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Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2005 5:53 pm
by Fenrir
Werewolf 1 - Did you here they think they caught a werecat yesterday
Werewolf 2 - Dude you know those things don't excist


Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2005 8:10 pm
by PariahPoet
Just some day I would like to see a were-jaguarundi. *grin*
We exist, dangit! There may only be three of us on werelist, but we do exist. 8)

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2005 9:03 am
by Terastas
PariahPoet wrote:Just some day I would like to see a were-jaguarundi. *grin*
We exist, dangit! There may only be three of us on werelist, but we do exist. 8)
I'm sure the industry will get around to it. It's just a matter of lack of interest in were-anythings right now, but once "Freeborn" proves that a movie about werekin can be good, then I guarantee we'll see plenty of other variations.

Being half-human, and presumably originating from typical human upbringings, variating werekin don't really have a natural reason to hate each other. They may have conflicting perspectives, or they may resent each other if from differing packs/prides/whatever with a history of conflict, but this could work just as well against fellow werewolves.

The only times I could picture one form of werekin being a natural enemy of another would be either if one form of lycanthropy came with a much greater violent streak, or if the two differing forms of lycanthropy were absolutely nothing alike. In the book I'm writing, for example, most forms of lycanthropy are mammilian, but people are cautioned to keep their distance from werecrocidiles, not just because of the vast difference between they and all other werekin, but because they are notorious for attempting to eat anything that moves.

A much more violent form of werekin like that would be a natural enemy to any other variation, but beyond that, politics and philosophy should determine how they relate better than natural instinct.

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2005 7:52 pm
by NarnianWolfen
Depends. I think that canids and such might feel closer to others of their kind, both because of the wolf and because of the human in them. But werebeings like tigers or leopards, whose animal sides are solitary by nature, might prefer to be on their own. They're rare because they're not as prone to wanting to be social animals. Like in my Laurell K. Hamilton Anita Blake books, the wererats and werewolves live as groups, especially the wolves, but weretigers are very hard to come by and wereleopards were only social because one on a powertrip decided to take over and draw them out. But when a werewolf leader tried to gather all of the shifters together as one, many nonwolves resented it because their beast sides were naturally individualistic with no need for a pack. Only if a vampire's animal to call was something like a leopard or jag would the big cats congregate in the same regional area. No werecoyotes yet, that I've seen, but there was mention of a werehyena...

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2005 4:56 pm
by bloodwolf_345
Of course there are other werecreatures. There are werecreatures for all predatory animals, and some non-predatory ones. Some so called humans can shift into several of these creatures. Wolves are not the only ones out there, and wolves certainly are not the strongest. Wolves are the most popular and most heard of, but there are other werecreatures.

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2005 7:35 pm
by Aki
bloodwolf_345 wrote:Of course there are other werecreatures. There are werecreatures for all predatory animals, and some non-predatory ones. Some so called humans can shift into several of these creatures. Wolves are not the only ones out there, and wolves certainly are not the strongest. Wolves are the most popular and most heard of, but there are other werecreatures.
Strength is over rated.

Sure, a Werebear will be stronger than a Werewolf, but the Werewolf will be quicker and more agile.

But Guile > strength & speed.

Intellect = win. :P

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2005 7:54 pm
by Kzinistzerg
UNless you're hircine, in which case you get pwned no matter what you do. :wink:

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2005 9:37 pm
by Veruth
That was what I was thinking too. I haven't played that game in months and it's still got me obsessed.

Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2005 12:50 pm
by bloodwolf_345
Of course there are other kinds of werecreatures. Some are actually 2-in-1, or more. This makes an interesting internal conflict for the affected person. What should I shift into, and how often should I rotate them.
Tigers are stronger than wolves, though wolves have the edge on agility, Cheetahs are unbeaten in speed and the roar of the Lion is unmatched.

:howl:  :oo :P [/code]

Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2005 1:09 pm
by Shadow Wulf
that gets me thinking, if a lions or tiger genes are more dominated than a wolf, and they bite a person at the same time which one will take over? or will it kill the victim? and also if a anthro dragon were to exist then dont dragons have the most dominated gene.

Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2005 1:12 pm
by Fenrir
Hmm what's a werecats triger like for a werewolf and a full moon, would it be the sound of the electric can openre going? :lol:

Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2005 1:13 pm
by Akela
No, it would be the sound of the refrigerator door opening.... works everytime.

Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2005 1:15 pm
by Fenrir
so late at night out for a midnight snack open the refrigerator door and bam! swarmed by werecats?

Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2005 3:26 pm
by Kzinistzerg
you have to have milk in the fridge, though. :lol:

Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2005 3:28 pm
by Figarou
Shadowblaze wrote:you have to have milk in the fridge, though. :lol:

What happens if you have soymilk instead? :wink:

Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2005 3:28 pm
by Kzinistzerg
:lol: you get vegetarian werecats.

Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2005 9:58 am
by greniar
:? did anyone bother to think up a different origin for other therianthropes(thats animal people in greek for those who dont know). i was writing a story a while back that featured a werebear. he was created when Jinrou(the 1st werewolf in my story) attacks a person who is immune to theris fever(the illness in the story that made people shapeshift) it made the man slightly stronger though. he gets in a fight with a bear(its in the 1600s people) and is killed, but not before his blood pours into one of the bears open wounds, naturally *laughs* causing him to become a werebear. . . i know its kinda hoaky but nobody else (that i know of) has done it yet.

Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2005 10:06 am
by PariahPoet
Shadowblaze wrote::lol: you get vegetarian werecats.
That would be me. (sorry for lurking in your fridge by the way) Image

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2005 10:09 pm
by KnownToBite
There are other therianthropes but they are as elusive as the wolves and they tend to stay away from others. Much like a cat running across the backyard of a dog. Some live and accept each other but usually we tend to stay away from others due to possible fights for anything from food to territory.

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2005 4:42 pm
by Ronkonkoma
I definately think there are other werecreatures about, but since people with lycantropy are so few in number, they would have to get along, and probably would most the time. Of course there would be a few were_____ that think they are better than another and wouldn't want any other type of werecreature in their pack. But they really wouldn't fight each other. Fighting between groups draws too much unwanted attention. So as different as some were-creatures maybe, they would try to be as good neighbors as possible to each other, maybe helping each other to make sure they don't get caught or hurt. If you had a town with various were creatures, they probably divide up the surrounding area to each of their liking- werecrocs by the river/stream, werebears,tigers &wolves in the surrounding forest. Weredeer, pigs, -other prey species- closer to home
Definately wouldn't want a Poacher sneaking in the woods and shoot a were-deer......

So while most were-creatures would prefer to keep to their own species, they probably would allow some different species into their group or pack, possibly for safety or to protect 'the secret' Since after all, all were-creatures face the same threat of humans.

Though, it would be awfully awkward if a werewolf was part of a weredeer herd, or a wererat (or werebird) grouped in with some werefelines..... or a werecoyote stuck with a group of werebears, werepigs, ect ect ect..... the list and possibilities are endless and be interesting and ironic.

although.... a Werecroc and werebird could get along quite well. (werebird help clean and take care of werecroc's teeth) :wink: :P 8) :o

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2005 5:13 pm
by white
greniar wrote::? did anyone bother to think up a different origin for other therianthropes(thats animal people in greek for those who dont know)
Therianthropy in fact refers to a certain uncommon set of spiritual beliefs, and therianthropes those who have then. Google if you want to know more, and please do your research next time :P

Anyway, the whole social thing makes sense to me. Werewolves'd be around others, both lycanthropic and human, much more, and therefore be more likely to 'infect' others, or simply reproduce. The others, if they ever existed, might even have gone extinct, or be about to.

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2005 5:18 pm
by Lupin
Ralith wrote:Anyway, the whole social thing makes sense to me. Werewolves'd be around others, both lycanthropic and human, much more, and therefore be more likely to 'infect' others, or simply reproduce. The others, if they ever existed, might even have gone extinct, or be about to.

Yeah, I'd expect animals that aren't as social to be rarer since they don't hang around others as much. Social animals like wolves, and whatnot would be more common.

Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2005 12:34 am
by Aki
Ralith wrote:
greniar wrote::? did anyone bother to think up a different origin for other therianthropes(thats animal people in greek for those who dont know)
Therianthropy in fact refers to a certain uncommon set of spiritual beliefs, and therianthropes those who have then. Google if you want to know more, and please do your research next time :P
Er. Actually...he is kinda right.

Therianthrope is a Animal-person in the same sense Lycanthrope means Wolf-person. Therian = Therios = Greek for 'Animal'. Thrope = Anthros/anthro/whatever = Human/person/whatever.

You're both right, its just that he's using a different meaning. He's meaning what the word itself means more than what its used to describe nowadays.


Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2005 12:54 am
by white
Well, there's always the literal interpretation. There're tons of standard english words that make no sense, or are completely irrelevant to their accepted meanings, when taken literally.

Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2005 1:19 am
by Apokryltaros
Ralith wrote:Well, there's always the literal interpretation. There're tons of standard english words that make no sense, or are completely irrelevant to their accepted meanings, when taken literally.
Brain: T.H.E.Y stands for "The Horde of Ecumenical Yodelers."
Pinky: RECOLA!!!
Brain: No Pinky, they don't actually yodel!
Pinky: Well, why are "T.H.E.Y." called yoddlers if "T.H.E.Y." don't yodel?
Brain: All government organizations like that have silly, nonsensical names that have nothing to do with their real purpose.
Pinky: Like the Senate Ethics Committee?