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Re: Venting

Post by Set »

I don't like being harassed every time I have food. I hate it when the dogs do it, I sure as hell am not going to put up with it from a human. It's mine, you're not getting any, so GO AWAY.
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Re: Venting

Post by LunarCarnivore »

Venting hmm? well my summer vacation is sucking a**, im stuck at my dad's place in small-town alberta, away from my girlfriend, my friends, and everything else! im bored out of my skull and lonely!!!! and im stuck here until august 25th! im almost 18, i should be able to choose my friggin summer destination! i certainly wouldnt be here, i'd be camping with my girlfriend and her brother (who's my best friend)!!! this is ridiculous and i hate it!!!!!!!!

there i vented.
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Re: Venting

Post by IndianaJones »

*yawn* When will humanity awaken from this nightmare?
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Re: Venting

Post by Terastas »


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Re: Venting

Post by outwarddoodles »

I'm getting sick of people who insult others on the internet.

Yes, okay, I've done it before. I've been in a poor mood and done it before. But I've never told someone they have a lower IQ than me, that they're gay, or they fail at life and should go jump off a building.

I was reading a News Article about a cat breeding program at a zoo near me, and the two and only comments on this article is as follows:
Dumbass 1: Does this world really need more of those flea-bags? If they want cats' why don't they check the dumpsters downtown.

Dumbass 2 (in response to #1): The world doesn't need to any more comments from people with a less than 50 IQ, but it doesn't stop you.
Okay, the first one was rude, but kind of funny. The second one lacked wit, was unprovoked, and was just....stupid. (As a Note: Someone with a lower than 50 IQ couldn't even USE a computer. Heck, they couldn't read.)

I read the news everyday, and I watch Youtube everyday, and I don't feel the NEED to either comment on the news or randomly insult another's intelligence. Why do people insist on doing this? Do they think it makes them look witty? Why do companies allow people to even respond to articles like that when all they're going to do insult the writer's supposed sexuality?

Meh. /end vent.
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Re: Venting

Post by WerewolfKeeper3 »

outwarddoodles wrote:I'm getting sick of people who insult others on the internet.

Yes, okay, I've done it before. I've been in a poor mood and done it before. But I've never told someone they have a lower IQ than me, that they're gay, or they fail at life and should go jump off a building.

I was reading a News Article about a cat breeding program at a zoo near me, and the two and only comments on this article is as follows:
Dumbass 1: Does this world really need more of those flea-bags? If they want cats' why don't they check the dumpsters downtown.

Dumbass 2 (in response to #1): The world doesn't need to any more comments from people with a less than 50 IQ, but it doesn't stop you.
Okay, the first one was rude, but kind of funny. The second one lacked wit, was unprovoked, and was just....stupid. (As a Note: Someone with a lower than 50 IQ couldn't even USE a computer. Heck, they couldn't read.)

I read the news everyday, and I watch Youtube everyday, and I don't feel the NEED to either comment on the news or randomly insult another's intelligence. Why do people insist on doing this? Do they think it makes them look witty? Why do companies allow people to even respond to articles like that when all they're going to do insult the writer's supposed sexuality?

Meh. /end vent.
Because people are, have always been, and always be insecure about themselves, so, they start attacking anything that they see is "wrong" with that individual, to try and make themselves feel more important.
(There have been times when we were tempting to start tearing apart someone's self image because they were acting all high and mighty. Most of the time, we kid around because frankly, politcal correctness is so freakin' stupid, it makes a certain president look smart... which is almost impossible to do, so that tells you how bad it is.)
That might be the only one... okay we've done it before too... just not to the extent of basically making someone want to kill themselves...
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Re: Venting

Post by Kaebora »

Insults on the internet dont mean s**t. Just ignore them, or tell them their opinions hold no water, and go about your business. They aren't forcing their opinions on you, as you can choose to walk away. You can't take the words of someone you never met personally.
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Re: Venting

Post by Moss27 »

Okay, this only happened literally two minutes ago. Well, about 2 hours ago if you included the things that I didn't know where happening.

Oookay, so my dad defragmented the computer, right? That's no problem, because he also deleted unused files and programs, too to make the computer faster.

Well, the downside to that, he deleted most of my iPod music and videos. They were all stored in CLEARLY marked folders on the desktop, and he deleted all of them without MY consent. GAH!!!! I'm so freaking mad! I can't delete any of HIS stuff, but he goes and deletes mine? And he asks me to fix the computer all the time. And if I DO delete stuff and my dad installs a new program, the computer runs slow. Guess who he blames? And the stuff that I usually delete weren't used in, like, the past 3 months, so I assumed that he was done with the program.

I was close to tears, trying to find this thread. But then I realized that I had an external hard drive. I was like, "OMG It better be in there or I'm seriously going to yell at my dad!" Luckily, it was, for the exception of a few new songs that I didn't save.

