Rant here

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Rant here

Post by Fenrir »

Ok I think it's time we start a rants page just for ranting :D
Instead of making new threads for each rant. So people like Serif can just write to there hearts content and not have to take time out of their busy schedual to start a new thread.

Ill start, as some of you know the Isrealis have rescently vacated the gaza strip to make way for the Palistinean country. Well this is not going to go well in my thaughts i imagine that the Palistineans will demand more and more land, they got there own country and they won't be happy until Isreal is abolished. I don't know what they think there acomplishing, the new Palistinean country won't solve anything, as soon as there constitution is up they will emideatly declare war on Isreal.
If I'am alone in my thinking please tell me.
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Post by Figarou »

I'm tempted to rename this thread...Rants in my pants. :P
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Post by Fenrir »

Go right ahead if you want to I don't know why though. :thumbsup:
"Nam Sibyllam quidem Cumis ego ipse oculis meis vidi in ampulla pendere et cul illi pueri dicerent 'Sibylla Ti cupisne' respondebat illa 'Cupio mortere'."

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Post by Figarou »

Fenrir wrote:Go right ahead if you want to I don't know why though. :thumbsup:

Why? I'll tell you why. Does this give you a clue? :showercap:

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Post by Fenrir »

:wiggle: nope still no ideas :D

:showercap: except now that I really look at that shower cap it sorta looks like shampoo :P
"Nam Sibyllam quidem Cumis ego ipse oculis meis vidi in ampulla pendere et cul illi pueri dicerent 'Sibylla Ti cupisne' respondebat illa 'Cupio mortere'."

Rex Wolf

You want a rant?!?!?

Post by Rex Wolf »

Hey, you asked for it. This is going to strike at you personally though, just about each and every one of you. But know this, I do it out of kindness, and concern for the future of mankind.

First of all, I'm SICK and FREAKIN' TIRED of hearing people with these mighty opinions about world issues, that are based on misinformation, incorrect information, and PROPAGANDA.

I have news for each and every one of you. The most powerful weapon ever devised by the United States was not the atomic bomb, it was propaganda. And guess what, some people in the government, and many many corporations and execs have turned this weapon on American citizens.

Yeah, you, watching TV, thinking the Palestinians are evil people. And you, the guy who thinks Bush has never done anything wrong. Oh, and you, the guy who thinks Terri Schiavo should have been saved. You are ALL victims of this weapon. You are also unwitting pawns in the rise of an evil empire the likes of which have never been seen on this planet. Yeah, the "military industrial complex", that's nothing. Sure, they're taking $80,000 of your money and sending it to Iraq, but they are nothing compared to the corporations who now run this defacto fascist country.

Folks, we need a revolution, and until you wake your lazy asses up and turn off that f*ing TV, you're just going to think that reality is what Bill Gates and Rupert Murdock want you to think it is.

So...how was that for a rant?

No, I don't hate anyone. It just pains me that this country, this world, has turned into the s*** it is. Before Bush, I had plans for ending human civilization as we know it (in a good way). Now I think my idea was too humane (no one would die, just no more births.) So, I just can't wait until we do ourselves in.

Bleah. Phooey. Stupid humans.
Rex Wolf

Post by Rex Wolf »

Wow, I feel better.

*hugs everyone!*
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Post by Fenrir »

Wow you sounded like Vicious there for a second (he's a person who really doesn't like humanity) But that's what this thread is here for :) I didn't mean to sound like I hated the palistineans I don't. What I hate is their power mad leaders who say go kill yourself for such and such cause and you will be rewarded, when they themselves don't do a thing but sit around and laugh :x
"Nam Sibyllam quidem Cumis ego ipse oculis meis vidi in ampulla pendere et cul illi pueri dicerent 'Sibylla Ti cupisne' respondebat illa 'Cupio mortere'."

Rex Wolf

Post by Rex Wolf »

Fenrir wrote:Wow you sounded like Vicious there for a second (he's a person who really doesn't like humanity) But that's what this thread is here for :) I didn't mean to sound like I hated the palistineans I don't. What I hate is their power mad leaders who say go kill yourself for such and such cause and you will be rewarded, when they themselves don't do a thing but sit around and laugh :x

No worries. I detest humanity, hate is such a strong word.

And as far as Palestinians, there are two things at work. First, there ARE a couple of RADICAL groups trying to get their message across the only way they know how. The Palestinians are being very unfairly treated, but are also just prolonging an issue that resolved itself long ago. Also, that the Islamic Clerics have not called for an international ban on terrorist acts says that a) we truly are the evil empire, or b) they're just plain nuts. Or maybe c) a little of both. I vote c.

Things aren't always...get this...black and white.

Try to avoid having a stong opinion about such things unless you have all the facts. And very few people do.

My opinion is, I think it's terrible that two groups can't get along better. That's about the extent.

And no, I'm not bashing you or anything, just trying to help you see things a little more clearly....TV is only two dimensional. The world is much more complex and rich.
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Post by Shadow Wulf »

there will eventually be a revolution weather you believe it or not, the gas prices are just going up because of the greedy gas company, dont believe in te excuse about all the vehicles in iraq, theres not that much, theres probably less than a million soldiers out there, which reminds me if the united states dont get more soldiers soon there will likely be a draft within 2 or 3 years.
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Post by Fenrir »

I doubt it but that means i'll have to go into the army nooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!! My exscuse will be I'am deathly alergic to work :)
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Post by Trinity »

This is also why i distest Mass Media. I don't watch the news anymore, unless I can have multiple channels from different countries to pick and choose from. Why? Everone has an opinion and everyone has a different point of view.

I find it funny ( not funny ha-ha, but funny WTF?! ) that most people don't realize that what we have for a govenrment.., and what other Industrialized nations have for governing bodies.., means little compared to who and what are controling all teh puppet strings.

I was reading this one artilce.., i forget where.., that talked about how some American Based Corporations own smaller companies in other Countries. Hell i work for a Company whose HQ is in England. Its a Global thing now. Conglomerates are the contorling factors now... sheesh.

Well the disturbing part to this article was teh facts they laid out. Now I'd like to do more digging, but it still left me feeling cold.

From what it said, this US Based Company owned multiple -water- companies in poverty stricken areas. They charge a mass amount of money to these people for the very basic sustenance of Life. Water.

Now.., what you and I take for granted ( I believe ) is that in some places in America.., some people have -wells-. Holy cow! wells?! Yes. Pay a crap load of cash, and make sure the EPA is satisfied that you keep up to specific depth regulations, and yuo get.., FREE water!! o.O

Get this. These people who refused to pay so much for a pipeline to be added to their homes.., dug wells. Wow, hard concept really right? Well what happenes is that when teh Water Company foudn out about the "illegal wells", they went to these homes and -CAPPED the wells-. o.o

Apparently they had dominion over ALL the Auqaifurs ( underground water "lakes" ) as well as the pipelines. If the people didn't pay.., they got no water.

Ah it gets better.

If the company foudn out that those who HAD th epipedline added to their homes, were "giving out", or "selling" their water.., they raised the price for that family.

Now.., not all Conglomerates can tells all of their Subsidaries what to do. once you pass International borders, those companies have to work withint certain guidelines. teh problem is this, that because a lot of these places are newly industrialized, and just above "3rd Wolrd" poverty status.., the companies get away with murder.

There aren't the same rules that we here in America, and over in Britain have to follow, over there. They are only now learning. Like we did in the Early years of our own Industrialization.., people are being abused for the power of money.

NOW, like I siad, I don't have all 110% of the facts..., but th emore I look into -other- companies.. other Conglomerates.., as I sit back and watch the growth of Industry and Fianace. I have to wonder.

What my brain comes up with frightens me.

We are slwoly loosing control over ourselves.

there is a saying.., "Power Corrupts, and Absoulute Powere Corrupts Absulutly."

Money is power. You can't eat, sleep, or go to the bathroom without some form of money being invovled. Seriously.

Take a look the next time you wake up. Pay Attention to what you use, where you go, what you do on a regular basis. Now. Try not to spend -any money-. None.

