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How committed are you to Freeborn?

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2005 12:56 pm
by Jamie
I know that just by being here, we are already supportive of the movie to some extent. Of course, we all hope that the movie fulfills our dreams by putting a werewolf fan's werewolf on the big screen for the first time. We also realize that, even though the producers are trying hard and we all appreciate that effort, there is still a chance that the movie might not live up to all our expectations, just by sheer chance, or by studio meddling, or by whatever. There is no way to guarantee that we will get a perfect movie.
But many of us know that, regardless of the outcome, this film is bound to be much better than most werewolf films, and that the very existence of a forum where fans are quizzed and listened to is a trend that we want to encourage. Even, if by some chance, the film itself turns out to be merely decent instead of great, we want to send an unmistakable message to the film industry as a whole that FANS SHOULD BE CONSULTED and that STEREOTYPICAL WEREWOLF DESIGNS AREN"T GOING TO CUT IT ANYMORE. The best way to sent these messages is to put our financial weight behind the film after it is released, by seeing the movie in the theater, buying the DVD, and convincing as many other people as possible to see Freeborn.

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2005 12:59 pm
by Lupin
You need an "I plan to see it in the theater more than once" option. That'll probably end up happnening with me. I'll see it once by myself, then end up going a couple of more times as I dragg my friends.

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2005 1:17 pm
by Jamie
Is there a way to add that option without messing up the current results of the poll? I'd want to add it on top, since I have ordered the answers roughly from "most dedicated" to "least dedicated" but I am afraid that moving each option down one would change people's answers that are already there. And then there is also the issue of buying multiple copies of the DVD.
Perhaps, if your answer is the top one and you also plan to go to the theater multiple times and/or buy multiple copies of the DVD, you could indicate those additional details in a reply. After all, to be absolutely fair, I would have to add a bunch more detailed options, such as "I plan to go to the theater at least five times, bring along three friends, and buy four copies of the DVD, one of which I will attempt to donate to my local library to create even more publicity". It is probably easier to add the extra details of your dedication to Freeborn in individual posts. After all, there might be ways that people plan to support Freeborn that I haven't even thought of.

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2005 1:25 pm
by Vilkacis
I'm not sure, as I haven't done it before, but I think if you change the poll it gets reset.

-- Vilkacis

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2005 1:52 pm
by Searif
im probly going to go to see the movie and buy it, that is if it comes to canada((does it?))

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2005 2:10 pm
by ABrownrigg
This post is wonderful, it is pure data that I can send to distributors/studios. Thank you very much.

A Brownrigg

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2005 2:11 pm
by Silverclaw
I'll definetnly see it when it comes to theaters :) I'd travel to go see it. Though I hope it would be playing somewhere within two/three hours to where I live. Come on wide release! :D
And I'll get the dvd first day it comes out if possiable. 8) I'm going to have to get ABrownrigg/Albee/Silver/Whoever else I can to sign one copy; and have another to watch 8) hwlwnk

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2005 2:25 pm
by Vilkacis
I wouldn't travel or anything to see it. I would probably wait at least a few days or so before seeing it in the theater -- I hate crowds. If it's at least decent, I'll buy the DVD. This is, however, only due to my participation here in the Pack. Normally, I wouldn't bother unless it was an excellent movie.

-- Vilkacis

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2005 2:52 pm
by Searif
Vilkacis wrote:I wouldn't travel or anything to see it. I would probably wait at least a few days or so before seeing it in the theater -- I hate crowds. If it's at least decent, I'll buy the DVD. This is, however, only due to my participation here in the Pack. Normally, I wouldn't bother unless it was an excellent movie.

-- Vilkacis
same here, people here at the pack made me like shapeshifters alot more

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2005 2:53 pm
by SnowWalker
I will see it in the theatre, traveling if necessary. When it's on DVD I will buy it!

actually, I'd love to go to a premiere (red carpet etc) for this movie ;-)


Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2005 3:06 pm
by Figarou
How committed am I to Freeborn?

I am DEEPLY committed to it!!

I'm here everyday looking for new information!! I don't want to miss anything!!!

I came here with no knowledge of the werewolf. At 1st, I was going to voice my opinion and then disappear. But this forum has taught me so many things. I also met new friends. I can't just leave. I'm also glad to be helping out as much as I can.

I'm more of a home theater freak than a werewolf fan. When I watch a DVD, I like to utilize all the features on it. I also want the best surround sound possible!! I spent 1000s of $ getting the best equipment for that purpose!! I also like to learn about the film after I watch it. I really enjoy listening to the directors commentary. And the "making of" (If its on the DVD)

When the DVD comes out, I want it to be called the "Pack edition" Not "collectors edition" or "ultimate edition." I will definitely buy several copies. I want one to be signed while I use the other to watch on my home theater.

