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Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2006 1:54 pm
by Vuldari
Kwipper wrote:I for one hope that someone *starts nudging the moderators to this fourm* deletes this post. Why you ask? Cause Video Game Console Wars DO NOT BELONG HERE AT ALL! Everyone hates debates about which video game console is better and the only reason why people do it, is so that people can they can convince other people to buy their favorite video game console system. This way the money that the early adopters spent on buying their favorite systems, feels justified to them.

However there is a problem with this tactic. It usually doesn't sway anyone at all. It all ends in pointless bickering and flaming and brings out the stupidity in people. So moderators. Please delete this thread. I beg of you. Please make an effort to stop video game console wars. It will make the web fourms a better/happier place to chat and socialize online.
The Core topic of this thread is not about console wars. is unreasonable to delete the WHOLE THING becasue one or two people temporarily dragged the conversation off topic for a moment.

Deleting topics is a very drastic measure.'s not something to do just because you are a little pissed off at the moment.


As for sources of this rumor...I saw it printed in a side collumn on the front page of my local newspaper yesterday.

Sony want's to make it so no one can ever play a game or watch a movie without paying full price for thier own, brand new copy... if they ever decide not to make a certain game anymore, or never-rerelease your favorite movie again, you are out of luck...because every copy left in existance has been registered to somone elses player, and you can NEVER EVER watch or play it on yours...ever...

Oh...and borrowing your brothers copy for a day...also out.

Have one movie player upstairs and another can only play your movie in one of them. would become impossible, and re-selling rare, collecters editions of anything to the people who REALLY want, and appreceate them would also not work.

If you wanted to sell someone your old movies, you would have to sell them your old, outdated player you originally watched them on too...because they will not play on your new, better one that is fully compatable...because it has a different registration number...
(Though, I'm sure they are coming up with a way to make both the player, and all of the movies Unusable after they change hands...forcing everyone to buy all of the movies all over again.)

Completely Stupid.

It's one of the greediest, most UN REASONABLE suggestions I've ever heard. only makes sense to bankers, accountants, and stockholders...


...of course...all this will do is make the sale, and modification of Players that ignore these restrictions big-buisness...and the whole damn thing will just backfire on them all.

... and whomever decides to give up on this game and just give thier consumers what they want (Movies and Games they can actually watch and play at their own leisure) will win the format War between Blu-Ray and HD-DVD.

It may have not bee "officially" announced yet, but the HD-DVD supporters are working on similar technology that will force anyone who ever even wants to SEE a movie, even just once, will have to pay full price for thier own brand-New copy.


Because the POOR movie industry is not getting all of the inflated profits they so richly deserve, because of the success of the rental and re-sale markets.



Posted: Thu Jul 13, 2006 3:06 pm
by Kaebora
Riiiiiiiiidge Racerrrrrr! :lol:

Sure PC games are awesome, but I'm a computer animator. What am I supposed to do when a project is rendering? That's what console games are for.

Posted: Thu Jul 13, 2006 9:49 pm
by Shadow Wulf
Yeah Ive seen that video before.

Posted: Thu Jul 13, 2006 10:48 pm
by silverpaw
hahaa, yay awesome, Giant crab, riidge raacer, 599

Eh thats gunna be in my head all day....what was i talking about,..oh yeh crab