Now do it for a week.., then a month...

For those who live at home, think about what your parents have to do. What they buy. Where does the money go?

Why can't we live teh simple life? As a species we've out grown teh simple life. Simply surviving now needs Money to be invovled. Unless that is you are some kind of outdoors surivialist.

Property = Money
Taxes on Property = money to the Government.
Living = Property ( a place to live ), a Job ( income ), and food
Food = money
Land to raise food = Property

Pretty sick isn't it?
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Zionized particles

Post by Scott Gardener »

Yeah, you, watching TV, thinking the Palestinians are evil people.
Well, maybe not all of the Palestinians, but I do consider the ones who do suicide bombing a bit of a problem.

I've read history. I decided to give both sides the benefit of the doubt. But, I really have to side with the Israelis on this one.

Prior to the Zionist movement and the establishment of Israel, the land was in dispute for two millennia, with no single, organized people claiming the territory--only numerous nomadic tribes lead by aggressive leaders--perhaps better described as warlords. The people only united out of a common hatred of Jews--something that does seem to have been a problem with the twentieth century in general. The claim to the land over Israel's claim is highly dubious.

But, none-the-less, I'm agreeable with the idea of allowing Palestine to come into existance, but only with the agreement that it not become a vehicle for ousting the Israelis, which it basically is.

Rather than forced relocation, however, I feel a more fair solution would have been simply to say that they're no longer under Israeli jurisdiction. The Palestinians would then be forced to deal with the Jewish settlers as a minority in their own land, thus turning the tables on them as the minority inside Israel. The settlers inside Gaza would certainly have problems, but they would have chosen for themselves with their own free will to do the martyr thing, as opposed to seeing Israelis against Israelis, which is the wrong way to handle outside aggression. It would also force the issue on the Palestinians to prove to the world that they're really interested in coexistance rather than random violence and killing Jews.

There's six billion humans and growing, on a planet that's only so big. We could explore strange new worlds and seek out new civilizations, but we can't do that without cooperating to develop the neccessary technology. Or, we could settle in to Earth and figure out how to harmonize with nature, but again, we can't do that if we can't even get along with ourselves. We're going to have to get used to each other.
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Justice Sunday II: Electric Boogaloo

Post by Scott Gardener »

OK, I've got to rant. I saw footage of Pat Robertson, and that easily gets me going.

Where does this crackpot get off calling himself "righteous" while praying for, in essense, the death of one or more Supreme Court justices?!? In my faith, we call that casting a curse, and there's nothing at all righteous about it. We call it EVIL!

And, the "Justice Sunday" group, complaining about (their Fundamentalist interpretation of) Christianity being kept out of government... You let fanatic religions run government, and you get Afghanist6an. Anyone with half a brain can see it. I wouldn't trust Jerry Falwell to make policy for America any more than I would Saddam Hussein! (On the topic of parties NOT responsible for the September 11th attacks, by the way, Falwell had the audacity to blame homosexuals for the terrorist strikes.)

Now, Justice Sunday II people, you want to tell me how persecuted you feel, being Christians. You're really barking at the wrong person. Thanks to you, you've got everyone convinced I'm a devil worshipper! You won't know the meaning of words like "oppressed" or "subjugated" until the day you see fanatic Wiccans launching a slanderous campaign convincing the majority of Americans that the cross and that little fish symbol you put on the back of your cars are signs that you worship, say, Set, the serpent-God who dismembered Osiris, or maybe Balor, the Fomorian king who terrorized the Tuatha de Danann, or any of a number of other gods that have nothing what-so-ever to do with your belief system!

Good, intelligent people of the Pack, sorry to subject you to this noise, but I had to tell someone. I feel better now. If you like my analogies, feel free to quote me the next time some looney throws at you one of those tree-wasting pamphlets about how sinful you are at you.
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Fanatical religious wackos

Post by Set »

