On my mind, needs some help..

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On my mind, needs some help..

Post by Teh_DarkJokerWolf »

I have been on this forum almost since it came to be and I really feel welcome here. This is my place to vent and get away from my everyday of misery and my depression....I really enjoy having so many peole that have the same interests as me and we can discuss it like adults, however I have as of late felt a little pressure not just from here, but on Deviant and what not. I have always been a kind and outgoing person and I never could understand with the fact of how nice and giving I am I still have no friends and no life. All I ever do day in and day out is draw, eat, sleep and surf the web. Out side of these things there is nothing else and I really hoped when my nieces were born I would feel joy unlike I;ve every felt, but in all honestly I still feel that empty spot in my heart and I am not as happy as I thought I would be..Not saying that I'm not happy about Mia and Mya, but I still had my own issues before they came into this world and they didn't go anywhere...As a child I had no friends, I was bullied everyday, at school and in my neighborhood...I was chased around like I had a disease, because I didn't act a certain way for people..People really bullied me because((and I mean no disrespect in saying this)) I didn't act black!! Now being a kid, I didn't understand what that meant, but apperently it was the law of the school so to say and because of me breaking them I was subject to getting hit and punched and spit on((yes I was spit on!!)) One time I was walking home from the bus stop and this boy threw a brick at me!! A brick!! Something that really just bothers me so was when I was at recess and I was in this tennis court on the playground with only one way in and out. I was playing with a kick ball and noticed this groups of girls((all of them black!! Again no offense)) walking towards the tennis court and of course I knew they were coming at me, but I was trapped and everyone else in there left me so I was alone. It was 12 girls and the smallest girl was in front and I could have taken her if I wanted, but I was never a fighter from the start and also the fact she had 11 of her friends with her I just backed up against the fence and thought about trying to climb up it, but I knew they'd only pull me down so I just stood there as they closed in((keep in mind I was a little runt in school and and no friends)) but the bell rang for the end of recess and they walked away and I stood there terrified to move..

Skipping back a little when I was 3 or 4 years old I saw my parents get in a terrible fight where both of them were bleeding and I hate to remember that fight, but it's stuck in my head, anywho..I had a hard time in life and when I was confronted with a bully I always backed down because my parents told me to and because of that I have extremely low selfesteem, and extreme depression and some diffenrent types of personality disorders which only happened because my father was an acoholic and from his drinking I have all these disorders and whatnot and I can't seem to find true happiness anywhere...I really try to be strong because I know it would help, but I can't..When I first started drawing people thought it was weird and my own mother would take my pictuyres and rip them to shreds, so I tried to hide them from her only to find that she went in my dresser, found them and ripped them up, one time she made me stand face to face with her as she tore them up right before my eyes and then sent me to my room crying, my realashioship with my mom has never been the same since she did that to me...I had a hard time with suicidal thoughts and I had tried to do it several times before and I had also started mutalating my arm with glass, because I hurt so bad, but I have all but stopped that now, but I am still feeling down and I need support from the one place I think can help me and it's here, because I've met some really kind hearted people on here and I hope I get to meet some of you all one day...

If you have actually read this far then I will explain my reasons for posting this...I did this because I belive you all can give me the support I need to keep on going in life and not to give up on my dreams, I hope this isn't erased, because this is only a reach out for help and I have tried the meds, cousulors and hospitalazations, but it doesn't work, the only thing I haven't is friendly advice from friends which I never had and I believe I do now... :D Please if you feel you must erase this for any reasons let me know first, because I'd like to know why...
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Post by outwarddoodles »

*Hugs Sabre*

I'm sorry. I've been beaten only a couple times when I was younger, but I was in a strange crowd at that time. I joined all the other kids who didn't like the others, and the only way to keep kids away was to fight them back. So I myself was a fighter too, I only fought to protect myself. (I really don't care, yet looking back I really find no reason why in 3rd grade I had to fight off other people.)

I really don't share much interest in other people right now. I currently just fear them, I don't think anyone cares about me. I love having friends around, but I...well I guess I just don't, I don't know how it works out.

So I guess I can say I know how you feel. I'm happy you enjoy us as your friends, though I hope you can make some more in your real life, or just patch up the 'empty space'.

