of it at my 8th grade Halloween dance and I was like "Yes! I'm happy I came now!" and then they turned it off! Grrr!!
I've never heard of Megolmania before :? I just asked my dad what style KMFDM was and he told me Industrial and I thought their style sounded like Fear Factory and Rammstein. But hey, I might wrong too :lol: Good music anyways 8)

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2005 2:41 pm
by Trinity
Black Shuck wrote:
Morkulv wrote:Rob Zombie is cool. Especially songs like Iron Head (with guest-vocals from Ozzy Osbourne :o ).
That's a cool song! They played part of it at my 8th grade Halloween dance and I was like "Yes! I'm happy I came now!" and then they turned it off! Grrr!!
I've never heard of Megolmania before :? I just asked my dad what style KMFDM was and he told me Industrial and I thought their style sounded like Fear Factory and Rammstein. But hey, I might wrong too :lol: Good music anyways 8)

KMFDM has a lot more "Noise" in it then does Ramstien ( fave group.., hmn sexy german angry singing.., *drooles* ).

MAN now I want to go to a Drac's Ball her ein Philly. dangit! >.<

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2005 2:42 pm
by vrikasatma
Wow, lots of Negativians on this board :D

Count another one. I go back with the a ways, I hooked up around '93 when my friend turned me on to the mighty TON. I found out I'm nine hours older than Peter Steele and did a tattoo show-and-tell session with Josh when they came through San Francisco.

Trinity: I use to pit, too. Go 'way back into the early '80s San Francisco Bay Area scene. Adopted a wolfish style of pitting: panting w/tongue out, digitigrade, snarling, slinking and pouncing at people, harrying the slower pitters. I pitted until I dislocated my knee: it happened at a TON show, during "Christian Woman." How's that for irony?! I survived Megadeth, Motorhead, Celtic Frost, Voivod and Agnostic Front pits and get nailed during a slow, atmospheric song about a girl masturbating! :lol:

Re. KMFDM: "Megalomania?" H'mm, first I've heard. We always called it UHB, the Ultra-Heavy Beat. Don't listen to KMFDM very much anymore, I jumped ship when Guenter and En Esch bailed and followed them into Slick Idiot. Yeah, not very extreme unless you count musical styles that's all over the map. Their last album veered between Contemporary Adult jazz-rock to classical guitar runs to speed metal to silly ditties to just plain weird...I'm just waiting for En to break out the harmonica again. And it's threatened that he knows how to play the harp, too... ??

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2005 2:46 pm
by Trinity
vrikasatma wrote:
Trinity: I use to pit, too. Go 'way back into the early '80s San Francisco Bay Area scene. Adopted a wolfish style of pitting: panting w/tongue out, digitigrade, snarling, slinking and pouncing at people, harrying the slower pitters. I pitted until I dislocated my knee: it happened at a TON show, during "Christian Woman." How's that for irony?! I survived Megadeth, Motorhead, Celtic Frost, Voivod and Agnostic Front pits and get nailed during a slow, atmospheric song about a girl masturbating! :lol:
Heh. I pitted in NY at their Halloween ( after seeing them Halwo's Eve in PA HA! )

DUDE, I learned how bad the front mash was. I got tossed, and stopped to catch a breather, nect thing I know I'm being forced to teh front. Can't get ou, can't get back into the pit.., started having a fricking Asthma attack and got pull back stage in teh emergencey area from nearly passing out.

Holy cow.

I'd rather pit then get cought in teh front crush ever again! >.< gah.

I did get jaw-jacked once and a few shin bruises.., but people seem to be a lot "nicer" when gals are in the pit. heh.Poor them. ;) *evil grin*\

In Philly, though its techinically illegal to pit, they have towards the end fo teh night at some of the goth/industrial clubs a pit. About halfway through, they stop the pit, adn have a girls pit. OMFG that RAWKED. I got so kncoked on my a** by someone twice my size but half my height.