I had the misfortune of chatting with a fanatical Christian from texas. Alot of people where I live are like this. It annoys me ever so much.
<Gekkura> You just like helping people
<ruthie_marie> that too
<ruthie_marie> I also want to help find a cure for cancer and progeria
<ruthie_marie> I was looking into medical science
<ruthie_marie> I'm either going into that
<Gekkura> Cure for cancer...save the rainforests.
<ruthie_marie> or just being an pediatic nurse
<Gekkura> There could be a plant there that can help.
<ruthie_marie> there could be
<ruthie_marie> but think
<ruthie_marie> while I trying to save the rain forests
<ruthie_marie> people are dying
<ruthie_marie> people are more important
<Gekkura> People....
<ruthie_marie> yeah
<Gekkura> They are importaint but
<Gekkura> The rainforest keeps the air clean
<Gekkura> Which keeps people healthy
<ruthie_marie> I would rather try to save them than the forests
<ruthie_marie> peple come 1st
<ruthie_marie> how many people do you know that live in the rain forest
<decsuna> i don't think there can ever be a common cure for all kinds of cancer
<Gekkura> You don't know much about nature, do you?
<ruthie_marie> I love nature
<Gekkura> Or at least have never heard of the butterfly effect
<Gekkura> Something you see as being insignificant can have a big impact on the world
<ruthie_marie> still........... people come 1st
<decsuna> i agree it's a lot more important to save the environment than individual human lives. actually there are too many people on earth.
<decsuna> we would be a lot better off with half the world population we have now.
<Gekkura> You think so too?
<Gekkura> I got into a big argument over that with some of my friends
<decsuna> actually, if the population doesn't reduce soon somehow, that will be the death of us all.
<Gekkura> But there's the problem of getting it to go down
<decsuna> and not just us, but many other species too.
<decsuna> one thing you can do is not have more than one child :)
<ruthie_marie> who do you think would be here to take care of nautre
<ruthie_marie> nature*
<decsuna> but the problem is smart people are having fewer kids than stupid people who don't care
<ruthie_marie> so be like China
<decsuna> and so the people are getting stupider :)
<ruthie_marie> so kill un born babies
<Gekkura> come on now...
<decsuna> every person alive consumes energy resources and produces garbage
<Gekkura> alot of people won't like that
<Gekkura> you have to get people to agree, which hardly ever happens
<decsuna> yeah, a very small fragment of the population cares about the environment, and a very large fragment pollutes it.
<ruthie_marie> china's law is to have only one baby and look they have like more people than any other country
<decsuna> that's because that law has been in effect for less than one generation
<ruthie_marie> you would rather them kill babies
<decsuna> it will take hundreds of years for it to reduce
<decsuna> they only kill babies because of their prefernece for male children, which is a cultural mistake, not because of that law.
<ruthie_marie> they kill babies here
<ruthie_marie> every day
<ruthie_marie> through abortion
<Gekkura> You say you love people Ruth...
<ruthie_marie> I do
<Gekkura> Yet you speak of them as if they're expendable
<ruthie_marie> and I think abortion is another word for murder
<decsuna> abortion is not necessarily a bad thing. babies that are aborted are about on the development level of a fish, and we kill millions of fish every day.
<ruthie_marie> a baby is an human the very second it's conceved
* Martin has joined #theforce
<Martin> dun dun dun dun!!!!
<Gekkura> Hello.
<ruthie_marie> conceived
<Martin> Hi
<decsuna> aborting an eraly embrio is no bigger murder than killing a fish.
<decsuna> *early
<Gekkura> So I take it you don't support Stem Cell research, which could save millions?
<ruthie_marie> it's an human
<ruthie_marie> not a fish
<ruthie_marie> people can get stem cells from dead adults
<Martin> Actually both are animals and thus both are worth just as much... I say we should not kill any fishes either :P
<decsuna> why would a fish be less worthy than a human at the same level of development?
<ruthie_marie> they just don't want to
<ruthie_marie> just it's not an human
<decsuna> that's just like being a racist
<Martin> maybe it was in a past life? ;)
<decsuna> only about species
<ruthie_marie> OMG
<ruthie_marie> it's an fish
<Martin> A fish!
<decsuna> fish are animals, just like humans.
<Martin> Precisely :p
<ruthie_marie> why do you think animals are on earth
<decsuna> they have a brain, they have a spine, they have a heart
<Martin> And they say woof if they're dogs :P
<Gekkura> Animals were here before humans were.
<ruthie_marie> for human's enjoyment and to survive
<Gekkura> So no, the planet wasn't made for us
<ruthie_marie> omg
<Martin> That's rather selfish Ruthie Marie..
<Martin> I think they're here because they're cute
<decsuna> humans are only one of the species that share this planet. nothing special.
<Martin> :P
<ruthie_marie> how do you know animals were here 1st?
<decsuna> because we have fossils?
<ruthie_marie> we have fossils of human prints
<ruthie_marie> next to dinos
<ruthie_marie> and
<Gekkura> You ever heard of a hoax, Ruth?
<ruthie_marie> people have found old rocks in very, very old graves
<decsuna> that's only what christian creationsits babble about.
<ruthie_marie> that have pics of dino and animals together
<decsuna> it has nothing to do with science.
<Gekkura> pictures mean nothing
<ruthie_marie> about 4 months ago
<Gekkura> I could do that with Photoshop
<ruthie_marie> I found
<ruthie_marie> a fossil of frog eggs....... which means they did not come from fish
<ruthie_marie> and the fossil
<Martin> The question here is not what you believe Ruthie Marie... It's what has caused you to believe what you believe and WHY you must cling to it o_o
<ruthie_marie> is gonna be on tv
<decsuna> dinosaurs were not the first animals on earth, you know. life had existed many millions of years before dinosaurs.
<ruthie_marie> I gave it to an scientist
<Martin> A scientist :P
<ruthie_marie> believing in that is like
<ruthie_marie> putting an old broken watch in an bag
<ruthie_marie> and shaking it
<ruthie_marie> for a million years
<decsuna> fish lay eggs too you know.
<ruthie_marie> and taking out
<ruthie_marie> all fixed
<ruthie_marie> the eggs were frog eggs
<decsuna> so if you find frog eggs that doesn't mean they didn't come from fish.
<ruthie_marie> they were studied
<Gekkura> I don't understand the watch thing
<decsuna> neither do i :)
<Gekkura> what does that mean?
<ruthie_marie> you think life just came in existance on it's own
<decsuna> no i don't
<ruthie_marie> someone had to create it
<ruthie_marie> it's not chance
<Gekkura> Mmmhmm. I could argur with you on that...
<Gekkura> *argue
<Martin> Did somebody say the magical word ? :P
<ruthie_marie> and
<ruthie_marie> something would of had to create the single cell
<ruthie_marie> that people think
<decsuna> life was created from organic moleculs, name lipids, that formed lyposomes, in which other molecules got caught. there were ideal consequences in the earth seas over a billion years ago for that.
<ruthie_marie> made life
<ruthie_marie> the dude that made up that stuff
<ruthie_marie> said he was lying
<ruthie_marie> when he died
<Martin> Was very intelligent :p
<Gekkura> Then what of the experiments that support this particular theory?
<Gekkura> Are they worthless?
<decsuna> that wasn't made up by some dude, it is the current scientific theory that many very studied people divised
<ruthie_marie> people say it happened over millions of years
<ruthie_marie> so
<ruthie_marie> they can say
<ruthie_marie> why nothing has changed
<ruthie_marie> now
<decsuna> nothing has changed when?
<ruthie_marie> how many animals have you seen changed into something else
<ruthie_marie> since you were alive
<Gekkura> The butterfly.
<ruthie_marie> like
<decsuna> well our lives are much too short to witness that
<ruthie_marie> something other than that
<Martin> Butterflies!
<Gekkura> The locust.
<Gekkura> The maggot into the fly.
<Martin> .....Butterflies!
<ruthie_marie> I meant into something like totally different
<Martin> how old are you ruthie? :p
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<ruthie_marie> 15
<Gekkura> So a little wormy thing isn't different from something with powdery wings?
<decsuna> it takes many many generation of natural selection to cause evolutional changes. we can only observe evolution in viruses and bacteria which evolve most quickly.
<Martin> Cool
<Martin> Hi there
<Kageshin> hey
<ruthie_marie> how could a fish turn into an human
<decsuna> and those we can see change within our lifetimes
<Martin> Magical transformation!
<ruthie_marie> why do you think no one has ever been able to clone one
<Martin> or cells that mutate... :P
<decsuna> over many many millions of years. through amphibian, reptile, early mammal, mammal, primate, human.
<decsuna> but that takes a lot of time.
<ruthie_marie> then how come those animals are still here
<ruthie_marie> and have not changed into humans
<ruthie_marie> infront of us?!
<decsuna> because only some of them took another evolutional path.
<decsuna> actually saying that fish turned into humans is wrong
<Gekkura> I take it you assume humans are a perfected form
<Gekkura> Nope. Hardly.
<decsuna> fish and humans have a common ancestor. some of those took the path of becoming fish, and some of becoming humans.
<ruthie_marie> people say at 1st they were cells then they grew fins
<ruthie_marie> etc
<Gekkura> Ruth, since you like medical stuff
<decsuna> lol, cells can't grow fins :)
<ruthie_marie> see
<Gekkura> study embryonic development
<ruthie_marie> then how can they grow
<ruthie_marie> into other animals
<Martin> They're magical cells :P
<ruthie_marie> like land animals
<Gekkura> Human fetuses resemble fish in the earlier stages
<Martin> The first life was a burger o_o
<decsuna> they even have gills.
<ruthie_marie> you believe in magical things
<ruthie_marie> but not in GOD
<ruthie_marie> that's pointless
<decsuna> i believe in god.
<ruthie_marie> those are hands
<Martin> I believe in myself... :P
<ruthie_marie> in development
<ruthie_marie> not gills
<decsuna> i believe in god but i also embrace scientific facts, such as evolution.
<ruthie_marie> how do you think the MAGICAL cell
<ruthie_marie> got there
<decsuna> when you learn more about biology you will understand.
<Martin> it was magical :P
<ruthie_marie> how can you believe in both
<Kageshin> Oh oh I know the answer :)
<decsuna> but you are stillv ery young.
<ruthie_marie> God created us
<ruthie_marie> duh
<Martin> Duuuuuh
<Martin> :P
<decsuna> if you read about how that cell came to be, you would understand.
<decsuna> but i don't think there is a point inm speaking to you. you don't have enough knowledge, and you refuse to gain it.
<ruthie_marie> don't you ever read the BIBLe
<ruthie_marie> Bible
<Gekkura> Do you even know what the word Bible means?
<Gekkura> It means book. Nothing more.
<Kageshin> Ruthie what says that everything in the Bible is law?
<decsuna> the Bible is full of metaphors. things in there are notto be taken literally.
<ruthie_marie> HEAVENS
<Kageshin> Ever play the game of telephone?
<ruthie_marie> I saw an Angel before... which means the bible is true
<Martin> ruthie is probably kkk :P
<ruthie_marie> cause God created angels
<decsuna> Bible is not the only book that mentions angels.
<ruthie_marie> but it was the 1st
<ruthie_marie> book
<decsuna> not that either
<Kageshin> Pass a message through the ears of a dozen people, the message changes. The New Testament wasn't put into writing until over 200 years after Jesus' death. Thousands of years after old testament events. Now tell me, how do the "facts" stay intact over hundreds of years of word-of-mouth?
<decsuna> other cultures had texts much before the bible.
<Martin> Angels are in books like that because they were spotted...but really they're just ufo's trying to dominate humankind :P
<Kageshin> ufo's? Sweet!
<ruthie_marie> what evidence do you have that shows the earth is a million years old
<decsuna> much evidence, ruthie.
<ruthie_marie> name some
<decsuna> carbonic dating.
<decsuna> the span of visible universe.
<Kageshin> mmmm, redshift
<decsuna> the microwave background.
<Martin> Angel like ufos :p
<ruthie_marie> you should read the bible sometimes
<Kageshin> Ruthie I studied the bible, line by line in school
<decsuna> i read all of the bible. it's a nice book.
<Gekkura> It contradicts itself in places.
<ruthie_marie> I have read the whole bible before
<ruthie_marie> too
<decsuna> but the bible is a religious, not a scientific text. it speaks in metaphors.
<Martin> Why don't you read it 1000 times more?
<ruthie_marie> so is evolution
<Martin> obviously it gives you a sense of self harmony
<Martin> :p
<Kageshin> It's also a very POLITICAL text.
<decsuna> evolution has proof that are outside of books, in the nature.
<ruthie_marie> what makes you say evolution is not a religion
* decsuna has quit IRC (Leaving)
<ruthie_marie> got answer
* decsuna has joined #theforce
<ruthie_marie> evolution is an religion too
<ruthie_marie> so why don't you diss it too
<decsuna> no, it's a scientific theory.
<Martin> Wb
<ruthie_marie> it's an religion
<Kageshin> It is not -a- religion.
<decsuna> i don't "believe" in evolution, i except it as the most suitable explaination of the phenomena i see
<decsuna> *accept
<ruthie_marie> oh by the way
<Martin> It is a creation of human reason in an effort to figure out what has created us... ^^
<ruthie_marie> something would of had to create that magic cell
<Kageshin> what magic cell?
<decsuna> no. again. read how the cells were created.
<decsuna> read it.
<ruthie_marie> the one Martin was talking about
<decsuna> you have no idea aobut biochemistry.
<Martin> Yeah
<decsuna> get an idea.
<Martin> I made with my imagination
<Martin> I can create worlds with it
<Martin> I am a god!
<Martin> :P
<ruthie_marie> you have a free will
<ruthie_marie> duh
<ruthie_marie> in that sense
<Gekkura> Martin wasn't being serious about the "magic" part
<Martin> Yes I was! grrr! :P
<ruthie_marie> but who made the freaking cell
<decsuna> i have attended almost a thousand hours of biochemistry lectures. i know how the first cell could have been created.
<ruthie_marie> something had to of made it
<decsuna> no.
<Martin> Aliens :P
<decsuna> it could have been made by sheer laws of physics and chemistry.
<decsuna> in the right conditions.
<Martin> Basically we don't know how we were created and we'll never know...accept it ^^
<ruthie_marie> and I bet you learned from people who believed in evolution
<Martin> And satan has possessed their minds? :P
<ruthie_marie> something had to of made the materials
<ruthie_marie> in the 1st place
<decsuna> i learned from scientists. all scientists that are at least half sne support evolutions.
<ruthie_marie> to poof
<ruthie_marie> up the cell
<Gekkura> there's the big bang theory for the universe's creation
<ruthie_marie> that's stupid
<Kageshin> Nuh uh
<decsuna> yes, then we slowly get closer to that god of yours.
<ruthie_marie> cause what do you think caused it
<decsuna> big bang has been proven too.
<Gekkura> Well anser this smarty pants...what was there before god?
<ruthie_marie> show me how it has been proven
<ruthie_marie> he has always been there........ you said you read the bible
<Kageshin> Actually it hasn't been proven, but it hasn't yet been disproven.
<ruthie_marie> you should know
<ruthie_marie> duh
<Gekkura> I never said that
<Martin> No we shouldnt
<decsuna> big bang has been proven by various means by phsyicists, including the fragmentation of cosmos, and the microwave background.
<decsuna> we even know when it happened.
<ruthie_marie> you mean made up
<ruthie_marie> when it happened
<decsuna> no, we have measured it.
<ruthie_marie> wow
<decsuna> you should really learn more about science, girl.
<ruthie_marie> how do you think we got mountians on the earth
<Kageshin> Decs dear that's not proof yet. It's just the best theory to date. It won't be described as anything beyond Theory for like... another 200 years if no one disproves it :P
<Gekkura> Ruthie, we're not gonna agree with you on this. Why argue with us?
<ruthie_marie> there had to be an flood
<decsuna> before you go spreading your biblical truths.
<Kageshin> Mountains: tektonic (sp?) movements
<ruthie_marie> which means the bible is true
<ruthie_marie> hills
<ruthie_marie> were caused by the flood
<ruthie_marie> and
<Martin> Gekkura:" To keep on her belief strong in heart"
<decsuna> well no they were not.
<ruthie_marie> people found the hammer
<ruthie_marie> noah used
<decsuna> a flood can not cause mountain formation.
<ruthie_marie> to build the ark
<ruthie_marie> and they found the ark!
<Gekkura> People like you make me want to move out of the south.
<decsuna> i'm not saying there was not a flood, but it definitely didn't form mountains.
<ruthie_marie> then move
<ruthie_marie> cause we are gonna keep talking about the truth
<Martin> That's rough Gekkura...Why?
<Gekkura> Your "truth" is merely opinion
<ruthie_marie> what makes you says your's not
<Gekkura> I live in the bible belt with all the fanatics
<Martin> It's not absolute anyway...
<decsuna> the bible is just a book. many other religons have their own books.
<ruthie_marie> evolution is just a lie
<ruthie_marie> and they have books about evolution
<ruthie_marie> so it's just a book
<Martin> Gekkura:" Tolerate them... If they're like Ruthie here you should be able to have more fun than them" :P
<decsuna> evolution is not just a book. it's general, global, proven, studied science.
<Martin> Yes let's burn it :P
<ruthie_marie> I feel so sorry for y'all
<decsuna> and no one "believes" in it.
<ruthie_marie> cause if y'all believe
<decsuna> we all just know it explains what we know.
<ruthie_marie> in chance
<ruthie_marie> like that
<ruthie_marie> y'all probably are not saved
<decsuna> i don't believe in chance.
<ruthie_marie> and will go to hell
<decsuna> and i don't believe in hell either.
<ruthie_marie> see
<Martin> I doubt you have the power to inforce hell on any of us...
<ruthie_marie> you will
<Gekkura> I feel sorry for the devil then. He'll have to deal with me.
<ruthie_marie> when you die
<ruthie_marie> hell is hotter than any fire on earth
<ruthie_marie> ever
<Martin> No actually I'll go to heaven and you'll go to hell for not following the words of jesus :P
<decsuna> i'm not afraid even if i go to hell, i have nothing to regret :)
<ruthie_marie> and you will be in it forever
<decsuna> how do you know ruth, been there?
<Martin> No you will ruthie :P
<ruthie_marie> jesus sauud
<ruthie_marie> god created the earth
<ruthie_marie> !
<Kageshin> Ruthie how old are you?
<ruthie_marie> 15
<Gekkura> Jesus was Jewish.
<decsuna> she's 15
<decsuna> it shows
<Gekkura> Not Christian.
<ruthie_marie> jesus was god
<Gekkura> Jewish.
<Martin> Jesus definately believed in tolerance...
<ruthie_marie> and he saud
<ruthie_marie> said
<Kageshin> Where you from?
<Gekkura> He was the son of god, not a god
<ruthie_marie> that he is the way
<ruthie_marie> truth and life
<Martin> He did indeed say that he was a god gekkura...to my knowledge anyway...
<ruthie_marie> all that believes
<ruthie_marie> in him
<decsuna> i say i am the way too, why do you believe jesus and not me?:)
<ruthie_marie> will have ever lasting life
<Martin> All hail the savior Decs!!! The messiah!!!
<Martin> She shall save us all!!! :P
<ruthie_marie> for god so-loved the world...that he gave his only begotten son...that whosoever believes in him will have ever;asting life
<Gekkura> This conversation amuses me...
<ruthie_marie> John 3:16
<decsuna> i say i am the way too, why do you believe jesus and not me?:)
<Martin> Same :P