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Post by PariahPoet »

*hugs Sabre*
I think all of us have experienced things the way they are going for you now, but that was a heck of a way to start out life. Honestly I'm amazed you came through it and still enjoy the company of other people.
I wish I could help, but all I can say is kudos for being youself. Had you fealt inclined to "act black" and done so that would have been great too, but I guess my point is not many little kids have the strength of character to not compromise who they are. I hope things get better for you.
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Post by Renorei »

We're here for you. I would say more, but that pretty much sums it up.
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Post by Hamster »


*Hugs Sabre*

You were teased a little more then I was. I was teased for the same reason because I didn't act "black". I always thought that to be racist. Who the hell says you have to act a certain way because of your skin color? No, my friend, they are jealous! They see you as a threat and they think that you think you are better then them by not acting their way so they tease you. Alot of girls seem to hate me but boys seem to like me and want to be my friend. I don't know, maybe they got jealous of the guy attention I get and thought I was stealing the gUys away from them so they decided to ridicule me in front of the class so I get humiliated. I can already see that they see you as a threat so they want to get rid of you. You are brave though. You are brave enough to continue school and the teasing until graduation. I just had it and stood up for myself for the first time and gotthe s@#$ beat out of me by a 17 year old guy. After that, I knew I could never standup for myself again. The one thing I always feared might happen to me if I stand up, happened to me. I hate myself for that day forever now.

Screw what others think, act WHO you are! Not WHAT you are! Acting like your "black" is like separating yourself from others. You aren't expressing yourself and also, you are helping add to the "difference" Whites and blacks or any other race for that matter, thinks they have. No-one is superior, no-one is inferior! I wish I can live in a world when race can be over looked. :(
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Seeing in color, not black and white

Post by Scott Gardener »

Believe me, I sympathize, though I will not pretend to have gone through what you did.

You have chosen to reject something with which you do not identify. You have chosen instead to create for yourself a new and fresh identity. That is the mark of intelligence. And, it will intimidate others.

I remember from my own childhood how useless authority figures would tell me that I should ignore their insults. When I took it upon myself to defend myself from these attacks, I found myself being the one discaplined for it. Public school is designed to favor the bully.

Take comfort in knowing this. Ultimately, you will have the last laugh. It takes until you're in your late twenties. But, the people who made fun of you will be living in slums, addicted to Vicodin, and beating each other up, while you're closing on a two story home or interviewing for a job to replace the one that pays well but is not quite what you want to do with your life.

The bullies cannot be fixed, nor can they be gotten rid of. But, you can heal their damage by not buying into the low self esteem with which they try to infect you.

Low self esteem is the number one health problem here in my country, and probably one of the lead problems world-wide. It generates so many of the others--drug addictions, the popularity of cigarettes, poor dietary habits leading to diabetes and heart disease, and the vulnerable mindsets that allow toxic, infectious ideologies to propagate, leading to religious wars and oppressive government regimes.

Don't buy into it. There are plenty of self-help resources out there to help you recover and reclaim your self worth. Just because you feel badly about yourself today, even knowing cognitively that it's not true, does not mean you are doomed to feel that way forever, or to let it compromise your vigilance or your quality of life. The people who wanted you to be a loser like them are wrong, and you knew it even then, as a child. You knew even then that being "black" has nothing to do with trashy slang or aggressive mannerisms. (Being Caucasian myself, I can only speculate what it does entail, but as a fellow human organism, I would expect it to be pretty much parallel to the rest of the human condition.)

So, where to begin? I found Julia Cameron's The Artist's Way a good self help book. I'm sure there are plenty of others, but this is the one I know most well, and I'll be happy to endorse it. It's focus is on generating a sense of creativity, but it is also very much about healing in general and sorting through assaults on your sense of self worth.


