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Not sure what the subject should be on this one.

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2009 2:34 pm
by FireLuna
My grandma called me to help with the food tonight at her church :( not to happy about it.
But she did tell me what was going on tonight so this should be entertaining I hope (I'm not a big fan of going to church).
The church is doing vacation bible school all week and tonight their going to have a guy dressed up as a werewolf and jump out of a box :?
not sure why tho. I didn't thing werewolves and church mixed but I could be wrong. I'm all for scaring kids but these are 3 year old and up kids. I don't think this is a good idea and its going to be a disaster but I'm going to take my camera just it case.
If I get any good pics I'll post them.

Re: Not sure what the subject should be on this one.

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2009 3:41 pm
by Baphnedia
At the very least, it should prove to be interesting... I make no claims as to knowing how it'll turn out. :)

Re: Not sure what the subject should be on this one.

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2009 3:53 pm
by RedEye
Just as long as it isn't out of a cake... :lol:

And, it would be interesting to see why this fellow is jumping out of a box; and I can see trouble already:
1: Box too tall, guy too short; tries to jump and goes splat on the floor tangled up in a box. Conclusion: Werewolves are klutzes.
2: Box too small, guy too tall; everybody sees a pair of hairy feet sticking out of a box while said box is standing in a corner. Conclusion: Werewolves don't know how to hide.
3: Everything works; now all the kiddies want their own "Werewolf in a box" for Christmas...
4: Box won't open; now you have a Werewolf bumbling around with a box on his head...

The potentials are nearly endless.... :lol:

Re: Not sure what the subject should be on this one.

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2009 8:16 pm
by Figarou
Werewolf in the box? Would you like regular fries or furry? Errr ummm curly. :grinp:

oh! Place a hand turn crank on the box that plays "pop goes the weasel." :lol:

Re: Not sure what the subject should be on this one.

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2009 12:24 pm
by MattSullivan
maybe you should go because your grandma asked you to. You know, to be kind..and do some nice charity work?

Re: Not sure what the subject should be on this one.

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2009 9:52 pm
by FireLuna
Sorry it took so long to post the pic.
The story is his poodle was being picked on by all the other dogs so he made a growth and mean formula for him. :roll:
dumb but whatever

I couldn't get more pics because I had a VERY upset kid attached to me crying and screaming. :(
The part that pissed me off was the preacher and the others thought it was funny that she was so upset.
She is a 4 year girl.
MattSullivan wrote:maybe you should go because your grandma asked you to. You know, to be kind..and do some nice charity work?
I go every time my grandma call me to help her there with no problems. I don't like it because she is 80 years old and they expect her to do all the cooking and cleaning. Her health isn't that great and it upsets me that they wont help clean up after the kids. Everyone leave her to do it. It upsets her as well that they do that but she is to nice to ask them to stay and help and will not let me say anything to them.

Re: Not sure what the subject should be on this one.

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2009 10:18 pm
by RedEye
Okay. Now, a suggestion.

Your grandmother is 80 something. You aren't. What is happening to her bothers you, so you do have the right stuff.
Help her. If she goes, go with her and help her with the cleanup.
Maybe even do it yourself, while she gives you advice...

Why? I'm dead certain there are a lot more fun things to do. Heck, I'm 60+ and I would have a lot more fun things to do, even at my age,
It's not about her. It's about you...
Learn to care about others, especially your kin. You're here because of them. There is a christian saying; "Do unto others as you would have others do unto you."
It's wrong, because it sounds like you do good, you get good back. You don't, most of the time.
Try: "Treat others the way you want to be treated." How they treat you is not's all about how you treat yourself. What you give away, you really do get back. What you achieve by helping a family member is self-respect and self-strength.
If you consiously do what is good, you grow stronger. When you choose what is of the Light, you push the shadows back just a bit. You stand a bit straighter, and your words carry more weight.
It isn't easy, and there is no immediate reward... just one that lasts the rest of your life.
And it's all your choice.
Be the Wolf, not the Sheep.

Re: Not sure what the subject should be on this one.

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2009 11:00 pm
by FireLuna
I do help her every chance I get. Helping her or doing it for her doesn't bother me at all. I love spending the time with her.

Hell last week when it was hot as hell she has me outside cleaning corn and peas to put up and we were in tears laughing half the time. I love hearing stories when she was my age.
Yes I do get advise from her and I've learn not to little things bother me as bad( still working on that tho).

I guess I'm just over protective of her.