<Kageshin> Ruthie I'm curious, where are you from? You don't have to give an exact local just a region. EUrope? US? Northeast? Southwest?
<Martin> Obviously the us :P
<ruthie_marie> us
<decsuna> US south
<decsuna> of course
<ruthie_marie> texas
<decsuna> see? told ya :)
<Martin> People probably like you because of what you say... Must be why you are so persistant with it :P
<ruthie_marie> why do people always just diss christians?
<Martin> But you'll get bashed for it one day...
<ruthie_marie> oh wait
<Gekkura> Always?
<ruthie_marie> I know
<ruthie_marie> because it's the truth
<Kageshin> People don't diss christians because they're christians.
<Gekkura> Not the persecution whining...
<Kageshin> They only diss the die-hards
<Kageshin> the ones who aren't open to anything else.
<ruthie_marie> you diss us
<Martin> You will because you have not found the limit yet... People have limits...and you will because you're not old enough...
<ruthie_marie> you diss GOD!
<ruthie_marie> cause we are his children
<Gekkura> God, you suck! That better?
* decsuna has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer (TCP/IP connection broken))
<Martin> Yes because we believe in the almighty decsuna :P
<Gekkura> That I do it directly?
<ruthie_marie> you will see
<Gekkura> I haven't been smote yet.
* decsuna has joined #theforce
<ruthie_marie> when you die
<ruthie_marie> you will see
<Gekkura> He too lazy to do it now?
<ruthie_marie> and I warned you
<Kageshin> I'm a confirmed Catholic, technically speaking.
<Martin> Gekkura obviously god would rather bless you for standing on the frontal assult of such a firce social stupidity :P
<Kageshin> Doesn't mean I'm nuts about scripture
<Kageshin> doesn't mean I have to believe everything
<Martin> My god would atleast...
<decsuna> i'm a pagan, for most of it
<Martin> And he's good... ^_^
<Kageshin> Don't let faith blind you to common sense.
<ruthie_marie> most pagans are witches
<Martin> means they have cool hair:P
<Gekkura> Witches aren't bad
<Martin> Like me :P
<Kageshin> Don't let faith close you to fascinating educational opportunities. Don't let God deprive you of intellect.
<ruthie_marie> they do what satan wants them to do
<decsuna> i am a witch :)
<decsuna> but i'm a good witch
<Martin> Mutie witch ... :P
<Gekkura> Witches don't believe in satan
<Martin> lmao
<ruthie_marie> there is no such thing as a good witch
<ruthie_marie> satan is real
<Gekkura> Are you from the Salem Trials era or something?
<decsuna> and i tell you i have nothing at all to do with satan, i don't even know the dude:)
<Martin> No just texas Gekkura ;)
<ruthie_marie> he wants you to think that
<decsuna> same thing:)
<Martin> YOU want us to think that :P
<ruthie_marie> he has blinded you
<Martin> YOU are blind :P
<Gekkura> Why must some blame everything on the devil?
<ruthie_marie> god says to stay away from that stuff
<decsuna> i work for god, not satan
<ruthie_marie> then do what he says
<Gekkura> Too scared to take responsibility for your own actions?
<decsuna> i do that
<ruthie_marie> he says to stay away from that pagan stuffI thought you read the bible
<Gekkura> Let me tell you something
<decsuna> "that pagan stuff"
<ruthie_marie> is withcraft
<decsuna> i didn't see that phrase in the bible.
<Gekkura> Alot of the pagan stuff is celebrated by christians
<ruthie_marie> witchcraft
<Gekkura> Even Christmas has pagan influences
<Martin> Ruthie... you are a very selfish person.. PERIOD :p
<Gekkura> The tree, and Santa Claus
<decsuna> christmas and easter are purely pagan holidays adapted by christians.
<ruthie_marie> I don't care what y'all say
<Martin> and we don't care what you say
<ruthie_marie> no they are not
<Gekkura> It was an attempt to get pagans to convert
<Martin> Indeed ^^
<ruthie_marie> christmas is when we celebrate jesus's birthday
<decsuna> well yes they are. christmas = yule (winter solstice)
<ruthie_marie> and easter is when we celebrate him coming back from the dead
<Kageshin> Jesus wasn't actually born in december
<Martin> And in danish Christmas is called Jul... Yule? jul? is that close? :P
<ruthie_marie> I know
<ruthie_marie> we just celebrate it then
<decsuna> the god of sun, yule, pagan god, was born on the winter solstice, which is when the days begin to get longer
<Martin> Because we're stupid :P
<decsuna> on christmas basically.
<ruthie_marie> but it's not
<decsuna> that's why christmas is when it is.
<ruthie_marie> show me your proof
<Martin> I know all :P
<Martin> I say it is right
<Martin> ^^
<Gekkura> Show us yours!
<decsuna> read on pagan traditions that are odler than christianity.
<ruthie_marie> ok
<ruthie_marie> the bible
<ruthie_marie> read it
<ruthie_marie> once in a while
<Martin> Don't tell us to do :P
<Martin> *what to do*
<ruthie_marie> that's ur proof
<Martin> We can decide on that ... telling us what to do will be annoying
<Martin> have some empathy into other people man!
<ruthie_marie> you told me to show you proof
<ruthie_marie> I did show you it
<decsuna> not everything that's in the bible is true. most of the bible was made up for political and social manipulation of people that were in power at the time.
<ruthie_marie> and how do you know that
<Gekkura> The bible has been edited
<Martin> Because we have intelligence
<Martin> your new god
<Martin> mwuhahahahhaahaha
<Martin> :P
<decsuna> history is a science too you know.
<ruthie_marie> dude if it was edited like you say
<ruthie_marie> god would not let that happen
* Kageshin just chills in the corner
<ruthie_marie> and my mother has died and came back to life
<ruthie_marie> she has been
<ruthie_marie> to heaven
<Gekkura> King James insisted on translating one part as "thou shalt not suffer a witch to live" even though it was poisoner originally
<ruthie_marie> so I know it's true
<Martin> Ahh I see now why you are so persistant
<ruthie_marie> and I have seen an angel
<ruthie_marie> and have proof
<ruthie_marie> to
<Gekkura> And I went to a Christian school when I was younger.
<ruthie_marie> stuff in the bible
<Martin> Ruthie I'm sure your mother is having a good time right now... Since she has crossed over.... :p
<decsuna> i have seen many "angels"
<decsuna> but that doesn't make me believe the bible.
<ruthie_marie> you mean deaons thatm lact ike them
<Gekkura> Christians aren't the only ones who beleive in angels
<ruthie_marie> that act*
<decsuna> almost all religions have some kind of angels.
<ruthie_marie> angels are part of the christian religion
<decsuna> or superior beings of some kind.
<Gekkura> But not exclusive to it
<Martin> They're aliens come to devour us :P
<ruthie_marie> angels were created by god
<ruthie_marie> god says to stay away from the evil ways of the world
<Martin> Yet you're spreading your belief?
<decsuna> ruthie, if you believe in the bible so much, what are you doing on a jedi website? aren't we a bunch of witches and wizards?
<Martin> I think that's evil
<ruthie_marie> not all
<ruthie_marie> I came here to chat
<ruthie_marie> with my friends that come one here
<Martin> Relegious tolerance... I am a strong believer in that...
<ruthie_marie> I don't linger
<ruthie_marie> on evil tings
<Martin> That is good...wHile what you do Ruthie is evil :P
<ruthie_marie> and this is a site for religion
<ruthie_marie> not just pagan
<decsuna> and you think pagans are evil, that's not very tolerant.
<Martin> AND the fa believes in relegious tolerance aswell
<Gekkura> Evil...if you knew anything about pagans you would know they're not evil.
<Gekkura> The Jews were pagan once.
<decsuna> we all believe in the same thing. we just name it differently.
<Gekkura> And Jesus was Jewish.
<Gekkura> Was he evil?
<ruthie_marie> satan influences pagan acts
<decsuna> nope.
<ruthie_marie> and jews are not evil
<Martin> Ruthie... You have to agree with everything in the bible... it's is the only true thing in the world :P
<ruthie_marie> they are god's people
<Gekkura> But pagans are?
<Gekkura> Why are Jews the exception?
<ruthie_marie> pagans are blinded by satan
<Martin> Yeah pagans are blinded by satan... ^^
<Gekkura> Like I said, Jewish people were once pagan.
<Martin> damn you pagans!
<Martin> :P
<ruthie_marie> no they were not
<Gekkura> Yes they were
<ruthie_marie> and I'm not jewish
<Gekkura> Do some reasearch
<ruthie_marie> for your information
<Martin> jewish are evil too :P
<ruthie_marie> jews will go to hell too if they do not get saved
<decsuna> this ruthie girl doesn't know much about anything. no wonder she has such an easy time believing everything in the bible.
<ruthie_marie> all will go to hell
<ruthie_marie> if they don't get saved
<ruthie_marie> the bible is true
<Martin> Yep
<Martin> The bible is true ^^
<decsuna> i'm not afraid of hell.
<ruthie_marie> how can you believe what you think is real?!
<Kageshin> How does one get "saved" ruthie
<Martin> Believe in the bible and jesus
<Martin> :P
<ruthie_marie> by asking Jesus Christ into their hearts.... and asking him to save him.
<Martin> yeah ^^
<Kageshin> Okay now here's a scenario
<decsuna> five six seven eight, i believe in jesus and don't masturbate
<decsuna> lol
<Martin> :P
<ruthie_marie> don't make fun of God
<Kageshin> Let's say you are a loving person. You volunteer at soup kitchens, help kittens, run an inbetween home for messed up kids
<Kageshin> You are doing the work of charity and good will, but you're a pagan.
<ruthie_marie> Jesus says you can only go to heaven through him
<Kageshin> Damned to hell are you?
<ruthie_marie> jesus said
<Gekkura> Jesus this, Jesus that. Don't you ever think for yourself?
<decsuna> jesus says that because he wants monopoly :)
<Martin> No because he clearly is evil decs :P
<Kageshin> What's your answer, Ruthie?
<Martin> a demon from another plane o_O
<ruthie_marie> I am the way, the truth and the life... none can go to the father but through me
<decsuna> wanting monopoly is evil, like bill gates.
* Disconnected
Session Close: Wed Aug 31 16:28:00 2005

