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Post by Hamster »

Anubis wrote:
"I can't spell."
hey dude its the truth i can't spell very well, got a problem with that! :x

Because of this nice site I cand sepell realee realee goud! :lol:
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Post by Black Shuck »

lol, As long as you try Anubis :D

I hate racists too :x You shouldn't hate someone just because their skin colors different. If you play like that, you may as well hate someone because their hair's a different color than yours. That's another reason why I hate the rednecks at my school: They hate everyone that isn't white and poke fun at them, especially the Mexicans who I happen to be pretty good friends with. There's also a Navajo girl that hates white people, not because of anything white people did to her ancestors but just 'cause they're white and not "brown". I, personally, can't stand her because she's a b****, not because she's hatin' on whitey :lol: Can't we all just get along? :?
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Post by Renorei »

-I don't mind vegetarians in general, but the ones who diss the food choices of those who choose to eat meat are the ones I don't like. Thus far, that has never happened to me, but if it ever does, I will most definitely retaliate.

-I also don't like it when people are critical of rednecks. I am a redneck and I can tell you that we are not stupid, ignorant, uninformed, or any of the other stereotypical things that people say about rednecks. Sure, we are patriotic, and we do hunt, but for the most part the assumptions about our personalities and beliefs are wrong.

-Inconsiderate people in general


-The girls that live in the apartment next to me. Not only do they play loud music at odd hours of the night, they also have a dog (which isn't allowed). I don't actually mind the fact that they have a dog, but it really pisses me off that they let the little bastard crap and pee in the hall (it's not really a hall, it's more of an enclosed cement sidewalk, but everyone has to walk there.) One of these days, I am going to get a little pile of their poochie's poop (using a spoon or something else) and smear it all over their doorknob, and leave a letter attached to their door, using a few choice words.

-It bothers me when people insult Christianity or think Christians are ignorant, because most of us aren't by any means. A few bad apples make us all look bad. But the majority of us are really good people who are completely logical in choosing to believe what we believe.

-People that come to college to get their Mrs. or Mr. degree

-In general, most liberals (though not all).

-Cats (not the musical, the species)

-People who bring baby strollers to the mall and walk at zero miles an hour, slowing everyone else down

-Whoever decided that ability-grouping in schools was unfair

-Cold rain

-Professors who use Powerpoint to do their lectures

-Evening classes

-People that are Christians who don't believe in demons. That's absurd. That's like believing in up but not down.

-Certain accents

-Pepsi, and all their products (Coca-Cola's brand loyalty tricks obviously worked on me.)

-Soggy ground (I live in Louisiana, so that happens all the time)

-The majority of primates, except humans.

-The collective effort that went into making Lion King 1 1/2. I still like it, I suppose, but it was still a rather large disappointment.

-Professors who want you to read into the deeper meaning of something that has no deeper meaning.

-Stinky people

-Xangas, Livejournals, and all blogs. (La dee dah, look how much my life sucks, I think I'll write seventy paragraphs about it for everyone to read.)

-People that think 98 Honda Accords are better than 2002 Ford Tauruses

As of now, that's all I can think of. I may post more later.
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Post by Hamster »

Excelsia wrote: -Xangas, Livejournals, and all blogs. (La dee dah, look how much my life sucks, I think I'll write seventy paragraphs about it for everyone to read.)

That is why I hate my OWN blog. I can talk and talk about how life sucks and other things but I decided to throwing it out the window and abandon it.
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Post by Lupin »

Excelsia wrote: -Xangas, Livejournals, and all blogs. (La dee dah, look how much my life sucks, I think I'll write seventy paragraphs about it for everyone to read.)
I just hate the fact that none of these people can upload images to their own server or imageshack or something for posting in their journals. They're the reason the top three referrers to my site are livejournal, xanga, and myspace, and I was doing 1GB of traffic a day for a while.

Also I hate the word 'blog' just on principal.
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Post by outwarddoodles »

Vilkacis: Exactly the same here with the typing issues. I don't mind people not being able to spell well, but they still need to put work into their typing.
-Pepsi, and all their products (Coca-Cola's brand loyalty tricks obviously worked on me.)
Oh I know, I hate Pepsi, but I love Coca-Cola.

I can very well agree with the Racist/sexist and yadda yadda. What I find wierd though is often times we treat others the opposite.

Take for example. Say I become President when I grow up, the first female president. If I ever felt the need to become president, it would be to serve and lead my country (though really, I'd hate to be president.). I'd really hate it if someone comes with with a Golden award saying 'First Female President!' or little girls fallowing me around wanting me to sign an biography titled 'The First Female President'. Really now, if I'm as smart and good as the guys, what makes any difference that I'm the 'first female president'. Thats actually saying I'm different.

I also dislike 'Black History Month', same with the president concept. If black people are no different then us, then why are we celebrating their differences? Same with Hispanic Heritage Month, yo, they're not different than us, they don't need a month to celebrate that. Also going with the First Female president thing would be a first 'minority' (though I find that term stupid, hey, they're no different than us, whats with the term?!?) president, or even being celebrated for say being a black president of a major company.

