Wolf dreams...

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Wolf dreams...

Post by Set »

So uhm...yeah I was wondering if any of you have ever had dreams about wolves/werewolves. I get them all the time. I'm not sure why but I feel like sharing a few of them with you. Be prepared to read alot here. :wink:

In all of them I'm a wolf/werewolf. Maybe not nessicarily as a wolf, but a wolf in spirit. Or something. Well anyway this one dream I had was...odd. I was taking a tour of this house that was supposed to be haunted. The guy who lived there was showing everyone around. Though it was the middle of the day, a warm day at that, it was super dark and cold in there. One old lady tried to open the blinds to let in some light, but he screamed at her and said "They don't like the light." The house wasn't really haunted. He was just a nut who lives in a freezer. Anyway everyone left including him, and as I was about to walk out the door some cop stepped in front of me and blocked my way. I growled under my breath and went back inside. The door was standing open so there was more light in the house. I looked past him and saw his car parked next to the sidewalk. Some woman from animal control was standing there strugging to load a tranquilizer gun, which I'm guessing was for me. So I shift into a wolf while hiding in the shadows. I don't know what color my fur was, I never get to see the color of my fur even if I'm looking right at myself. This lady with red hair comes in and starts talking to me and this shadow critter on the wall that looked like a dinosaur. I shift back to human form and go outside, the cop is in his car drinking coffee and the animal control lady is STILL struggling with the tranq gun. (thank the gods...) So I walk down the sidewalk until I come to the part that runs parallel to a hill. I duck behind the hill and transform back into a wolf. I walk along the sidewalk again and these two "monster hunters" (not as in killing, they just take pics and stuff) drove by in a jeep. I guess they thought I was just a big dog... I tilted back my head and let out a howl. They both shouted "Werewolf!" and tried to turn the car around but got stuck. Uhm, so I start walking again and these two punk kids block my way. I tried to go around them but they wouldn't let me. I growled. I try again, they block me again. I snapped at them with my teeth, and the younger one backs off but the other is still being a jerk. I try one more time and see him grabbing a hand full of sand. I close my eyes just as he throws it in my face. I run foward and sink my teeth deep into his leg. Everyone who saw was staring because I was running full tilt down the street, dragging this dude by the leg. Idiot. Then I wake up.

Whee! 'Nother one. I'm a werewolf, but I'm in human form. I was walking in the woods. It was fall and the leaves were beautiful. I come across another werewolf. It was a guy, he had dark brown hair I think. So I run, and he starts chasing me. I keep running until I come across a big rock that was right next to the shore of a lake. I ran right up the rock and jumped in the water. I couldn't see the other werewolf so I guess I lost him. I'm tired so I just float there in the lake, staring up at the sky. This small group of natives (think native american) come out of the forest and form a circle in the water around me. I was too tired from running to care much. They start chanting. It lasts a few minutes then they leave. I find myself floating up out of the water, hanging in the air like someone turned off the gravity. I knew then what they had made me. I recall hearing one of them whispering "Wind spirit wolf" before leaving. I rode the wind, I was the wind. That was cool.

Different dream. I'm in the woods standing under the trees. There's a clearing right in front of me. It was night, and it was raining. I'm in a somewhat half-and-half form. I have wolf ears, a tail, claws, semi-digitigrade legs, and a short muzzle. the only parts of me that actually had fur were the ears and tail. The rest of me was pretty much human. I'm looking up at the sky. The rain clouds were in a sort of crescent moon shape, revealing a good part of the sky while still managing to get me wet. I see three crescent moons in the sky. I'm guessing I was on another planet or something. It was pretty.

Last one I swear. I know this doesn't have quite as much to do with wolves, but just read. I'll just cut to the end, the rest just doesn't really apply. So anyway, I was standing outside of my house. The sun was hanging sorta low in the sky but there was still plenty of light. I see a full moon right in front of me in the sky. It was big, and bright. (well for a moon...) All of a sudden the moon starts to turn red. Blood red. This happens in under five seconds. I stood there all shocked like. I remember still staring at a blood red moon when I woke up. What's this got to do with wolves? Not much, but I was thinking of Wolf's Rain a little after that happened. I remembered the stuff about the red moon, and I got a picture in my head of Cheza's red colored eyes.

I have more... I guess I'm just a wolfy kind of girl eh? shhowl
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Re: Wolf dreams...

Post by Vuldari »

Reilune wrote:So uhm...yeah I was wondering if any of you have ever had dreams about wolves/werewolves.
Oh goodness...DON'T get me started about dreams.
(...too late. :wink: )

I've had innumerable dreams about people,(usually myself), changing into animals, but very few which really involve "Werewolves".