Session Start: Wed Aug 31 16:28:15 2005
Session Ident: #theforce
* Now talking in #theforce
* Topic is 'Welcome to #theforce'
* Set by SVCAGENT-1079388659 on Tue Aug 30 17:45:01
-Gekkura- [Welcome-#theforce] Welcome to #theforce, by using this channel you agree to abide by the Terms of Usage set out by the management of the Force Academy as described here: http://www.forceacademy.com/chat/chatrules.htm
<Martin> wbness
<Gekkura> thanks
<ruthie_marie> I'll tell you
<decsuna> i'm a vegetarian, is that going to get me to hell too?
<ruthie_marie> John 16:13
<Martin> Eww a vegetarian!!! You are different!!! You must perish!!! Grrrrr :P
<decsuna> lol
<decsuna> i would be very glad if being a vegetarian wouldn't mean being different :/
<Martin> what is menothing?
<Martin> miav?
<decsuna> what if john wrote that because he wanted cash?
<ruthie_marie> ME NOTHING*
<Martin> catsounds?
<Martin> ohh :P
<Gekkura> Why is it that all fanatics can do is quote scriptures?
<ruthie_marie> THAT WAS WHAT GOD SAID
<ruthie_marie> NOT JOHN
<ruthie_marie> JESUS*
<ruthie_marie> JESUS SAID THAT
<decsuna> i see john signed there
<ruthie_marie> NOT JOHN
<Kageshin> That's not the message of Jesus.
<Kageshin> The message of Jesus was LOVE
<decsuna> FREE love at that ;P
<ruthie_marie> he has more than one message'
<Kageshin> But love is the primary all-encompassing one.
<Kageshin> Yes, he came down to die for our sins
<ruthie_marie> read john chapter 14
<ruthie_marie> if you want to know
<ruthie_marie> so much
<Kageshin> he came down to ask for our faith
<Kageshin> but how did he meet everyone? With love, Ruthie.
<Martin> Actually I just think he was being showoffish... hey I'm the son of god...watch me :P
<Kageshin> By that one principle alone, those who love truly and righteously, are not damned no matter their religion.
<ruthie_marie> let not you heart be troubled, ye believe in God, believe also in me
<decsuna> believe in me, give me cash :P
<ruthie_marie> where does it say that in the bible
<ruthie_marie> no where
<Kageshin> It doesn't not say it either.
<ruthie_marie> it says
<Gekkura> Again I ask Ruthie, don't you ever think? At all? Or can you just spout quotes?
<Martin> Yes that's what I was trying to say too before kageshin... ^^
<ruthie_marie> none can go to the father
<ruthie_marie> but through jesus
<Kageshin> and Jesus represents love
<decsuna> but i don't want to go to the father.
<Kageshin> I'd rather go to the mother, personally, if she exists.
<ruthie_marie> john 3:16
<ruthie_marie> read it
<ruthie_marie> if you want
<Martin> not yet anyway decs :P
<ruthie_marie> to know the truth
<Kageshin> (and btw I'm with ya Gekk)
<Martin> I already know the truth... it lies buried somewhere here at the fa:P
<Gekkura> (thanks. Really it's not good to just go along with something blindly...)
<Martin> treasure hunt ^^
<Martin> I'm a mighty pirate...yar!
<decsuna> (i'm wirk gekk too btw:)
<decsuna> *with
<ruthie_marie> jesus said
<Martin> (I'm without gekk.... he is not here) :P
<ruthie_marie> I am the true vine
<Martin> vine?!!?!?
<ruthie_marie> and my father is the husbandman
<Martin> .....
<decsuna> jesus smoked way too much pot.
<Martin> apparantly :P
<Martin> Future hippy lost in a time machine ^_^
* Kageshin won't even go into the Gnostic view of Jesus
<decsuna> yay, gnostics :)
<ruthie_marie> I can't believe you are letting them make jokes about Jesus, Kageshin
<Kageshin> It's not a joke.
<decsuna> what should she do?
<Martin> Free thought rules the day...
<ruthie_marie> oh so saying Jesus smoked pot
<Kageshin> Gnosticism was/is a real religion who have a completely different take on Jesus
<ruthie_marie> is not a joke
<decsuna> no it's not.
<Kageshin> Decs I'm getting blamed for your joke. Thanks sis
<decsuna> i don't really mind if i get blamed for something by this person :)
<Martin> Pot can give you a sensation of higher heavenly divine inspiration (something) :p so saying he smoked pot is equal to saying that he had divine inspiration in how he worded himself :P
<ruthie_marie> he was GOD
<decsuna> yes, rastafarians know that.
<Martin> Wannabe god... not god
<ruthie_marie> he was sinless
<Martin> he wasnt at all
<ruthie_marie> so he did not smoke
<ruthie_marie> pot
<Martin> he had many sins in fact
<Martin> his followers knew of them
<ruthie_marie> he was sinless
<Martin> God wanted it that way
<decsuna> smoking pot is not a sin, just a decision.
<Martin> He was not
<Martin> smoking pot is great:P
<ruthie_marie> only a sinless person could take the sins of the world
<ruthie_marie> away
<decsuna> i don't smoke
<Martin> but he didnt..
<Martin> they're still here
<Martin> He just enlightened us
<Martin> that was his purpose
<decsuna> he sure didn't take any of my sins
<ruthie_marie> you have to eccept
<Martin> he loved your sins decs :)
<Gekkura> I'm going to hell according to you, so how are sins gone?
<ruthie_marie> him
<decsuna> oh i bet you'd love my sins too ;)
<ruthie_marie> and ask him into your heart
<ruthie_marie> to be forgiven
<ruthie_marie> from in
<ruthie_marie> sin*
<Martin> :P
<decsuna> then he's a jerk. if he was nice he'd forgive me anyway.
<Kageshin> I thought that's what priests were for
<decsuna> i forgive people just like that too.
<ruthie_marie> no
<ruthie_marie> only God/Jesus
<ruthie_marie> can forgive
<ruthie_marie> you sins
<ruthie_marie> to be able to go to heaven
<Martin> heaven doesnt exist
<Martin> but you do
<Martin> do something about life
<ruthie_marie> yes it does
<Martin> no it doesnt
<decsuna> i'm not going to heaven, i'm going to be reborn
<Martin> it's a fairytale
<ruthie_marie> you are going to go to hell
<ruthie_marie> if you do not get saved
<Martin> hell isnt a place either
<decsuna> if that's what you call it:)
<Martin> you are saved
<Martin> saved by yourself
<ruthie_marie> I asked Jesus to come into my heart
<Gekkura> "I'll go to heaven fot the climate and hell for the company."
<Martin> that is the only one who can save you anyway
<ruthie_marie> so yes... I'm saved
<Martin> jesus doesnt care if you're saved or not
<Martin> he cares if you care...
<ruthie_marie> Jesus
<Martin> he cares if you believe...
<ruthie_marie> is the only person
<Martin> he cares taht you are you...
<ruthie_marie> who can save you
<Martin> nope
<Martin> Jesus can't save you
<decsuna> if Satan wants to take me to hell, i'm prepared to kick his a** anytime :P
<Martin> he doesnt have that power
<Martin> god does...
<Gekkura> Me too decs
<ruthie_marie> satan has more power
<ruthie_marie> than you will ever have
<decsuna> not more than me
<ruthie_marie> and God has more power than him
<Gekkura> And you know this how?
<Martin> satan only has power of you believe in him
<decsuna> i can kick satan's a** with my positive energy
<ruthie_marie> it says in the bible
<decsuna> with my love
<ruthie_marie> satan is the prince of evil
<Martin> the bible is outdated...
<ruthie_marie> and lies
<Martin> there is no prince of evil
<Martin> evil doesnt even exist
<decsuna> evil is powerless against love
<ruthie_marie> the bible goes all the way
<Martin> nobody wanted it to so therefore
<ruthie_marie> to the end of the world
<Martin> the bible should be destroyed
<ruthie_marie> it tells the future
<Martin> jesus and god would have wanted that... they do not believe that it is being used correctly..
<Gekkura> the future...
<Martin> because it's not
<ruthie_marie> yes they do
<decsuna> Futurama even tells you when the second coming of Jesus will be
<Gekkura> Isn't divination pagan and therefore evil?
<ruthie_marie> or it would already be destroyed
<ruthie_marie> and
<ruthie_marie> they wrote it
<Martin> they didnt
<ruthie_marie> through people
<Martin> but they wish theyd did
<ruthie_marie> they did write it
<ruthie_marie> through people
<Martin> They didnt have anything to say in the matter
<Gekkura> People wrote it. People are flawed.
<Martin> No... People arent conduits like that...they have their free will
<Gekkura> Therefore mistakes have been made.
<Martin> exactly
<ruthie_marie> The holy spirit told them what to say
<ruthie_marie> in other word
<ruthie_marie> God
<Martin> the holy spirit doesnt exist
<Martin> it's a dream
<ruthie_marie> it does to exist
<decsuna> the FOrce pwns jesus and satan and god :P
<Martin> in your mind
<Martin> but nowhere else
<ruthie_marie> I don't beleive in the force
<Martin> and nowhere else because it does not
<Martin> it never did exist...
<ruthie_marie> God does exist
