Does the moon REALLY have somthing to do with it??

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Does the moon have any affect in a werewolf

Spiratual and Phyaical
2 - Doesn’t really care either way
3 - They’re pretty cool I guess, but they aren’t an obsession
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Post by Searif »

Lupin wrote:
Voidmaw wrote:If you don't already, and would like to keep in tune with lunar phases - try Lunabar: It's a program that allows one to accurately chart lunar phases based on latitude and longitude, and roosts neatly in the taskmanager.
The task manager?


or if your using firefox you could use suncult, it shows both info about sun and moon

current the phase is waning cresent and the next full moon is 19d 13h :P
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Post by Pariah's Boyfriend »

Scott Gardener wrote:Attempts at explaining the full moon by gravity models tend to run into science problems. Yes, the moon's gravity affects tides, and yes, we're 80% water, but, it doesn't work that way. The moon is always there, pulling, regardless of whether or not it's full. If you factor in the full moon paired with the sun, then new moons should also trigger a shift.

Light from the full moon also poses a problem, unless you're OK with being able to avoid the forced shift just by stepping indoors.

Science problems ultimately made me drop forced full moon shifts from my storylines about ten years ago. I have yet to find a non-magic model with which I'm happy, other than psychological expectation or leaving it intentionally unexplained.

Still, I welcome someone else coming up with one. Not that I'd rewrite again my own works, but it would be nice to see a way.

As for the "Y" DNA, good idea, though technically slightly glitchy. The core premise can work, but you don't have to stick branches on DNA to pull it off. With my own werewolves, I just add the extra information as additional chromosomes.

Human DNA consists of 46 chromosomes worth of information. Each chromosome is a straind of DNA double helix measuring tens of thousands of base pairs in length in a long and continuous chain, clustered with numerous proteins associated with keeping it organized, and activating or deactivating portions to be copied into RNA messages that carry out metabolism. Hacking and editing DNA is very complicated, and designing a virus that knows the right place to apply every patch would be almost as much work as designing things like shapeshifting. If you've already got your work cut out for you biologically, it's best to do it in the cheapest and easiest way possible.
Thanks for the correct direction in my DNA theory. I'd trust your insight into that more than most anyone else I know.

As far as making the virus... Who said we have to make it? Werewolf lore has been around for quite a long time, so who's to say that a virus couldn't have evolved over time to meet the necessary requirements? This also leaves the origination of the virus up for some creative thinking. Perhaps some bored extrateresstrials had a "What If" science experiment idea. Perhaps there was some paranormal intervention involved, like maybe a curse put on someone. There are numerous possibilities to all of this, ... so come up with one that works for you (a general 'you' not directed towards you scott).

As far as the gravity thing, that's just what I was saying. Just because we can't see it all, doesn't mean it's not there doing its thing.

Also, I'm sure that it's been discussed, but what about the weakness to silver?

I never thought that that theory was worth anything, but going with the virus theory, there may be something with silver.

I saw a small news blurb about a new method of preventing virus infections. If anyone has seen an image of a virus, it's kinda a small ball with spikes on it. The spikes penetrate healthy cells and then alter their DNA to do the virus' bidding. Well scientist have devised a forumla consisting of a powdered silver in a solution. These silver pieces actually adhere to the spikes on the virus & prevent it from attaching to the cells.

So there you go, if going with the viral theory, silver (in a roundabout way) CAN be a weakness to werewolves.

**Wow, I need to get a life**
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Post by PariahPoet »

Yes you do.
Seriously dude, you need to get a girlfriend.
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Post by Pariah's Boyfriend »

PariahPoet wrote:Yes you do.
Seriously dude, you need to get a girlfriend.
Yeah I know!

Prefferably one that is smart, and has similar interest, and is cool, and being cute wouldn't hurt either... but alas, girls like that don't exist.

Guess I'll just have to settle for something less.
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Post by Renorei »

OWNED!!! :o
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Post by Pariah's Boyfriend »

Renorei wrote:OWNED!!! :o
*gives Ren a High Paw*
All tweaked-out on Monster and nobody to eviscerate...

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Post by PariahPoet »

Haha! :lol:
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:roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao:
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