Okay, back then when black people where put down as below whites, it is an accomplishment to move forward into a white ruled world. Yet today there isn't none (or sapposed to be any.), theres no point in celebrating the victory. I also dislike the 'United Negro Fund', because apparently there are poor white people out there that can't get to colledge etheir.

I think the only reason races or sexes should be considered seperate is for health and medical reasons. In that sense we are different. Though I also think we clearly come from similair ansestors by the clues in females. We all ahev periods, showing that the usefullness (or atleast back then, today they're annoying.) of how our sexual organs are set up were developed before we changed into races through different regions.

Banning Gay Marriage - In don't give a care. If a man has a desire for another man, I don't care. Yet I dislike the fact this was being banned, really. Gay people have the right to be with who ever they want, because that person just so happened to be the same sex doesn't matter. Infact, I think of that was sexism. It isn't those men's fault that the person they love and want to live with is another man. It's their right to do so! I think the only reason homosexuals are weird, to me, if the fact they are going against what they are taught.

Though if you ask me I think men with a 'femine' touch to them are real men. Infact, I have a friend at my old school, he seems a little 'girly'. Will smell the strawberry perfume on your hand, talk about cruise, and best of all he does a real mans work. He stayed behind in running in gym with a friend of mine that was having 'girl problems'. Now isn't that what real men can do?

Speaking of which; Steriotypes. I as a female am told to act 'girly'. Now I will admit, I can participate in girlish activities, though I do enjoy gore stuff, fighting, and alot of good stuff boys are aloud to get into. Boys don't have to be boyish if they don't want to etheir. Derideing people for being who they are is plain stupid IMHO.

Well, sorry for floating off and typing about alot of stuff. O_o
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Post by Teh_DarkJokerWolf »

Things that annoy me eh? Well I have alot of them, but I'll only post a few of them:


(I had a big issue with that in school because of my weight, but I didn't really get bigger until I got into middle school luckily for me still do unfortunally, but at least it's not in school anymore..... :roll: )

People that treat you strange because they don't understand and won't try to-

(I have to deal with this in my family and it's truly annoying because I try to explain, but they don't really seem to understand anyways and it gets quite annoying........)

People who thing their better then you-

(OMG!! This is one of the worst because one this fits right in there somewhere with the bullies except it's not always a bullies just an arrogant person or persons :P )

People that don't say thank you when you do something nice-

( It seems that I bend over backwards trying to please others and when I do I would like to hear a thank you once in a while, but it never seems to happen..I know you should just be happy of what you did, but it still hurt when nothing is said and you are a kind person... :( )

Greedy people-

( this goes with the one right above because I've notice in my lifetime that when I do something nice just for the hell of it people tend to keep coming back for more and I foolingly will do it because I am a people pleaser and I can't seem to help helping other because I feel I have to do and it feels right....)

Most Humans-

(I do understand that there are smart and good ones out there that are trying to make a difference, but then there are those that are reckless and careless and they do things on their own reasoning and really without regard for others.. Scientist do this, not all of them, but a lot of them test stuff, but do it in a evironment not fit for it and then there's a problem.....hence we have Global warming, hence we are having these unnatural natural disaters and people are dying because of them not taking proper precautions, but yeah..... :roll:

Anyways that is just some though I could have went on longer, I won't...
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Post by Miguel »

I'm not sure why but I have excellent grammer. I like to write do to this reason. I suck at drawing though. So don't come to me for a sketch.
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Post by Vilkacis »

Anubis wrote:
"I can't spell."
hey dude its the truth i can't spell very well, got a problem with that! :x
First off, I wasn't trying to criticize you, so please don't take it that way.

It's not the fact that someone can't spell that gets to me. What gets to me is if they can't spell because they've never put any effort into it, or if they just think they can't so they give up and never try. Like I said, it's not ignorance that annoys me, it's unwillingness to rectify that ignorance when the situation calls for it.

Someone simply saying that they can't spell annoys me, but it makes me happy when I hear, "I can't spell very well, but I'm working on it." It's the attitude that's important, not the ability.

It's like my Karate instructor told us once:

It's your attitude, not your aptitude, that determines your altitude.

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Post by Black Shuck »

Excelsia wrote: -I also don't like it when people are critical of rednecks. I am a redneck and I can tell you that we are not stupid, ignorant, uninformed, or any of the other stereotypical things that people say about rednecks. Sure, we are patriotic, and we do hunt, but for the most part the assumptions about our personalities and beliefs are wrong.
I hope you know I didn't mean you. You don't go around pissing people off for the hell of it, which is *my* view of rednecks. I don't look at you as a redneck (I'm not really sure what I'd call you, lol). I just can't stand all the rednecks at my school. It's a small town so I've grown up with them and I know they're all the same. There's one nice one, so he's not a redneck (in my school it's kind of an insult :( yes, Moab's backwards, lol). I'd use another term for them, but that's what they call themselves. I hope I didn't offend you because I wasn't meaning to (you're not on my annoying list :wink: )

I remember this one day at school, my friends and I were looking at the signs for the different clubs (amigos club, native american club) and my one friend commented on how if there was a "white club" people would wig. Funny how it works huh? One thing that does annoy me though, pertaining to race, is that in Utah it's "Civil Rights Day" not "Martin Luther King Jr. Day". WTF? I mean, I think he's good enough to have a holiday with his name on it. Columbus has one, why not Matin Luther King Jr.? I mean, at least he was honest and stuff
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Post by Short Tail »

I agree with my litiature teacher, Humans suck. Just thought I would throw that one out there. Wish I was a were so I could actualy give my reasons and not sound like an hipocrite :lol:
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Post by Figarou »

I hate it when I try to load gasoline under a customer's account and it says.........