And, for everyone else out there who has ever suffered pointlessly at the words of bullies and still feels pain, this goes for you, too.
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Post by PariahPoet »

I forgot to mention earlier- About the self-injury problems, you are more than welcome to join my message board. We have something of an online support group going for that very issue. The board is at http://livingheretic1.proboards37.com
It is called a Gothic Christian board just because that is the main group we focus on, but even if you don't fit either description you are more than welcome to join us. Nobody judges anybody else there, we just all do what we can to help eachother.
Also I wanted to make this a public statement to the forum. You already know that is something I deal with too, but I wanted to make it known in this thread so everyone knows you are not alone in this. There are a lot of us out there.
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Post by Set »

...And here's what gets me kicked off of message boards... (Anyone who says anything to me about karma will be murdered in their sleep.)
I am still feeling down and I need support from the one place I think can help me and it's here, because I've met some really kind hearted people on here and I hope I get to meet some of you all one day...
I bet you won't be thinking that by the end of this post.
As a child I had no friends, I was bullied everyday, at school and in my neighborhood...
So? They do that to everyone. That's the way kids are. They're not cute little angels. They're mean, snotty a** brats. So you got picked on. Get over it.
Something that really just bothers me so was when I was at recess and I was in this tennis court on the playground with only one way in and out. I was playing with a kick ball and noticed this groups of girls((all of them black!! Again no offense)) walking towards the tennis court and of course I knew they were coming at me, but I was trapped and everyone else in there left me so I was alone. It was 12 girls and the smallest girl was in front and I could have taken her if I wanted, but I was never a fighter from the start and also the fact she had 11 of her friends with her I just backed up against the fence and thought about trying to climb up it, but I knew they'd only pull me down so I just stood there as they closed in((keep in mind I was a little runt in school and and no friends)) but the bell rang for the end of recess and they walked away and I stood there terrified to move..
The people most likely to become victims are the ones who act like victims. If you don't at least attempt to fight back then it really is your own fault if someone kicks your a**.
Skipping back a little when I was 3 or 4 years old I saw my parents get in a terrible fight where both of them were bleeding and I hate to remember that fight, but it's stuck in my head, anywho..
You're not the only one who's parents fight like that. Mine would gladly murder one another if they got the chance. Once again, get over it.
I had a hard time in life and when I was confronted with a bully I always backed down because my parents told me to
Well, that was your choice, wasn't it? Mommy and daddy don't always know best. Most parents are complete idiots, actually. And so are you for listening to them. *gets out clippers* If you don't wanna be sheared, don't act like a sheep.
because of that I have extremely low selfesteem, and extreme depression and some diffenrent types of personality disorders which only happened because my father was an acoholic and from his drinking I have all these disorders and whatnot and I can't seem to find true happiness anywhere...
They have medication for that. Though it would probably up the suicidal tendancy thing. Ah, the joys of modern medicine.

Really...stop whining. Stop fishing for pity. Stop trying to make us feel sorry for you. You by no means are the only one who's had a crappy life. As bad as you think it was it could've been a hell of alot worse. Quit being a dramawhore. It's annoying.
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Post by white »

Yes, that would get you kicked off most message boards.

While you're being far too abrupt and rude about it, you do have at least one good poing. Victims in these situations are those that act like them. If you run away, you get chased. I know this from personal experience. Up until a year or two ago, I've had very similar problems, and it was mostly because I acted timid, scared, and defensive. I stopped getting picked on like that when I started acting like I was worth something. What's important is that you have self confidence. Don't worry about the people who do that sort of thing. They're insecure, unsure of themselves, and are incapable of trying to deal with it in any way other than attacking, insulting, and otherwise harassing those who choose to be who they are, not what society dictates that they should be.

Back to you, Reilune: Again, while you have some valid points, you're not helping. She needs support, whether or not here is the most appropriate place to seek it. It comes down to this: Would you do away with the potential, the value of another's entire life, just to make yourself slightly happier about the content of a forum?

Sabre, remember this: The most important thing you, or anyone, can ever do is to be themselves, be who they are. The people who pick on others like this have already lost that; they are worthless. It is those who are so often picked on, those who throw aside the shackles of conformity, who posses immeasurable worth.
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Post by Renorei »

Reilune wrote: Really...stop whining. Stop fishing for pity. Stop trying to make us feel sorry for you. You by no means are the only one who's had a crappy life. As bad as you think it was it could've been a hell of alot worse. Quit being a dramawhore. It's annoying.
If this post and others like it annoys you so much, why did you read it? Furthermore, why did you take the time to reply? If you're not going to be helpful and supportive, why not leave well enough alone?