<Martin> The force exists... it is a powerfull thing ... it is always good to learn about it
<decsuna> you don't believe in the force, then what are you doing in #theforce?
<ruthie_marie> how can you say that exists
<Martin> slacking :P
<Martin> because I have seen it
<ruthie_marie> if you say
<ruthie_marie> god does not
<Martin> i have used it...and I am it... and it is me..
<decsuna> i say god exists.
<ruthie_marie> you can't see air only particals but you know it's ther
<ruthie_marie> there*
<ruthie_marie> does that mean it does not exist
<Martin> feeling is just as good
<Martin> if you know how to feel
<decsuna> i don't see particles
<Martin> meditation is helpfull
<ruthie_marie> I feel God's presence
<Martin> within you?
<ruthie_marie> all around me
<ruthie_marie> and in me
<Martin> Too much in you actually
<decsuna> lol
<ruthie_marie> you only believe what you see
<ruthie_marie> or can explain
<Martin> you cannot know that
<Martin> you are not all knowing and you are not jesus
<ruthie_marie> I never said I was
<Martin> yes you did
<decsuna> i don't believe in anything.
<decsuna> at all.
<ruthie_marie> did I say I was Jesus
<decsuna> i only study.
<Martin> you thought it
<ruthie_marie> no I did not
<Martin> you want to be
<ruthie_marie> no I don't
<Martin> yes you do :P
<decsuna> i'm better than jesus
<ruthie_marie> whatever
* Kageshin glances over at her "Religious Views of Life" poster
* Kageshin giggles
<ruthie_marie> I can't beleieve you Kageshin
<decsuna> i'm smarter than jesus, and i look better.
<Kageshin> What'd I do now
<Martin> ^_^
<ruthie_marie> you don't even speak up
<ruthie_marie> for God
<ruthie_marie> and Jesus
<Gekkura> Stop blaming other people because YOUR thinking is flawed!
<Kageshin> Why should I?
<Martin> no for you...ruthie...for you...
<ruthie_marie> and you say you are Catholic
<Kageshin> Oh, oops that's right. I'm supposed to be a Catholic.
<Martin> you identify with both god and jesus...you want to be jesus...
<Kageshin> It's total bogus for them to confirm you at 13. You don't know what you're doing.
<Kageshin> I've been pretty non-religious for seven years now
<Martin> since there is other things to life
<Kageshin> actually no... wait.. .i was 14
<decsuna> they confirm babies when they are born here
<ruthie_marie> but babies are babies from the start
<Kageshin> really? I thought they only baptize babies.
<ruthie_marie> the life is there from conception
<decsuna> the soul enters the baby's body on the day 48 after conception.
<ruthie_marie> no
<ruthie_marie> the soul is already there
<Martin> Ruthie... Start believing in love... Instead of something as evil and petty as what you believe now... That would be much better for you...
<ruthie_marie> I do believe in Love
<ruthie_marie> God is Love
<Martin> no you don't believe in love
<ruthie_marie> you don't
<ruthie_marie> if you think it's ok
<Martin> I believe in all ^_^
<ruthie_marie> to kill babies
<Gekkura> when did we say that?
<Martin> ruthie is just trying to get her anger out :P
<ruthie_marie> by acting like it's ok
<ruthie_marie> for abortion
<Martin> it is ok
<Martin> the babies doesnt care
<Gekkura> If you don't want people to kill babies
<ruthie_marie> what makes an unborn baby different from an born baby
<Gekkura> then you take care of them.
<Gekkura> All of them.
<Martin> hahaha
<decsuna> abortion is not favorable, but it's often better than a child being born into a very hard life.
<Martin> exactly decs
<ruthie_marie> pre babies
<ruthie_marie> feel pain
<Martin> they don't care
<decsuna> so do fish.
<decsuna> and cows.
<Martin> and they never will care
<ruthie_marie> oh so crying
<decsuna> and all other animals christians happily eat.
<ruthie_marie> is not caring
<Martin> pain is an aspect of life
<ruthie_marie> not just christians eat meat
<decsuna> but they eat meat.
<decsuna> that's not a sin?
<Martin> it's not wrong to eat meat... we have to sustain ourselves
<ruthie_marie> so
<ruthie_marie> you have to have meat to stay healthy
<decsuna> hinduists think it is a sin
<Gekkura> You don't have to
<decsuna> you don't have to, i haven't eaten it for years and i'm healthy.
<Martin> hinduists are cool :P
<ruthie_marie> plants are living things
<ruthie_marie> you eat them
<Martin> which doesnt care
<Martin> living but uncaring
<decsuna> plants don't have a nervous system that feels pain
<ruthie_marie> how do you know
<ruthie_marie> you are not a plant
<Martin> because I'm all knowing ^^
<decsuna> because i know plant anatomy.
<ruthie_marie> so
<Martin> I know your innermost feelings too O_o
<ruthie_marie> that does not prove anything
<decsuna> yes it does.
<ruthie_marie> cause you are not one'
<Martin> it proves everything
<decsuna> i'm not a planet either but i know how they move.
<ruthie_marie> this is stupid fighting about plants
<Martin> because decs is a sensitive person
<ruthie_marie> plants eat
<ruthie_marie> the venus fly trap
<ruthie_marie> eat flies
<decsuna> so what, black holes eat too.
<ruthie_marie> which is like meat
<Martin> like meat :P
<decsuna> i'm not a venus fly trap
<decsuna> i'm human
<Kageshin> Gotta run
<ruthie_marie> so what makes it ok for a venus fly trap to eat meat
<decsuna> humans are higher beings that can give up killing if they choose
<ruthie_marie> and not a human
<Gekkura> Bye Kageshin
<ruthie_marie> cya
<Martin> take care
<Kageshin> Don't break out into any religious riots while I'm gone. ;) I wanna see it happen
* Kageshin has left #theforce
<decsuna> a cat can never be a vegetarian because it's not so highly evolved to choose
<decsuna> but we can... and because we can, we sin if we choose to kill.
<ruthie_marie> they can choose
<ruthie_marie> they just eat meat
<Martin> they can't chose much...
<ruthie_marie> if they can choose where to walk
<Gekkura> A cat would die if it didn't eat meat
<ruthie_marie> they can choose
<Martin> they have very powerfull urges controlling them
<Martin> like you have at times
<ruthie_marie> we wou;d too
<decsuna> cats can't choose to stop eating meat.
<decsuna> how come i'm alive then?
<decsuna> and i don't eat meat?
<ruthie_marie> you know
<Gekkura> Why are we arguing about vegitarianism?
<ruthie_marie> it takes a while
<ruthie_marie> you are too
<decsuna> i know vegetarians that are very old
<Martin> because we're cool gekkura:p
<ruthie_marie> oh nvm
<decsuna> and have been so all their lives
<decsuna> vegetarians actually live longer on average
<ruthie_marie> ask doctors
<ruthie_marie> it's not healthy
<decsuna> i am nearly a doctor
<Martin> not healthy for you perhabs... you might die:P
<decsuna> and i know it is very healthy.
<Gekkura> Ruth, do you know what they feed the animals humans eat?
<ruthie_marie> do you study it
<Gekkura> You wouldn't still eat them if you did.
<Martin> being a vegitarian gives more will to live...
<decsuna> in 2/3 years i will be a doctor.
<decsuna> i study medinice.
<Martin> more wish to live...
<ruthie_marie> hmm......... we eat pigs
<decsuna> *medicine
<ruthie_marie> which eat scraps
<ruthie_marie> which means they eat meat
<ruthie_marie> and plants
<Martin> I couldnt study medicine:P
<Gekkura> Mad cow disease exists because they grinded up a sick sheep and fed it to some cattle
<ruthie_marie> the sheep was sick
<Gekkura> Along with steriods to get it to fatten up
<ruthie_marie> who in their right mind
<Gekkura> And certain fillers...
<ruthie_marie> would eat sick things
<Martin> sounds like it was productive o_o
<ruthie_marie> like that
<Martin> you would
<ruthie_marie> nope
<Martin> if you were forced
<Martin> you would
<decsuna> vegetarianism is healthy. that's statistically proven on large populations on people. and logical, medically.
<ruthie_marie> I only eat organtic
<Gekkura> Anyone can slap an organic label on something
<ruthie_marie> they do not study every single things
<Gekkura> How do you know they weren't lying?
<decsuna> i have studied medicine for 3 years.
<decsuna> and i have been a vegetarian most of my life.
<decsuna> and i'm never sick.
<Martin> have to go...good talking to you guys :P (kind of anyway.. enjoyed myself) ^^
<ruthie_marie> heck...people still don't know for sure what tonsils
<ruthie_marie> are
<Gekkura> Bye Martin
<ruthie_marie> for
* Martin has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer (TCP/IP connection broken))
<ruthie_marie> I'm leaving too
<ruthie_marie> this is stupid to fight about this
* ruthie_marie has quit IRC (Web Browser moved off chat page)
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Post by Baphnedia »