The only good example of a WW dream that I can think of, I actually tried to make into a story once. The dream shifted back and forth between it being about ME and me watching it happen to someone else,(as if I were watching a movie).

It began with this wealthy, widowed man (whom was sometimes me), hosting a party at his large estate. He was greeting guests at the door when suddenly he felt a pain in his hand. PANIC went over his face as he hastily excused himself and ran down the stairs to the unfinished basement, locking the door behind him. He sits down on a chair in the corner and curses to himself, "...$#%&!...Not now!..." As he clutches his hand, grey and white fur begins to sprout from the back of his hand. He slinks into a dark, damp corner where he slowly begins to shrink. Fur continues to spread all over his body as his face forms a muzzle and he grows a short tail...all the while he keeps getting smaller, dissapearing into his clothes. When the transformation is completed, he crawls out on all fours as...a wolf PUPPY. Whimpering sadly, he finds a loose board on the wall and squeezes into a tiny, secret passage. It leads him all the way up to the second floor where he finds a secret room with a single lightbulb hanging from the cieling and sray bits of food on the floor. This was where he would go to hide and reflect on his "situation". He could see the party going on outside through a small peek hole. As he settles down to wait it out untill he changed back, be began to remember how it all started.


He is at an international fair, browsing shops for gifts. He spies some silver, bullet shaped items in a padded case. (...OMG!...I never made the "Silver Bullet" connection untill just now. I always just thought of the items as expensive metalworks...) He inspects the intricate engraved patterns on the baseball sized artifacts,but decides against purchasing them. The two female shopkeepers dressed in red, with veils over ther faces won't take no for an answer, however. The three get into a heated argument and the man ends up insulting the women very badly. (He was not a freindly man) As the man turns to storm away,the women throw one of the silver objects at him, striking him in the back and giving a little shock. Furious, he picks it up and tosses it right back. However, defying gravity, the object curves in midair and comes back to stike him on the back of the hand again. Bewildered, but still in a rage, he thows it again, as hard as he can, but it just comes back and hits him on the hand again. He says something unforgivably horrible to the women and charges to attack them, but just as he is about to tackle one of them, there is a bright flash and the world goes black, exept for him, the women in red, and the box of siilver objects. The void is illuminated by a light which glows from the body of a beautiful woman in white who stands before him. She has an undeniable aura of power and authority about her. She looks down at the man with disgust, and picks up the Silver. She says something dramatically about how he is cruel and heartless, and now she was going to grant the secret desire of the women and CURSE him. The Silver artifacts all rise into the air and suddenly begin pounding the man all over, flashing blue and giving him a painful shock each time. The pain drives the man to his knees as he cries out for mercy. The pounding stops, but the man finds that he can no longer stand up. THe women all look like giants to him now, and his legs don't seem to work right anymore. As he tries to push himself up off the ground he sees what has become of his hands. they are tiny, fur covered white and grey paws. He had been transformed into a White wolf. ..but not a normal wolf. A Wolf PUP. He struggles to stand on his wobbly young legs and whimpers pitifully. "This form will be your punishment untill you learn to repect those who are weaker and less fortunate than you", the woman in white said. "You will be human again at times, but you will always return to this form when you least expect it to teach you what it is like to be weak and helpless".

*End Flashback*

Realising that he was not going to change back for a long time, he decided to just enjoy the party as he was. Pushing out through a secret door, he trotted out to the Patio where some of his dear old freinds were chatting around the table. An older woman notices him. "Hey little guy!... Where did you come from? *baby talk*...aren't you the cutest little puppy...yes you are...*/baby talk*". The man allows his freinds to pick him up and pet him and feed him treats...oblivious to who he really was. He allows himself to fall asleep in a womans lap as she srokes his fur lovingly. "Hey...has anyone seen the host? He's missing all the fun." She asks aloud. Everyone just shakes thier heads. A sly grin rises on the old mans cute little puppy face.


...Okay. The actual dream was much more complicated, but I decided to leave out all of the random junk like pink Trans-Am models and elevators that don't go anywhere. (which WERE in the dream) The man changed back and forth several times durring the party, playing the part of the host and his own pet with no one suspecting a thing.

I've had other dreams about finding out that my cousins on my fathers side were all secretly WereCheetahs, and WereBears, etc. or thinking I was a werewolf, but changing into a Giant Sparrow instead when I saw the full moon. ...Weird stuff. I won't describe any more of my "Shapeshifting" Dreams now... I'm tired of typing.
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Post by Krissy »

I've had a few good dreams in my life, and most of them were from when I was younger. But I've dreampt of just being a therian, but not changing into my therian side (as I would hope that my dreams would allow me to do). But to the topic at hand -- yes, I've had more than one dream of turning into a Wolf/Wolf hybrid (mostly the hybrid form).