If the positive response she gets from others on this forum is enough to make her life a little easier, then she's not doing anything wrong by seeking it. You certainly don't have to add your support, but you could at least try not to make things worse.
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Post by Set »

Ralith Lupus wrote:Back to you, Reilune: Again, while you have some valid points, you're not helping. She needs support, whether or not here is the most appropriate place to seek it.
There are shrinks for that. Friends, family memembers, church goers, support groups... Apparently she's not miserable enough to go seek them out. If she was, and wanted some TRUE help, she wouldnt've come here. This is just her fishing for attention.
It comes down to this: Would you do away with the potential, the value of another's entire life, just to make yourself slightly happier about the content of a forum?
People underestimate how heartless I really am. So yes, I would. This is not the place for such things anyhow. This is a forum about werewolves and werewolf movies, not people's problems.
You certainly don't have to add your support, but you could at least try not to make things worse.
But making people miserable amuses me. It's my only reason for living. Take that away from me and...OMG, I'm liek, so gonna kill myself!!!!11!one!
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Post by Teh_DarkJokerWolf »

Reilune wrote:...And here's what gets me kicked off of message boards... (Anyone who says anything to me about karma will be murdered in their sleep.)
I am still feeling down and I need support from the one place I think can help me and it's here, because I've met some really kind hearted people on here and I hope I get to meet some of you all one day...
I bet you won't be thinking that by the end of this post.
As a child I had no friends, I was bullied everyday, at school and in my neighborhood...
So? They do that to everyone. That's the way kids are. They're not cute little angels. They're mean, snotty a** brats. So you got picked on. Get over it.
Something that really just bothers me so was when I was at recess and I was in this tennis court on the playground with only one way in and out. I was playing with a kick ball and noticed this groups of girls((all of them black!! Again no offense)) walking towards the tennis court and of course I knew they were coming at me, but I was trapped and everyone else in there left me so I was alone. It was 12 girls and the smallest girl was in front and I could have taken her if I wanted, but I was never a fighter from the start and also the fact she had 11 of her friends with her I just backed up against the fence and thought about trying to climb up it, but I knew they'd only pull me down so I just stood there as they closed in((keep in mind I was a little runt in school and and no friends)) but the bell rang for the end of recess and they walked away and I stood there terrified to move..
The people most likely to become victims are the ones who act like victims. If you don't at least attempt to fight back then it really is your own fault if someone kicks your a**.
Skipping back a little when I was 3 or 4 years old I saw my parents get in a terrible fight where both of them were bleeding and I hate to remember that fight, but it's stuck in my head, anywho..
You're not the only one who's parents fight like that. Mine would gladly murder one another if they got the chance. Once again, get over it.
I had a hard time in life and when I was confronted with a bully I always backed down because my parents told me to
Well, that was your choice, wasn't it? Mommy and daddy don't always know best. Most parents are complete idiots, actually. And so are you for listening to them. *gets out clippers* If you don't wanna be sheared, don't act like a sheep.
because of that I have extremely low selfesteem, and extreme depression and some diffenrent types of personality disorders which only happened because my father was an acoholic and from his drinking I have all these disorders and whatnot and I can't seem to find true happiness anywhere...
They have medication for that. Though it would probably up the suicidal tendancy thing. Ah, the joys of modern medicine.

Really...stop whining. Stop fishing for pity. Stop trying to make us feel sorry for you. You by no means are the only one who's had a crappy life. As bad as you think it was it could've been a hell of alot worse. Quit being a dramawhore. It's annoying.
Thank you for responding to this post :D