After joining this site, I realized I had a chance to actually meet a director. This was something I dreamed of for a very long time. My dream has come true. It was great to actually meet ABrownrigg. There was so much to talk about.

Now, as for the film release in theaters, I plan on going to the premiere. I want to be there watching the film with ABrownrigg, the actors, producers, Pack members, everyone!! I hope its in Texas so I can drive to it.

I have one more dream that I hope comes true. I want ABrownrigg and Cory Turner to watch the Freeborn DVD at my house.

Edit---Correcting spelling error

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2005 3:20 pm
by Set
The only way I'll see it is if it's in a theater in Augusta, GA. My travel options are limited and unless some rich dude decides to buy the entire Pack plane tickets to go see a premiere somewhere I'm gonna have to stick with the Regal theater that's close(ish..) to my house. I'll buy the DVD when it comes out too though. I swear I'm gonna drag my mother to the theatre on opening day if I don't have my driver's lisence by the time it comes out. She'll just have to put up with it.

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2005 3:23 pm
by WereDog
i would see it in theaters, but i wouldnt travel outside the town to do so(but if it comes to sweden, then im sure it will come to my city as its the cinema capitol of the country)

i would offcource buy the dvd even if the movie sucks a**(god forbid). altho if it wasnt good i wouldnt buy it at full price.

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2005 7:49 pm
by Kzinistzerg
i'll see it if it comes locally and will definetly see it on dvd or vhs, whichever i can get first. i may well end up buying it.

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2005 7:51 pm
by waywolf
this is definatly a movie i have to see at the theatre. then i will buy the DVD.

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2005 7:51 pm
by Fenrir
I'am going opening day no matter what. I will see it many times, once by myself, then I would drag friend after friend to the movie. And of course will by it on DVD! :)

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2005 9:36 pm
by Aki
I'll try to see it in a local movie theatre, and probablly get a DvD. :D

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2005 9:53 pm
by Shadow Wulf
I plan to see it the first day it comes out on Theathers and the first day it somes out on dvd.

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2005 9:16 am
by bluephoenix
i'm more committed than that. i will go see it at every time available on the opening day. maybe bring a friend if they can keep up.

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2005 9:19 am
by Shadow Wulf
bluephoenix wrote:i'm more committed than that
Ill buy the special edition if they have one, and once the movie ended, Im gonna shout out loud and say GO BROWRIGG AND LONG LIVE THE PACK!!!

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2005 1:27 pm
by WereDog
i will stand up and howl when the ending credits start :howl:  :oo

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2005 1:41 pm
by Vuldari
I will surely see it in theaters if it is shown in my aria, however, I really don't see myself traveling out of state to see it if it turns out to be a very limited release. (On the other hand, if all goes well and it becomes a Full Release... "Now Playing in a Theater near You"... film, that should not be a problem.)

As for the DVD...How could I NOT own a copy of a film I had my own hands involved in the making of? (*Typing sounds* fingers anyway. */Typing sounds*)

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2005 1:51 pm
by Figarou
bluephoenix wrote:i'm more committed than that. i will go see it at every time available on the opening day. maybe bring a friend if they can keep up.

Oh yeah!!

I plan on getting EVERYTHING thats Freeborn/Pack related.
(T-shirts, ETC.)

Thats how committed I am.

I also want a Freeborn movie poster to go in my home theater room.

Oh, I will NOT see Freeborn as a bootleg. NO!! I hate bootlegs!!! Only real DVDs plays in my home theater!!! And I don't download bootlegs from my PC either!!

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2005 2:04 pm
by Vuldari
Figarou wrote:Oh, I will NOT see Freeborn as a bootleg. NO!! I hate bootlegs!!! Only real DVDs plays in my home theater!!! And I don't download bootlegs from my PC either!!
Good for you. I HATE bootlegs.

I have a Bootleg copy of the anime "Tenchi Muyo" that I bought online, claiming to be an official copy. The seller would not take it back when I discovered it was a fake. (The Case was clearly from Hong Kong, and the contact E-mail address was a Yahoo Mail address on the back of the DVD.) I stare at it scornfully on my desk, next to the REAL "official" copy I bought later for a much heaftier price. The quality of the video on the BL was nearly identical to the official one, but that was beside the point. The creators deserve to recieve the revenues from their creations, and I feel it was totally worthwhile to pay more than triple what I paid for the BL (which was dirt cheap...I should have known better), to get the REAL THING. Media Piracy is WRONG. [/rant]

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2005 2:09 pm
by Lupin
I'm not doing any of this "getting the DVD on release day" nonsense. I'm putting it on Amazon preorder ASAP.
Vuldari wrote::woof:
I know how you feel, I've gotten bootlegs in place of real items a couple of times. I end up buying the real version later. The one exception is the Dragonball 5 CD set I have. The original is impossible to get.