I remember one (this was a little more than a year ago, I believe) where I was going through some kind of process -- or change, rather. I can't remember for sure now, but I'm pretty certain it was due to the fact that I was "maturing" into these capabilities because of hitting puberty. But anyway, the setting was kind of abstract (such as a huge moon, tilting, animated-looking hillsides, purplish-black night sky, etc, etc...). There were other people there -- a whole group like me -- that were there to kind of . . . I don't know . . . guide me, I'm sure. They were trying to help the transformation come more natural for me. I think in my dream they were supposed to be my relatives, or something. But anyway, I remember questioning them, while trying to hold a form when the change would start to come over me. (Now that I remember, this specific night had some significant meaning to this whole "get-together." It was like tradition or something. Some changing ceremony, I believe, to bring in all the "littluns" so to speak.) I remember this one girl that I kept running off with, and after a little more determined concentration, I would find myself dropping down to all fours -- as would she -- and we would chase each other around and tumble into innocent bouts of wrestling. The adults would just look on and smile like any proud parents would. Then, at some specific, arranged time, I was called up with the others to the top of the tallest hill (where the moon seemed like it was sitting right on the top), and there I was to fulfill my family's tradition, and succeed in a complete change (while being able to hold the form of the Wolf's body). I remember it seeming very difficult, and I was so embarrassed when it just didn't seem to come. But as the saying goes, a watched pot never boils. I think I felt that I was being too determined, and throughout other parts of the dream (after the get-together went home, and everyone managed to avoid my confused and hurt looks) i would just abruptly begin to change, usually when introduced in extreme moments of anxiety, fear, or anger. In one scene that I can remember in later parts of the dream, I was in my old church. I was just suddenly so overcome with -- (and for the best of me, I cannot remember what emotion, but it might have been anxiety) -- and I just seemed to melt down to all fours, and ran down the aisles. I never made it out of the church before the dream shifted into another scene. I don't remember anything much from there. So, moving on...

(To make this shorter, I'll just jump to the one I had last night)

And that's ironic that I saw this topic. Having Werewolf/Wolf dreams is a rare pleasure for me, and last night was an especially action-filled one. Well anyway, I am one of six or so characters, and I don't think it's even me. I'm just looking through someone else's eyes (It's like watching a movie). And the dream starts out like any other mundane dream. I was in a store with one of my old friends, and we were just having fun buying stuff. Next thing I know, the dream takes a fun twist as Werewolves are abruptly introduced to the plot. One of the young women (just figments of my imagination, no one I know) is somehow infected by a Werewolf, and is turning into one. At first, none of us are aware. But as it progresses (I'm serious, this was just like watching a movie) we all see her in action. While we're all extremey fearful of her aggressive nature she's taken on, we, naturally, wish to aid her and bring her back into the sane world (the whole concept that she has turned into a Werewolf has driven her insane). One moment in my dream I remember clearly was her walking back and forth, her appearance unkempt in itself, with scratches and blood decorating her arms and one cheek. She was ranting insensibly, nearly pulling her hair out, her eyes wild and frantic. Then as one of us approach her, she turns and snarls madly, having that "bristling up" attitude, although she is not turning at this particular moment. She leaves the room (I don't know where we were; just some building or another), and the next time I see her, she's in this huge Wolf form -- that might have looked like a Wolf hybrid on all fours. (This was where it got a lot more action-filled: lots of wood splintering into a thousand pieces as bodies were whipped into support-beams and chairs and such, glass was shattering, there was -- how convenient -- a storm, and etc...) We caught her in human form once again, and I was trying to convince her that she didn't have to be this slavoring monster. (She was looking a little more put-together, but had this strange look in her eyes.) She went off into this long speech of how she had so much power, and could re-shape humanity and such nonsense. In other words, she wanted to use her abilities for some power-advantage or another. She was saying how much better everyone would be if they were like her. And so, as me and my crew's adventures in trying to bring her down elaborate throughout the dream, she manages to bite one of my fellow dream characters. As it appears that the infection has successfully planted itself, and that she will start to experience the change, it goes foggy and I wake up. But it was very fun and adventuresome.