I do not understand why you feel you must insult me when I've never done anything to you or anyone on here but be friendly, but you felt it was necessary to try and chew me out more, but that's ok because you are 4 years younger than me for one and are trying to act tough and be snotty which makes you really seem immature, but again I wanted to hear your responses regardless of what it is..I am not looking for pity, but only people who I can talk to and hopefully find a means to better handle my problems, because I have tried many things before and I was suggested by a doctor to talk to people I feel comfortable sharing this with and that's why I posted this here. You may have not have expereinced may things as most of us have, but some of us unlike the perfect you need help from more than one source instead of being mean and snotty because we think we are better and thats the way you are acting by your comments. If you think what I posted here was attention seeking why did you give any attention to it if it offended you so badly? You only fed into it for nothing. If you had a problem with my post PM me and lets talk like mature people not children with no manners or no respect.. I really think you need to take a look at what you wrote here and tell me you really though that was worth it? Does it make you feel better to tell someone off because of the suggestions giving by some doctors? You need to just cool it and let me share with whom I chose, because I am me and you are you and you can't respect a person for looking for help then you should really talk to someone, because I think you are selfish and need do some soul searching to find out why you are acting like that...

I do thank the rest of you for not thinking I am seeking attention , only help and friendship..And Reilune I would still like to see you and everyone else one day hopefully sometime in the future becaues I am still a good hearted person no matter how people would try to change that...

I didn't fight back because if I did I got punished at home and suspended from school and I didn't have anyone as defense so I hope you will understand this..I mean if you actually got to talk to some of these kids that actually killed themselves because of their bullies in school, these tiny kids, would you have went off on them too for seeking help from ones she or he trusted or just tell them to stop seeking attention then the next day hear about them having commited suicide because of their problems?
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Post by Teh_DarkJokerWolf »

Reilune wrote:
Ralith Lupus wrote:Back to you, Reilune: Again, while you have some valid points, you're not helping. She needs support, whether or not here is the most appropriate place to seek it.
There are shrinks for that. Friends, family memembers, church goers, support groups... Apparently she's not miserable enough to go seek them out. If she was, and wanted some TRUE help, she wouldnt've come here. This is just her fishing for attention.
It comes down to this: Would you do away with the potential, the value of another's entire life, just to make yourself slightly happier about the content of a forum?
People underestimate how heartless I really am. So yes, I would. This is not the place for such things anyhow. This is a forum about werewolves and werewolf movies, not people's problems.
You certainly don't have to add your support, but you could at least try not to make things worse.
But making people miserable amuses me. It's my only reason for living. Take that away from me and...OMG, I'm liek, so gonna kill myself!!!!11!one!
I really am sorry that you find joy in seeing others pain..I don't like to make accusations but are you a bully at school? Bullies and people who act the way you are will always have the most difficult times in life..I have seeked help and never found any that did, but you seriously need to get some help for this thing of feeling joy for others pain...I will pray for you and hope you see the light because the way you are going right now it's to good. I hope as you get older that you see the affects of your behavior.....
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Post by PariahPoet »

Reilune wrote: The people most likely to become victims are the ones who act like victims.
*growls* :x
I believe it's safe to say you've never experienced something like this. Standing up for yourself is all well and good if you're able to defend yourself, but those of us who cannot are SOL if we try and fail. If you feel this topic is not appropriate on the forum, fine, you have a right to your oppinions but there is no need to be hateful about it.
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Post by Vuldari »

Reilune wrote:But making people miserable amuses me. It's my only reason for living. Take that away from me and...OMG, I'm liek, so gonna kill myself!!!!11!one!
My heart goes out to all who experience pain...

...but the one I most feel pity for here is You Reilune.

I can only imagine the horrible attitudes and experiences you must have been exposed to in your Own life (which you choose not to tell us about) that have lead you to having such a HORRIBLE outlook on the world.

...and I DARE you to try to kill me in my sleep, because unlike Sabre, I am not afraid of bullies and I DO fight back...because after a response like that, your "Karma" Does Suck.

Image I'm not impressed...and you're getting my pity whether you want it or not...
Please Forgive the Occasional Outburst of my Inner Sage ... for he is Oblivious to Sarcasm, and not Easily Silenced.

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Post by Vuldari »


I don't know what I can say. I've never experienced anything like that.

I was teased by Bullies all through my school years too, but I learned to stand up for myself very early on while standing up for my best freind who was being beaten by a bully, and I was never really afraid of bullies ever again after that. They still teased me...but just looked them in the eye and said "SO? ...are you done? ...I have other things to do."

If I had not had that life changing surge of courage all those years ago, I have no idea where I would be today.

