Bittin werewolf is more aggressive then born ones?

This is the place for discussion and voting on various aspects of werewolf life, social ideas, physical appearance, etc. Also a place to vote on how a werewolf should look.

Which is more aggressive

Bittin werewolf
Born werewolf
2 - Doesn’t really care either way
Total votes: 26

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Post by Shadow_in_the_Moonlight »

I believe that a bitten werewolf would be more aggressive for a couple reasons. one, because they would be completly new to the whole situation and might have trouble getting control of their own minds and riegning in their lupine instincts, unlike a born werewolf, who would have been dealing with that sense birth and could possibly have that control already set in the brain ( kind of like how no one needs to teach a duckling how to swim, in order for to be able to do so). and two because they might have some wierd side affects because of the whole bloodcells thing. the white blood cells might see the whatever it is that turns you into a werewolf as an infection and try to fight it off. that could have any number of strange and possibly painful side effects, wich could cause them to behave similar to the way they would if they have rabies. after all the whole transformation thing could be linked entirely to the brain. Lycanthropes could have found a way to access a part of the brain that normal humans cant use at this day and age. those theories I realize are similar to Rhuens but if you read caefuly their are some differences.

oh, and Jessie-san, having heightened senses doesn't make you a "freak" or "weirdo" or anything like that. Me and my mother both have exceptional hearing and 20/10 eyesight. my friend alexa has awesome ability at smelling (she could smell your breath and tell what you had for breakfast, yesterday! no kidding!) and and can pick up vibrations from the ground like you wouldn't believe. One of the reasons i joined this forum is because i could tell that, no matter who you are you can find someone to relate to.
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Post by Jessie-Simone »

oh, and Jessie-san, having heightened senses doesn't make you a "freak" or "weirdo" or anything like that. Me and my mother both have exceptional hearing and 20/10 eyesight. my friend alexa has awesome ability at smelling (she could smell your breath and tell what you had for breakfast, yesterday! no kidding!) and and can pick up vibrations from the ground like you wouldn't believe. One of the reasons i joined this forum is because i could tell that, no matter who you are you can find someone to relate to.
:) THANK YOU Shadow_in_the_Moonlight THAT MAKES ME FEEL A LOT BETTER. By the way it's Jessie-Simone if that was a mistack but thatd ok. (smile)
Thanks to Sae-Kurosawa
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Post by Shadow_in_the_Moonlight »

lol the "san" part is a kind of thing used in japan. kind of like sir or ma'am in america. "san" is a kinda-but-not-really formal thing used when you first meet someone and dont really know them. I do that to people a lot. "kun at the end of a name also shows affection and familiararity. something you woulld call a good friend
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Post by Set »

Shadow_in_the_Moonlight wrote:"kun at the end of a name also shows affection and familiararity. something you woulld call a good friend
Please note that this good friend should be male. It's not a title used for girls.
Last edited by Set on Thu Oct 12, 2006 7:00 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by neoritter »

psiguy wrote:I say it is born because they might believe they were born superior to the human race.

And I could recount some old folktales about kind werewolves who were afflicted with lycanthropy later in their years.
Werewolves in general are not murderous beasts. They kill in most cases for a reason. Now, to answer the question. That factor would not matter. Agressiveness would be purely be different from person to person or in this case werewolf to werewolf. Also, any other habits, temperments, or behavioural characteristics would be different from person to person.

PS- The poll choices are not broad enough. You are lacking "neither".
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Post by howlbigbadwolf »

Ya a bitten werewolf would be more agressive the a born one for the simple idea that 1: the bitten werewolf body and mind is introduced to somthing new that the mind can not understand and the body can not kill
2: the new person dose not know how to control the new sences and feeling they have which is like a corned dog would bite out of fear and not understanding
3: Getting use to the new idea of knowing you can kill someone and not know it was you can be a huge shock.

A born or naural werewolf has this in his blood pluse the family will teach the child how to control his new skills and learn control....or will be sent to time out LOL :(
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