MY DAD IS SERIOUSLY LUCKY. I would've deleted a few more items just to tick him off. And that would've grounded me for the rest of the summer. XD But if that were to be the case, I wouldn't care, because he would've deleted, maybe 2 years worth of painstaking downloads, some of them not even downloadable anymore.

I just got a word from my parents, and he said that he didn't know the difference between a folder icon and junk.

WTF? We had this computer for more than 4 years now, and he couldn't tell the DIFFERNCE?????????

GAH! And I just found out that one of the songs that i Really really really REALLY like is not there anymore. And it's not downloadable anymore, either. :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x

EDIT: I FOUND IT!!! The song I liked was Tsukurimashou! By Tomoko Kaneda. Do you know how hard it was trying to find that song?
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Re: Venting

Post by MattSullivan »

Maybe you should move out if you dont like living at home.
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Re: Venting

Post by Moss27 »

hehehehe.... I'm only 16. I don't think that's possible at the moment.

Plus, we're about to move, anyways. Where would I go?
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Re: Venting

Post by Anubis »

What do you call a steaming pile of bull s*** that carries a M-4 and wears substandard body armor. THE f*** UNITED STATES MILITARY!

I was planning to join the United States Air Force. My parents talked me into it, and i did some research on it. I liked what I saw, more I thought about it, more I wanted it. I always liked the idea of being a soldier, carrying a M-4 and kicking some a**. I wanted the pride of being an Airman, and being apart of something truly awesome.

However today I finally got around to talk to a recruiter, but instead of getting a appointment with them I got what to me felt like a slap in the face that only that a sheer amount bureaucracy could dish out. After answering some standard questions like marital status, height, weight, any missing fingers toes, etc. When he got to the one where he asks me that I have any prescription medication. I said that I take adderall for my ADD. Then he basically said that the Air force has no problem with me having ADD, but says that I'm not allowed to take any meds for it!

WHAT THE f***!!!!! ?

How in the hell does that makes any sense! What makes it worse, in order for me join the air force i can't take it for like a year, then i can go to basic. I can't do that, i need my meds to focus, and actually concentrate. It's way too hard for me to work with out them. Also i know once I'm out of basic I'll be allowed to take it again.

what is the topping to this bullshit sundae you ask?

It turns out only meds you don't actually need are allowed, I'm talking about f*** acne medication!!!

They let a recruit have smooth perfect skin while kissing dirt, but deny another to have an easier time focusing on what the instructor is talking about!? Tell me how that makes any sense at all!?


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Re: Venting

Post by fenrisz »

im not really a person who gets pissed off for real to often so dont really need to vent but in spirit of the thread ill give it my best :D
alright any one had airplane food? i mean that stuff is disgusting im always sitting there wicked hungry then i smell the food commin by and im think wow that smells really good maybe the airplane food has gotten better than last time then i get its reeeaally gross i end up takin like 2 bites and 3 of the tiny freakin plastic cups they give which are never enough to quench your thirst so the whole time im sittin there in my little plane seat and lookin around wonderin where the hell is the flight attendant so i can get rid of this nasty a** food and take a nap with out having to worry that it wll slide off my flat board tray onto my lap while i sleep then when they finally come back around with there garbage bag and see i havent eatin much of the food that tastes like some mix of melted plastic and socks they give me this dirty look like im a terrible person for not eating the stuff they were freakin PANCAKES!! how do the airplane cooks screw up making god damned pancakes to taste like crap i just dont understand it i nevver thought in my life that i wouldnt eat pancakes but i never thought in my life id find any as disgustign as that it was a disgrace to all breakfast batter basedfood items well i guess thats all i have to say on the subject of venting hope i did a good job :D
did i do a good job people? i dunno
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Re: Venting

Post by Moss27 »

Airplane food? Wait, you got PANCAKES? I never get pancakes...

Anyways, I guess it just depends on the plane. My brother hates fish, but when we were on the plane to the Philippines, they served steamed fish. He thought it was chicken and ate the whole thing. XD
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Re: Venting

Post by fenrisz »

ya ive gotten every kinda meal they serve i got pancakes cause it was like 7 am but ive seen there fish and didnt dare to eat it i chose the pancakes because that is somethin that is thought to be really good tasting but they were able to make them disgusting so dont fret because i regret ever having attempted to eat there food but honestly i only did that cause i wanted to fit in on this thread :D
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Re: Venting

Post by MoonKit »

Anubis wrote:What do you call a steaming pile of bull s*** that carries a M-4 and wears substandard body armor. THE f*** UNITED STATES MILITARY!