I don't know any magic tricks to make ones problems dissapear, but if there is anything I can do, I will allways respond to a friend in need, and you are my friend Sabre WWQ84...

...all of you are... Even you Reilune.

That is a part of who I am.

Stay strong...and have "Courage".
("Courage" is not being fearless. Only fools have No fear. Being Couragious means being afraid and working through it anyway.)

It takes a stong will, and a strong personality to ask for help they way you have, (no matter what Reilune says). If you have enough strength to do that...I know you can get through.

...because there are more people that you know willing and waiting to help catch you if you fall...and I am among them. The others may just be waiting to hear you ask for thier help as well.

Please don't stop at just asking us here for help. We can only do so much from where we are. There are surely others who can help you as well closer to where you are. Speak out, not only Online, but Out Loud. ...you may be suprised by who responds.

That is the best advice I can give you right now.

Be strong My friend Image
Please Forgive the Occasional Outburst of my Inner Sage ... for he is Oblivious to Sarcasm, and not Easily Silenced.

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Post by Hamster »

I don't see the complete attack on Reilune is all about. She is trying to say that this is a forum about werewolves where people who you REALLY don't know come and talk how sweet they are. I mean really, do we REALLY know each other? I mean, you can't know about my home life or even how my true personality is. Completely understandable, but the fact that she ask for help is what kinda makes her post rude. I have the same problem but I don't feel like stabing my heart and leting it bleed while you all clean it up. I don't know you so I keep that to myself. Sure, maybe I'll say a little "sob story" just to cheer someone else up and maybe I'll draw something that will show I have a problem but thats it. Sabre maybe just want company and wish to tell us. I mean, its not like she is saying "I'm killing myself and there is nothing you can do to stop me!" Then, you know, she can kiss my @$$ because if you REALLY want to kill yourself, THEN DO IT! Maybe she just don't have anyone to talk her fealis about and she feels comfortable saying them to us then fine but she also need to know that placing your trust on people you don't know is a one way tickett from being f@#$ in the @$$. But it is more of a moral thing. If you don't have morals, then you can never get morals.

Oh and don't play the, "I don't care if people care about me or not!" card Reilune. I can recall a certain post a little while back...Hmm, How did your post go again:
Reilune wrote:Well, I'm leaving. Don't know when I'll be back. Could be in a day or two, could be never. It's not like I expect to be missed though. I never am.

So long, wolves.

and what was my post again?
Hamster wrote:
Reilune wrote:Well, I'm leaving. Don't know when I'll be back. Could be in a day or two, could be never. It's not like I expect to be missed though. I never am.

So long, wolves.
What is this, an emo post?

like you wanted us to care for you.

Sorry if I sound more of a b@#@ then normal, someone aready ate all the damn pie withone saving me a slice. :x
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Post by celtwolf »

i can sort of relate.
i was bullied and messed with all of my life as well. i'm a kind and gentle person who loves to help anyone who needs it and despises all violence. i didn't have a lot of friends in my life, MAYBE 12 total have come and gone through my life, probably fewer if it's any different. thing is, i've learned from not having friends and moved on. i said to myself, "so what if those idiots don't like you? you have plenty of good things about you, so show them off!"
since then, i was a bit of a clown. well, when i wasn't reading a book i was a clown. and i made a few friends that way. then i moved to a new house, a new town, a new school. i tried the same thing and was shunned again. everyone either ignored me or tried to mess with me. i found a couple friends, and they protected me from the other kids. then i changed schools again and we were seperated. again, i did what pleased me, and again everyone shunned me. i earned one friend, just one. we were labeled and stuck in with one another. we were messed with and we stood up to it.
... i'm ranting again aren't i?...
i meant to give some advice. leave the computer, leave the sketchpad, and walk around the cafateria/library/office and talk to people. i'm not saying to give up drawing, i know you love it and you SHOULD keep doing it. just don't spend so much time on it. doing something you love is good, but it just isn't as fulfilling if you don't have someone special to share it with. and voices in the computer, i.e. me and the rest of the net, don't count as friends outside of the computer. go out there and look around you, you'll like what you see. make a friend. and fill that annoying void with someone special.
do it, you'll see i'm right.
i'm just stating what i know and what i think, if you don't like it, you can leave me alone.

