An idea I had to raise money for Freeborn

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An idea I had to raise money for Freeborn

Post by Dreamer »

Well, I just thought of an idea to raise money for Freeborn. Why not have Antony go to small, indie movie theaters around the country and have them show Werewolf movie marathons to raise money? I know of a great theater called The Loft in my hometown of Tucson Arizona to kick it off at. I know such things could never raise near enough money to actually make the movie, but it could raise enough to do some preliminary scenes adn special effects, just to give the money-people an idea of Antony's vision for Freeborn, and hopefully getting them to invest.

So, what do you guys think of that idea?
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Re: An idea I had to raise money for Freeborn

Post by outwarddoodles »

I didn't think money was the issue -- I thought it was landing a decent studio.
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Re: An idea I had to raise money for Freeborn

Post by Dreamer »

Yeah, true. But wouldn't the publicity and the preliminary scenes created usign that money help get a decent studio interested?
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Re: An idea I had to raise money for Freeborn

Post by Wingman »

I suppose we're too mature to tattoo the logo and website on our chests and backs and run naked through public places, oh well.

Some viral videos could certainly work, especially since they would only need minimal FX, and could easily be done with cheap videocameras. The problem, however, is if the movie has in fact been picked up by a studio, there could be all sorts of conflicts occurring if we did that. Things like the copyright lawyers using the Board of Directors(otherwise known as a spare piece of 2x4) to beat those upstarts into mangled parodies of human life.
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Re: An idea I had to raise money for Freeborn

Post by outwarddoodles »

Wingman wrote:I suppose we're too mature to tattoo the logo and website on our chests and backs and run naked through public places, oh well.
So wait, we're NOT running naked through public places?

Well, sh--, what am I supposed to do with this tattoo? D :


Anyhow: A viral video is a really good idea. In fact, anything involving the internet is probably the best idea to raise Freeborn publicity. Heck, a lot of us are capable of posting on our blogs or Deviantarts for Freeborn advertisement. But...I think the majority of us have already done that by now.

Once again, I'm waiting for Freeborn to land a studio deal before I start advertising.
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Re: An idea I had to raise money for Freeborn

Post by MattSullivan »

This site will never raise even 1/30th of the money it would take to produce freeborn even on a LOW budget. First of all youd have to have the money needed to buy the rights to these werewolf movies AND see that the owners of said rights get paid. After that..what wioll you have? Pretty much nothing.

Sorry..I'm just sayin...
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Re: An idea I had to raise money for Freeborn

Post by Scott Gardener »

It's a nice thought, but it creates more problems than it's likely to solve; Anthony can get funding from a major studio, if they can just see that it'll pay for itself on opening weekend.
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Re: An idea I had to raise money for Freeborn

Post by Kaebora »

If AB was to show movies that are not his own for profit, he would have to pay royalties for each film. That may kill any hopes for segnificant profit. If AB was to show his own films in a back-to-back marathon, that would be a great way to promote himself, and the Freeborn movie. I could picture seeing the Freeborn trailer played like a preview before Red Victoria.
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Re: An idea I had to raise money for Freeborn

Post by Dreamer »

Great idea for revising my concept Kaebora! He could organise showings of Red Victoria at independent theaters (like The Loft in my town of Tucson, Arizona) to raise money to produce said preliminary scenes for Freeborn to convince execs to jump on the bandwagon!

For werewolves, if he needed to show any, maybe stop-motion would work (It's cheap and a helluva lot better than low-budget CGI).

Of course Antony probably won't hear about my idea because he apparently has vanished from the internets :(
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