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Guess we'll see how long this lasts

Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2009 5:17 pm
Hmph. Hardly the first forum I've ever joined up with. I have this funny tendency to drift off after a while. Guess we'll see. So what's up?

Personally, my "profile", such as it is, was thrown together in a hurry, and at the moment I'm half asleep as I've not been sleeping well. I fully expect this post to ramble. A lot. I'm willing to bet several people will read it anyway.

Uh...yeah. So, I usually join forums and such in the search of interesting people to talk to, as opposed to things to talk about. More specifically, there's only so much one can say about werewolves, for example, but someone with something interesting to say about that topic, might have something interesting to say about other topics too. Hence the...afore-mentioned typical...behavior...thing.

I just really like to debate and discuss things, really. I have a deep interest in studying things which may or may not be real, that point in and of itself being rather irrelevant. I like to discuss things like the concept of therianthropy and the variety of spinoffs that produces, or magic, or aliens, or psychics, or whatever. See what there is to see, learn what there is to learn.

I am also a die hard gamer, and have been for over 15 years now. Card games, video games, tabletop war games, you name it. So that's out there. I'm a nerd. Deal with it.

I am also soundly of the inclination to make people's lives a little more...surreal. You have been warned. I'm pretty good with messing with people.

I'm also astronomically forgetful and lazy. If you want to talk to me, seriously, IM me out of the blue. MSN is best for this. I always love to chat.

And now, I do believe I promised some rambling. Don't really know what there is that I feel like rambling about at this moment, but it really is rather funny how one can actually ramble on about rambling itself, the very concept thereof, and not really say anything on the topic of rambling whilst fulfilling the definition through virtue of action, or so I am inclined to believe anyway, for of course my sense of humor can and inevitable shall diverge from those of those around myself, thereby causing no end of difference of opinion, and so by definition of course when I say that something is, as I stated earlier, "rather funny" this is of course merely indicative of my personal opinions, feelings, and/or views on the matter, possibly but not necessarily in that order.

...yeah, I could've kept that going, but I'm tired, and lazy, and braindead. Bleh.

Re: Guess we'll see how long this lasts

Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2009 9:20 pm
by Flatline
welcome to the pack!

DUCKY PELT! :ducktoss3:

Re: Guess we'll see how long this lasts

Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2009 11:52 pm
by Gevaudan
Nice ramble. :D Welcome to the Pack!

Re: Guess we'll see how long this lasts

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2009 1:32 am
by IndianaJones
Greetings, fellow nerd. Welcome to the pack.

Re: Guess we'll see how long this lasts

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2009 2:09 am
by Wingman
I am the proprietor of the Penguin Cafe, I will tell you things at random.

Welcome to the Pack.

Re: Guess we'll see how long this lasts

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2009 6:58 am
by Moonwatcher
Welcome :ducktoss3: