Its time

This is the place for discussion and voting on various aspects of werewolf life, social ideas, physical appearance, etc. Also a place to vote on how a werewolf should look.
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Post by Vuldari »

Terastas wrote:I understand what you're saying, but I find it hard to believe that a 4000+ old genetic code could be altered to that of a werewolf in 28 days tops. I could understand the whole thing about the bactirium aiding in the production of blood cells, but the mind and body would still be unacustomed to it's influences, both the positive and the negative. Resisting the nature of lycanthropy would be difficult, but at the same time far from impossible.
I don't quite think of it as spontaniously rewriting every bit of genetic code in the body in a months time. To me it's more like hot-rodding a human body little bits at a time.

Little by little, with each shift, all new cells would be made with the enhanced code, (building upon the framework that is allready there), so that that for the first few shifts the WereWolves body would still be unaltered cells at the core of their organs and bones, with Werewolf cells grafted onto, and between them. Then, when they revert to human form again, the first cells to be re-absorbed into thier essential chemical components would be the old, less versitle, unaltered human cells.

Because nomal Human biology is less tolerant to activity as intense as shifting, the Shift is most dangerous and painful when the majority of the body is still human. (Potentially fatal durring the first shift). Over time, more and more of the Old Cells (and 4000+ year old code) would be worked out of the body and reabsorbed, leaving behind mostly the the new "High Performance" (...sticking with my HOT-ROD human reference...) flesh, mucle and bone, but still leaving trace fragments of old, unaltered biological tissue somewhere in the body. Like a "Tricked Out" car, there would be lots of New parts slapped on to the outside which can do things the old parts could not, but somewhere deep inside, the Original Frame is still in there. Though the new parts are not part of the original design of the body, they are considered integural Parts of it, and not external factors.

When a Human gets exited, the adrenaline starts pumping and the various muscles and organs in the body automatically react to the presence of the chemical in the body regardless of the concious will of the host. Once the Shifting biology has been fully "intalled" in the Werewolves body, the right combination of released chemicals in the body will set it off automatically, just as flooring the gas pedal in a Hot Rod will automatically kick in the New Turbo System, even though it never used to do that before. One could train themselves to stay calm and not get exited in the wrong way, thus not releasing those chemicals, but I still think that this would be a skill that would be impossible to perfect and occasional "slips" would happen.

Honestly, the only reason I am being so stubborn about making my point is because not only do I not think it would be very logical, but I am simply not fond of the idea of the WereWolves having Too Much controll over their "Gift".
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Post by Terastas »

Silver wrote:We all have our own thoughts and ideas about it. The best thing to do is agree on a conclusion.

And I'll try to do that. You all seem to have different views about how it would work, or how strong the 'pull' would be to change. But I didn't really see anyone who felt that a werewolf would be able to forever resist changing. Is that right?

I mean, if I were one, I'd certainly want to change.
Obviously none of us would want to resist it -- most likely just the opposite.

My consensus on resisting is that, if a person makes a conscious effort to resist it before he allows his body to adapt to it, then yes, he will be able to resist changing completely. Obviously few people would have that kind of willpower, but someone that either naturally disliked werewolves (can't imagine why?) or that was traumatized by the first shift enough to never want to go through it again; in that case, they would be able to refrain from shifting for as long as they want to. It would only become tought to resist once the mind and body adapt to the changes, either by welcoming the full moon cycle or by setting their own schedule.

It's only really impossible to resist the first change because the individual will be unfamiliar with the process by which it is forced or contained. Once they accomplish that, they could, if they wished, never shift again. It would just be a very rare event for one to never shift again because, as stated in Jack Loffman's profile, most packs maintain themselves with a "death or shift" policy.
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Post by outwarddoodles »

Vuldari: Wow thats interesting and very witty. I personaly think its a fair response. :)
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Post by Silver »

I think your views are pretty on target, Terastes, but what I'm looking for is a concensus of the PACK. How about it everyone? How close am I to what the majority thinks? If I'm wrong, I don't want to put it in Silver's Corner.
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Post by Vuldari »

Silver wrote:... but what I'm looking for is a concensus of the PACK. How about it everyone? How close am I to what the majority thinks? If I'm wrong, I don't want to put it in Silver's Corner.
That depends... What DO you think? What do you percieve to be the general consensus so far?

*Question for Everyone* Which statements are closer to the general consensus?

**"A New WereWolf, after learning to resist the shift, could pretend he/she never became a werewolf and live as a normal human for the rest of their life, never shifting again. (Or, like Jack Loffmans Dad, remain in Full Wolf form in the wild, never again becoming human...assuming that is what AB meant).

**"Sooner or later, a Werewolf must shift, by will, by moonlight or by spontanious episode. It is a undeniable fact of their new life, so it is better to let it out when you want it to, than find out where it decides to let itself out."
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Post by Vilkacis »

Have you ever sat in one position the entire day, not moving? Felt that dull aching in your muscles? It's easy to ignore at first, but as time goes on, it gets ever so distracting, until you finally just _can't help_ but get up and stretch your legs. As a programmer, I am rather familiar with the sensation, so this is how I like to think of the situation. A werewolf could probably resist for a month or two, but after a while, they just wouldn't be able to help exercising that werewolf-muscle. I imagine they would be very irritable leading up to that final shift--and it may take more than one shift to get rid of that 'ache.' Also, since we have determined that the full moon plays a significant role in transformation, I would liken it to trying to sit still, as above, while someone is tickling your foot with a feather. I just don't think there's anyone out there with that kind of willpower.

I think my viewpoint fits best in that second category: it's going to be an undeniable fact of life.

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Post by Silverclaw »

I too agree with the second option. A werewolf WILL shift, its just a matter of time. Cant deny what you are. Some werewolves may be able to put off shifting longer than others. A smart WW would allow themselves sometime to shift, even it they dislike it for whatever reason. If not, they could be sitting in a meeting and suddenly wolf out.
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Post by outwarddoodles »

I also agree with the second choice. The fact that being a werewolf is very hard to leave, you can't just forget. Also I agree about sitting all day, makes you want to run or strecth.
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Post by Aki »

Well, now im going to have to agree with the can't put it off thing...

I have been throughly convinced by you lot. :P
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