HA! It was great. :)

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2005 3:07 pm
by vrikasatma
I'm pretty big, 5'10" with big bones and lots o' muscle and enough agility for myself and two others back then — I was lil' miss jockette — so I could pretty much hold my own in the pit alongside the guys. The Bay Area pits were cool anyway, we just wanted to bounce each other around, no toes, no fingers, no elbows, nothing pointed. I got forearm-tagged in the midsection and had the air knocked out of me once, other than that it was just the occasional bruise.

It was basically human bumper cars :lol: Help each other up if we fell, just good clean violent fun. No drunks, we tanked up on water and Gatorade. We'd bounce drunks out. After the show we were probably the mellowest people you'd meet, the cops on Broadway loved us because we never gave them trouble. They hated the Aquanet-and-Fishnets crowd because they could count on at least three drunken and/or dysfunctional relationship brawls per show. :P We just went to the deli on the corner, sat quietly and drank Gatorade to replenish before jumping into our cars and going home.

Man, the pit scene just went to hell after MTV made it fashionable, then all the dorks crawled out of the sewer and screwed it up. :x Then it became a donnybrook, just ultra-violent assholes seeing how many people they can cripple. We didn't wear boots, it was sneakers because you can MOVE in those.

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2005 6:30 pm
by WereDog
Shadow Wulf wrote:i like to listen to 80s rock, there the best :D
yo go girl... eh, i mean guy! :lol:

i love eighties rock.... it simply rocks :lol:

i like heavy metal musik, but not heavy metal songs, dont matter if its good or bad songs, i just cant stand em.

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2005 6:41 pm
by Terastas
WereDog wrote:
Shadow Wulf wrote:i love eighties rock.... it simply rocks :lol:
Ditto I suppose, though I'm more selective in tersm of what eighties rock I like. Aerosmith and Boston come to mind before anything else (and no, the fact that their both from this state and Steve Tyler and I share the same birthdate has nothing to do with it), and of course. I also like some of Ozzy Osbourne's work, though I tend to favor mostly his 1990s-2000 stuff, so I wasn't sure wether to include him or not.

And now for something almost completely unrelated:
Any Crystal Method fans here?

Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2005 2:37 am
by Trinity
vrikasatma wrote:I'm pretty big, 5'10" with big bones and lots o' muscle and enough agility for myself and two others back then — I was lil' miss jockette — so I could pretty much hold my own in the pit alongside the guys. The Bay Area pits were cool anyway, we just wanted to bounce each other around, no toes, no fingers, no elbows, nothing pointed. I got forearm-tagged in the midsection and had the air knocked out of me once, other than that it was just the occasional bruise.

It was basically human bumper cars :lol: Help each other up if we fell, just good clean violent fun. No drunks, we tanked up on water and Gatorade. We'd bounce drunks out. After the show we were probably the mellowest people you'd meet, the cops on Broadway loved us because we never gave them trouble. They hated the Aquanet-and-Fishnets crowd because they could count on at least three drunken and/or dysfunctional relationship brawls per show. :P We just went to the deli on the corner, sat quietly and drank Gatorade to replenish before jumping into our cars and going home.

Man, the pit scene just went to hell after MTV made it fashionable, then all the dorks crawled out of the sewer and screwed it up. :x Then it became a donnybrook, just ultra-violent assholes seeing how many people they can cripple. We didn't wear boots, it was sneakers because you can MOVE in those.
here here!

I don't like going into pits where there are 'pinwheelers'. Ya know those skrawny thin guys who are all angles, swing their arms about and kicking a lot. >.< GAWD I hate those types with a passion. Most often they go in to -start- fights. :P

I wear boot sonly cause I have a tendeny to get stepped on.. a lot. heh.

Love it when teh pit edges are there to grab you too if you fall.., its teh neatest sensation of having the crowd behind you.., almost like an airy feathe rmatterss that bounces you back.

Most of the pits I've been in though have be politem rarely dysfunctional. Its only when I've been to big shows that people get moronic. :P gr.