Anyway, those are some of my dreams.
Talk soon, and sorry for any typos, as I don't have time to read back through it.
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Post by Silverclaw »

I dont have many wolf/werewolf dreams for some reason. The ones I do remember are usalluy short. I had Wolf's Rain dreams before with the characters involved. Another one was that I was a wolf and was with a small pack. But their was this human hunting us. We would try and hide in abandended stores and old houses but he would always find us. We all ran outside and jumped on a moving truck and hide under stuff in the back. I think for some reason the dream soon changed to me as a cat.
I had a werewolf dream not to long ago. It was really weird though. I was at a relitives house because their was a party going on. Anyway I wandered into a back room and found a whole bunch of vhs tapes. I picked up a werewolf movie(I think it was The Howling). Then I remembered that my mom told me not to watch it. Off course I put it in the vcr anyway because I've been wanting to see it. As it started a really small, cat-sized werewolf came out of the movie and jumped on my back. It clung on and I think it bit me; some other relitive was with me and I was yelling to get it off. The tiny werewolf let go and ran away. I suddenly started to change into a werewolf myself. I just remember my face starting to push out into a muzzle. Pointed ears formed and fur too; as well as claws. I was freaking out and everyone came in to see me. Then I coughed up some blood and passed out in my dream. When I came to, everyone was standing over me and I felt really emberrsed about what just happened. My mom was angry at me for turning into a werewolf. Some relitives were trying to comfert me, but I didnt want the attention at all. I just remember feeling really ashamed. I think thats were it ended.

edit:Oh yeah, I remember telling some relitives in the dream that a small werewolf had jumped on my back. But they said that their never was anything like that. I was thinking that I was going crazy because I felt the weight of it on me and the claws.
Last edited by Silverclaw on Thu Jan 13, 2005 7:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Lasthowl »

I've had a few, but they tend to be pretty messed up and more than a little mature.

Largely has to do with my werewolf fascination persisting through when I was going through puberty. Links the change to some odd emotions in me :P
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Post by ShadowWolf »

I've had a couple of Wolf's Rain related dreams where I saw myself has a member of their pack, though I was never able to see them or myself has a wolf. I've also had dreams where it was like I knew I was a werewolf, but again I didn't change. There was one though, where I was fighting with some guy for some reason that escapes me. Anyways, during the fight, some part of my brain was telling me that the only way I'd come out ahead would be to transform. So I start to transform, the fur starts coming in, my claws grow, my muscles begin to bulge... then I wake up and yell into my pillow because I've got an ungodly painful cramp in my calf muscle.
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Post by Anubis »

ShadowWolf wrote:I've had a couple of Wolf's Rain related dreams where I saw myself has a member of their pack, though I was never able to see them or myself has a wolf. I've also had dreams where it was like I knew I was a werewolf, but again I didn't change. There was one though, where I was fighting with some guy for some reason that escapes me. Anyways, during the fight, some part of my brain was telling me that the only way I'd come out ahead would be to transform. So I start to transform, the fur starts coming in, my claws grow, my muscles begin to bulge... then I wake up and yell into my pillow because I've got an ungodly painful cramp in my calf muscle.
same here dude cramps suck!

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Post by waywolf »

i don't know why but i very rarley have any wolf/werewolf dreams at all.
sometimes, if i am lucky, i will have a part of my dream where i could shift.
but what really bugs me is sometimes, i realize i am in my dream and can do things, so i start to shift. i feel it start to happen. but before any kind of major change happens, i wake up. then i feel really down. :(
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Post by Fenrir »

i feel it start to happen. but before any kind of major change happens, i wake up. then i feel really down.
I hate when that happens. I always have to guess what would have happened. :cry:
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Post by Set »

Hmm. I used to have wolf dreams all the time. Now they're gone. I haven't seen a single wolf in a long time. The only sort of canine I've seen recently was a coyote. And that was just a character I was gonna use as a fursona (in the dream) for a furry board.
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Post by Anubis »

i almost constantly have those dreams but i don't rember most of them

i guess that makes me a dream shift werewolf (did i say that right?) well i dream that i'm either in a public place, like my school or in the woods. when i transform it feels like my body is a baloon inflating.

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Post by Figarou »

I never had a wolf dream. And I love the animal so much. I just can't understand why. Oh well. I have odd dreams anyways.

I had one where I was flipping dream channels in my head. Thats what I get for watching to much TV. :D
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Post by Lupin »

I haven't had any dreams featuring plain old wolves. I've had a couple of dreams featuring werewolves. Usually I'm the werewolf, but sometimes someone else is. And then there was one dream where I uttered the line "Why do I care? I'm a werewolf."
I don't suffer from lycanthropy, I enjoy every minute of it! Image
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