While I was inspired by the chat log above, I have a rant agast ungodly long quote boxes. rant rant rant. Heck... that and I have a rant against work. I HATE WORK! And, I just got another boatload of it.


Somebody please just shoot me.
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Post by Figarou »

Baphnedia wrote:While I was inspired by the chat log above, I have a rant agast ungodly long quote boxes. rant rant rant. Heck... that and I have a rant against work. I HATE WORK! And, I just got another boatload of it.


Somebody please just shoot me.

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Post by Lupin »

Baphnedia wrote:While I was inspired by the chat log above, I have a rant agast ungodly long quote boxes. rant rant rant.
It doesn't really help that the text in the quote box is almost the same brightness as the background
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Post by Baphnedia »

Give me them lasers... and shoot me in the eyes. I want to be dead... and blind.
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Post by NarnianWolfen »

Rant: I'm tired of all Texans getting lumped in with the Bible thumping idiots of the world. >:E Have you ever listened to a bunch of yankees yammering about us decent southern folk? We catch all kinds of hell, and yankees don't even know where to put the ' in y'all half the time! Honestly. There are some damn good Texans. <3333 Texas. :( Complain about Georgia. They drive like nuts, charge 50k an acre for a house with three TOTAL rooms if you're in a 200 mile radius of Atlanta, and don't let pets in anywhere. And their pet board is ridiculously expensive. And all their convenience stores are now owned by foreigners that're rude and discourteous and don't speak English. And get mad at YOU because you can't speak Hindu or Chinese or Korean or whatever language it is they speak, when you're just a customer trying to buy a bottle of soda. I'm SO sorry if I don't speak Aghani or Pakistani or German! For goodness' sake, the soda's 99 cents, is a penny change so much to ask? Geez!

"She should not lock the open door (run away run away run away!), full moon is on the sky and he's not a man anymore...sees the change in him but can't (run away run away run away) see what became out of her man...full moon!"
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Post by Set »

Just so you know, I have nothing against Texans. My grandmother, aunts, uncles, and cousins are from Texas. This one girl just happened to be a nutter who lived in Texas. I live in South Carolina, most of the fanatical people are here.
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Post by Figarou »

Baphnedia wrote:Give me them lasers... and shoot me in the eyes. I want to be dead... and blind.
Heads up. :wetwolf4:

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Re: You want a rant?!?!?

Post by Darum »

Rex Wolf wrote:Hey, you asked for it. This is going to strike at you personally though, just about each and every one of you. But know this, I do it out of kindness, and concern for the future of mankind.

First of all, I'm SICK and FREAKIN' TIRED of hearing people with these mighty opinions about world issues, that are based on misinformation, incorrect information, and PROPAGANDA.

I have news for each and every one of you. The most powerful weapon ever devised by the United States was not the atomic bomb, it was propaganda. And guess what, some people in the government, and many many corporations and execs have turned this weapon on American citizens.

Yeah, you, watching TV, thinking the Palestinians are evil people. And you, the guy who thinks Bush has never done anything wrong. Oh, and you, the guy who thinks Terri Schiavo should have been saved. You are ALL victims of this weapon. You are also unwitting pawns in the rise of an evil empire the likes of which have never been seen on this planet. Yeah, the "military industrial complex", that's nothing. Sure, they're taking $80,000 of your money and sending it to Iraq, but they are nothing compared to the corporations who now run this defacto fascist country.

Folks, we need a revolution, and until you wake your lazy asses up and turn off that f*ing TV, you're just going to think that reality is what Bill Gates and Rupert Murdock want you to think it is.
you want a revolution? give me a while and you'll get your revolution, mark my words. :evil:
"every set-back, a step foward. every failure, an extra oportunity for success. every day of defeat, a victory!"
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Post by Scott Gardener »

Enormously long conversation
Why bother talking that long to Fundamentalists? Your odds of actually winning them over are so astronomical that your time is better spent trying to catch the attention of extraterrestrial life with a flashlight. Once they start showing signs that science and facts mean nothing to them, I bail. In medicine we call it futility; you can't resuscitate someone who's been asystolic for hours and is showing signs of rigor mortis.
Taking a Gestalt approach, since it's the "in" thing...
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Post by Short Tail »

wow hoo religous radicals are gonna ruin our country!
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