I was planning to join the United States Air Force. My parents talked me into it, and i did some research on it. I liked what I saw, more I thought about it, more I wanted it. I always liked the idea of being a soldier, carrying a M-4 and kicking some a**. I wanted the pride of being an Airman, and being apart of something truly awesome.

However today I finally got around to talk to a recruiter, but instead of getting a appointment with them I got what to me felt like a slap in the face that only that a sheer amount bureaucracy could dish out. After answering some standard questions like marital status, height, weight, any missing fingers toes, etc. When he got to the one where he asks me that I have any prescription medication. I said that I take adderall for my ADD. Then he basically said that the Air force has no problem with me having ADD, but says that I'm not allowed to take any meds for it!

WHAT THE f***!!!!! ?

How in the hell does that makes any sense! What makes it worse, in order for me join the air force i can't take it for like a year, then i can go to basic. I can't do that, i need my meds to focus, and actually concentrate. It's way too hard for me to work with out them. Also i know once I'm out of basic I'll be allowed to take it again.

what is the topping to this bullshit sundae you ask?

It turns out only meds you don't actually need are allowed, I'm talking about f*** acne medication!!!

They let a recruit have smooth perfect skin while kissing dirt, but deny another to have an easier time focusing on what the instructor is talking about!? Tell me how that makes any sense at all!?

I know that you just wanna vent but it makes some sense. They want to make sure that their soldiers are not dependent on anything in case they are ever caught in a scenario where they cant have them. Like if the pills are not avaliable, they want to know that you can function perfectly fine without them. Its not going to bother them if their soldiers have oily skin for a few days. But it will bother them if one of them suddenly can not focus or pay attention just because he couldnt get his medicine.

Im sure you'll be fine without the pills.
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Re: Venting

Post by Kaebora »

Moss27 wrote:hehehehe.... I'm only 16. I don't think that's possible at the moment.

Plus, we're about to move, anyways. Where would I go?
Get a job, save for a year, and buy your own computer. Considering that it's their computer, you have no say in what is on the hard drive. I got sick of the same thing, and built my own PC to fit my needs.

A decent pre-built computer can run you around $500 today. Not bad at all. Upgrading it with better video cards for games can become costly though.
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Re: Venting

Post by Moss27 »

I plan on getting a job. I want to do that and save up for my college funds as well.
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Re: Venting

Post by outwarddoodles »

MoonKit wrote:I know that you just wanna vent but it makes some sense. They want to make sure that their soldiers are not dependent on anything in case they are ever caught in a scenario where they cant have them. Like if the pills are not avaliable, they want to know that you can function perfectly fine without them. Its not going to bother them if their soldiers have oily skin for a few days. But it will bother them if one of them suddenly can not focus or pay attention just because he couldnt get his medicine.

Im sure you'll be fine without the pills.
No no no no. He most likely won't, and that's the problem here. It's wrong that the army suggests that he should resign to functioning without medication that he believes helps him. It's like telling a paraplegic they'll do fine without their wheelchair.

Although I realize the situation with soldiers not getting medication is true, it still REALLY sucks for his position.

Anubis: From what I know, I don't believe the Coast Guard has such requirements. Otherwise, I had a friend who faced the same difficulty -- he's now training to be a firefighter. Otherwise, that totally blows.
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Re: Venting

Post by WerewolfKeeper3 »

Anubis wrote:What do you call a steaming pile of bull s*** that carries a M-4 and wears substandard body armor. THE f*** UNITED STATES MILITARY!

I was planning to join the United States Air Force. My parents talked me into it, and i did some research on it. I liked what I saw, more I thought about it, more I wanted it. I always liked the idea of being a soldier, carrying a M-4 and kicking some a**. I wanted the pride of being an Airman, and being apart of something truly awesome.

However today I finally got around to talk to a recruiter, but instead of getting a appointment with them I got what to me felt like a slap in the face that only that a sheer amount bureaucracy could dish out. After answering some standard questions like marital status, height, weight, any missing fingers toes, etc. When he got to the one where he asks me that I have any prescription medication. I said that I take adderall for my ADD. Then he basically said that the Air force has no problem with me having ADD, but says that I'm not allowed to take any meds for it!

WHAT THE f***!!!!! ?

How in the hell does that makes any sense! What makes it worse, in order for me join the air force i can't take it for like a year, then i can go to basic. I can't do that, i need my meds to focus, and actually concentrate. It's way too hard for me to work with out them. Also i know once I'm out of basic I'll be allowed to take it again.

what is the topping to this bullshit sundae you ask?

It turns out only meds you don't actually need are allowed, I'm talking about f*** acne medication!!!

They let a recruit have smooth perfect skin while kissing dirt, but deny another to have an easier time focusing on what the instructor is talking about!? Tell me how that makes any sense at all!?

