Order of the change.

This is the place for discussion and voting on various aspects of werewolf life, social ideas, physical appearance, etc. Also a place to vote on how a werewolf should look.
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Order of the change.

Post by Spiritbw »

This one got sparked from the discussion of werewolf cliches, specificly the one about the eyes changing first.

It reminded me of an odd note in the book The Twilight Watch where the main character Anton mentally makes a note about how werewolves teeth are the LAST thing to change. That he hated seeing human teeth in a wolves mouth(one had smiled at hima t the end of the change). Mind in that story the werewolves basicly become full on wolves but it made me wonder what the possible process of change is form first to last.

Your thoughts?
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Post by Set »

Eyes would be one of the easiest things to change. You're mostly only dealing with pigment there. (And the occasional rod/cone cell, but eh.) Growing bone from scratch or completely reshaping it would take more work.

I'd expect the more difficult changes to come after the easy ones. A werewolf would be likely to grow claws before they get a tail. Fur would come in early. Skeletal changes would most likely be last.
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Post by LunarCarnivore »

ya ive alway been a fan of

1) eyes
2)facial hair, claws, fangs
3)full fur, som facial change (wolf-man style), muscles
4) all the bone structure

it just looks good that way :o
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Post by Spiritbw »

Hmm, I'd agree to the most part but the fangs. Your regrowing the face form human to a wolf-like muzzle it would be easier to change the teeth at the same time as the bone is reshaped or after I would think.
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Post by LunarCarnivore »

well i dont mean fangs as in full on wolf teeth, more like the eyeteeth lengthening in preperation to become fangs. also the part with "some facial changes" include the jaw shifting so that teeth can overlap wolf style. :shift: :o rvt
Formerly known as Wolf-Man-24
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