How long have you been a werewolf fan?

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Scott Gardener
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Post by Scott Gardener »

Twenty years--as long as some of you have been breathing. It began as a daydream that wouldn't die and led me through seventy versions, a manuscript, numerous LARPs and tabletop RPG sessions, a metaphysical movement, and now all of you.
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Post by Lyco »

I've always had a love for wolves, having grown up in a small town in the mountains of British Columbia, I could hear them howling on occasion. I'd say that a full blown obsession with all things wolfy didn't start until about 5 years ago... I was 13 years old and too creative for my own good. I wanted to write a story after being creatively inspired by the first Matrix movie which i had just recently seen for the first time. I fell in love with the theme of appearance vs. reality and wanted to write something of the same measure, and it wasn't long until i thought inexplicably of werewolves as a idea for a story. Something about the whole concept of werewolves reached out and grasped my young day-dreaming mind and wouldn't let go. Once i got the idea in my head it couldn't get rid of it.

The story i was working on crashed and burned after three chapters (i was 13 remember) but the thoughts and intrigue towards lupine in nature remained. I can't explain it beyond simply saying... I'm obsessed. And i feel that wording as accurate as well, as this burning interest and fascination with lycanthropy and so on has lead to both positive and negative things in my life.

For me, it's more then just a interest or hobby... it's part of my life, and I'm trying to explore my obsession more and more perhaps in order to find why it came to me in the first place.

but that's all very heavy ... when I'm not busy pondering the metaphysical meaning behind my deep seeded love of the lycanthrope, i'm just another teenager, doing what teenagers do :D (whatever that is, i honestly don't know)
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Werewolf fan?

Post by RedEye »

Let's see; that would be coming on forty years or so, from back in the Hammer and Republic days.
Considering that I have a story being considered by a couple of publishers, and it's part of a cycle, I'd say the condition has become worse, or better; depending on one's viewpoint.

By now, with all the work and research I've invested in Werewolves, I wouldn't say I was a fan...more like a Climate Control system... :lol:
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Post by chubhound »

How long've I been into werewolves? Oh man........ Heck, for as long as I can remember. I know I was into them from at least 4 years old. I actually ran across some old art I did back in pre-school/kindergarten that my mom still had in "the box" (you know the one.....the box where your parents keep EVERY little piece of art you did as a child, yeah....THAT box), and it was about a werewolf. I couldn't decide if I should be embarrased or not once I saw it. It was done in crayon on that yellowish construction paper that you always had to draw on in kindergarten (or at least I did). Some picture of a werewolf up on a mountain, howling to the moon, with some story about how it had really big claws and blood dripping off it's fangs. MAN! For a 4 year old I was kinda morbid. Plus I remember watching some made-for-TV called "Death Moon" (does ANYONE else remember seeing that?). Holy Moses was that a cheesy movie!! But.....I loved it. And I've been hooked on 'em ever since.
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Post by nachoboy »

hmmm. i never posted in this thread before. i guess now would be a good time to do that!

how long have i been a werewolf fan? i don't really know, i guess. i can remember being a lil kid and thinkin, "man, werewolves are awesome." then, i never been able to draw humans, so i always drew anthropomorphic animals and the like. whenever i drew myself, i couldn't do it with me as a person, so i was jus a werewolf erytime, knamean?

plus, as a kid, i was always talkin bout werewolves. like in the movie Monster Squad? yeah. me, my bro, and my close buds were esactly like those kids, 'cept none of us smoked, spied on our friend's sister, or actually killed/fought any real monsters. it was crazy, yo.

and then, this last october or so, i was like, "man, i'll totally mess with my english teacher and write an essay about werewolves being better than vampyres." and in doing my research, i realised how much i'm obsessed with werewolves. oh, plus, i found this website. it was pretty great, knamean?

so yeah. i guess that's it. i been a werewolf fan for jus bout all my life, but didn't really realise until kinda recently. there ya go.
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Post by Dreamer »

Well, I actually grew to love the idea of the sentient-when-transformed werewolf on my own. I actually thought of the idea on my own, for a story I had come up with (I actually haven't seen any werewolf movies at all). They looked very different than the usual gestalt-form were, with a lack of digitgrade feet and muzzle (although they did have tails). The thing that changed my perceptions on what Werewolves would look lie was our very own Lobo Leo! I read his comic and was captivated by his designs.
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