WTF? Dude this is crap... but it's typical of the U.S. ... i like the country, i support the soldiers... i just hate the government. I don't know what you can do... but maybe Outwarddoodles's idea would work... If not... sorry...
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Re: Venting

Post by fenrisz »

it kinda makes sense though if your out on a mission for few months and cant have any meds they need to make sure you wont go through a relapse or somethin not that you would for meds for add but there are other meds that wouold have a similar effect to a drug relapse also if your going to be flying a plane for the airforce they wouldnt be letting you take anything they think may effect your mental state for positive or negative which wouldnt make sense to me either but those jets are millions of dollars each so i guess they wanna be careful not to destroy them
as well i agree the government is messed up my brother who trained as a army ranger and a paratrooper as well a sniper and medic fell off an 80foot cliff and compltly shattered his left ankle (thank god that was all that happened to him) over in afghanistan when hes outa the hospital which is like a month they have him doin paperwork on the nearby army base as soon as he is good to walk again its back over to afghanistan for him he just got out about a month and a half ago and is living with my other older brother but im gettin off track point is government is messed up and as long as you are able to function with out any medical needs they dont care they will send you in so i feel bad for you because i myself was considering joinin air force for awhile but ultimatly changed my mind after seeing the hell they put my brother through i say good luck to you though hope you find something you are equally passionate about or maybe you will join and give up your meds i dont know your choice there
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Re: Venting

Post by MoonKit »

outwarddoodles wrote:
MoonKit wrote:I know that you just wanna vent but it makes some sense. They want to make sure that their soldiers are not dependent on anything in case they are ever caught in a scenario where they cant have them. Like if the pills are not avaliable, they want to know that you can function perfectly fine without them. Its not going to bother them if their soldiers have oily skin for a few days. But it will bother them if one of them suddenly can not focus or pay attention just because he couldnt get his medicine.

Im sure you'll be fine without the pills.
No no no no. He most likely won't, and that's the problem here. It's wrong that the army suggests that he should resign to functioning without medication that he believes helps him. It's like telling a paraplegic they'll do fine without their wheelchair.

Although I realize the situation with soldiers not getting medication is true, it still REALLY sucks for his position.

Anubis: From what I know, I don't believe the Coast Guard has such requirements. Otherwise, I had a friend who faced the same difficulty -- he's now training to be a firefighter. Otherwise, that totally blows.
I suppose it depends on Anubis. Doctors seem to prescribe pills for every little thing these days when there are other ways of working with these things. Like they wanted to give anxiety pills to a friend of mine and really all she needed was to be a little less sheltered.
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Re: Venting

Post by Anubis »

The thing is it's ADD! It's not like depression were I might put the busniess end of a rifle if i'm not on my meds. Only thing would happen is i would struggled in long, boring, and tedious situations. Nothing major enough for any one to be worried. Besides it's the Air Force! the chances are that i'll be kept state side or some base in a friendly country, doing most likely IT or general labor.
Last edited by Anubis on Fri Aug 01, 2008 11:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Venting

Post by Moss27 »

Anubis wrote:The thing is it's ADD! It's not like depression were I might put the busniess end of a rifle if i'm not on my meds. Only thing would happen is i would struggled in long, boring, and tedious situations. Nothing major enough for any one to be worried> Besides it's the Air Force! the chances are that i'll be kept state side or some base in a friendly country, doing most likely IT or general labor.
So you're venting more about the chances of being irritated and bored rather than being soley dependant on your medication?
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Re: Venting

Post by Anubis »

Moss27 wrote:
Anubis wrote:The thing is it's ADD! It's not like depression were I might put the business end of a rifle if I'm not on my meds. Only thing would happen is i would struggled in long, boring, and tedious situations. Nothing major enough for any one to be worried. Besides it's the Air Force! the chances are that I'll be kept state side or some base in a friendly country, doing most likely IT or general labor.
So you're venting more about the chances of being irritated and bored rather than being soley dependant on your medication?
What? :?

Are you making light of this? I have ADD, seriously I have a extremely hard time staying concentrated and focusing on my work, to the point where it actually interferes with my life when I'm not on my medication.

You may think that I'm just being lazy or something. It's not, its a REAL problem (with unfortunately some people blame ADD when they bored to tears).

No I'm not, I'm venting about the military's BS rules about prescription medication, and how buggered my education is because of it!!!

No Art Institute of Phoenix for me :(

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Re: Venting

Post by Moss27 »

Sorry, sorry! I was just asking. I think I worded it wrong, anyway. Sorry, again!


As for my rant today;

I'm back on dial-up until Tuesday, and it's costing 4 cents a minute. While we're using the internet, we have no way of knowing if someone is calling or not. And I feel bad when I go over to other peoples' houses just to use the internet. I can't believe how addicted I got.
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