No allocations!!! :supermad: ARRGGHHHH!!!

Now I have to wait until after midnight so the account can reallocate. Sometimes I have to wait 2-3 hours until midnight. :x
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Post by Merrypaws »

People misspelling my name. Seriously, it's not that hard.
Don't you think that if I wanted to be called Merry Paws, MerryPaws, or god forbid, m3rr1pawz, I would've typed it like that?
Do we really need the solution? Couldn't we just enjoy the problem for now?
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Post by Terastas »

A few that I forgot:

- People that line up side by side and walk slow down a narrow hallway.

- Professors that exclusively use Power Point, assume everyone in the class is majoring in their topic, and/or inform the class on day #1 the average number of students that pass/fail their class every semester.

- People that call themselves rednecks. I'm sorry, but of all the racial slurs out there, "Redneck" is the only one that does not imply race or region (I know people that have lived their entire lives in MA that I would consider rednecks). plugger, hick, Confed, Confetti, whitebread, country bumpkin, trailer trash and Texas asshole are certainly racial and regional, but as far as I'm concerned, you can't accurately be referred to as a redneck unless you open your mouth and something stupid comes out.

- The Westboro Baptist Church. This one should require no explanation. I hope his church gets struck by lightning, not necessarilly because I want him to suffer but just because, since Fred Phelps is prancing around claiming hurricanes and IEDs are the tools of God, I think it'd be hilarious seeing him try to explain a lightning strike away ("America has attacked us with their death ray!")
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Post by Morkulv »

My bike keeps annoying me by being broken all the time. Everything is just garbage on that thing.
Scott Gardener wrote: I'd be afraid to shift if I were to lose control. If I just looked fuggly, I'd simply be annoyed every full moon.
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Post by Darth Canis »


I hate PETA look i am all for the ethical treatment of animals but these people have taken it way to far. i have a passion for all living creatures that is why i do the work that i do and these people think i am an evil person because of that.

Ignorant People

People who make fun of geeks... in my opinion every person on earth has a geek side that they are just trying to hide.

Animal abusers
The little girl who always wanted to fly an x wing and be raised by wolves... Come to think of it she still does.
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Post by Hamster »

Darth Canis wrote:
I hate PETA look i am all for the ethical treatment of animals but these people have taken it way to far. i have a passion for all living creatures that is why i do the work that i do and these people think i am an evil person because of that.
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Post by outwarddoodles »

People that don't say thank you when you do something nice-

( It seems that I bend over backwards trying to please others and when I do I would like to hear a thank you once in a while, but it never seems to happen..I know you should just be happy of what you did, but it still hurt when nothing is said and you are a kind person... )
Oh I know. People want to label me 'nerd' because I do good in school, like Algerbra, am joining Chessclub, and like to be friends with the teachers. Apparently to them being a good student and enjoying things that use my mind makes me 'nerd', and nerds are people who suck and you can take advantage on. Sorry, kids, don't look off my paper. When I catch someone peeking at my paper I usually hide my paper and move towards them so I can help the kid what they're having problems with, apparently I rarely get a thankyou. Though I've learned that people good enough to ask for help are the only ones who will thankyou, not the stupid cheaters.

Otherwise I'm currently getting annoyed at profanities. I take liberties of my freedom of speach time to time, yet I really don't want to hear about anything sexual, and I reall dislike this over usage of cuss words I hear in the hallways.
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Post by Silverclaw »

I HATE high humidity and heat! Awful stuff; I'm more of a cool weather wolf myself :)

The majority of commercials I hate, just so annoying. You watch like 5 mins of actual show then its like 10 mins of annoying commercials :x

I dont like intensly religious people

Thats all I can really think of right now

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Post by Miguel »

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Post by Miguel »

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Post by Black Shuck »

My English teacher... :roll:
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Post by Miguel »

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Post by Hamster »

Miguel wrote::lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: . I hate my reading teacher,yes we have reading :roll: . That is like such a waste of money. I already can read. Why don't I only have English. Schools are sometimes retarded.
Amen! :roll:
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Post by Kzinistzerg »

i have to add poeple who say, "it's only ignorance" to my list. That is assuming it's alright to be an idiot, because we wuv woo, am we wike woo the way woo aww. :x GAAA! "only ignorance" is simply condoning evil.

Responding to vilkacis- Have you ever read, "over the rainbow" a short story by Robert Heinlein? it's in his book "expanded universe". Essentially it's what america can do to regain it's common sense... I found it quite good.

And anubis, do you have a reason for not being able to spell? I ask this in the spirit of friendly inquiry- If you want help, i can help. I just type fast. ;)
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