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Post by white »

It's perfectly possible to get to know someone online; maintain communication with an individual or group long enough by any means, and you can't help it.

Nice quotes, btw :)
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Post by Vuldari »


I understand where you and Reilune are comming from with your opinions on this message, but truth be told, this message WAS posted in the "Anything" Category, and you are under no obligation to read or respond to it if you truely don't give a D@#$.

If you don't want to hear it...don't read it.

I, for example, do not bother to read any posts from the "things that annoy you" thread any more, because I don't want to listen to people complain about things as if they want anyone but themselves to do something about fixing them.

...but asking for "Help" is another matter. ...because I DO give a D@#%.

If you don't, then go post about how you hate whiners in the "Things that annoy you" thread (inevitably being a hypocrite in the process), and stop reading messages from this thread.

If you don't think this concerns you...then it doesn't concern you.

Let it go...

Some of us here DO care.
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Post by Hamster »

Vuldari wrote:Hamster

I understand where you and Reilune are comming from with your opinions on this message, but truth be told, this message WAS posted in the "Anything" Category, and you are under no obligation to read or respond to it if you truely don't give a D@#$.

If you don't want to hear it...don't read it.

I, for example, do not bother to read any posts from the "things that annoy you" thread any more, because I don't want to listen to people complain about things as if they want anyone but themselves to do something about fixing them.

...but asking for "Help" is another matter. ...because I DO give a D@#%.

If you don't, then go post about how you hate whiners in the "Things that annoy you" thread (inevitably being a hypocrite in the process), and stop reading messages from this thread.

If you don't think this concerns you...then it doesn't concern you.

Let it go...

Some of us here DO care.
Wow, you put me in my place. :roll:

To explain what I meant in so many words, Reilune is right about it being a thing that should be left to the family but she is wrong for being rude about it making it seem like Sabre just want a fiddle played for her.

Sabre right about wanted help from people who she thinks she can trust so she can let her heart speak but she is also wrong about making a problem that is for her family to really care about our problem. All we can really say is, "Don't be sad. We're your friends." and give us our "sob story" to make her feel a little better." We can't completely handle her problem with comments such as that.

Damn, I always have to explain everything to some people. :roll:
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Post by white »

As you can tell from existing replies, we can do more than that. And, apparently, people her current physical environment is having trouble managing even that.
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Post by Teh_DarkJokerWolf »

If you only knew what I was going through, you'd understand me more...My family can't help me cause they have their own problems to deal with and I have grown enough to at least see that, but let me explain this to you all. When you are doing group sessions in any class say college or school, you tell people about your opioions and what-not Like if your new to a class or new at something or am getting a job..These people need info on you to understand why they should hire you or let you take this course or whatever. You don't know these people, but you learn over time to trust people and and are able to better understand where they are coming from...I was doing this same thing only with a different theme and title, but I looked at it as if I was starting a new class and I wanted to learn and get help, but I got chewed out by a few before you fully undrstood me and gave me a chance.. I had hoped that you all could see I meant well by posting this and could help me, but I guess I should have known better...I really do apreciate your kind words and for sticking up for me Vulduri and the rest of you too, but I really think now I should just take a break from here like Terastas said I should have done before because I thought wrong and I shouldn't have listened to that doctor about asking for adivce. Anyhow I will leave here for awhile and try to do some things with myself and just keep searching for answers for my issues, I will return soon and try to patch up things in my life before then, I feel that I may have started an unnecessary fire here and I choose to run before it turn into an uncontrolled infurno and I really have regrets...I hope you all can just understand my intentions were just to find my way in a new place, one which I believed could find help and a shoulder or two to lean on which I know I have some, but I will do this until things are cooled and collected once again...I will return now only to post my promised drawings to you all I own and you know who you are :D so anyhow take care alls and I hope I don't get kicked off here because I wanted help for this.....I believe I really need to sit back and do some serious soul searching...

:howl:  :oo :wolfkiss: see you all soon....
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Post by white »

If anyone's in the wrong here, it's Reilune. Don't let one or two disgruntled people like him scare you off. What would we be if we couldn't provide support to a friend in distress?
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Post by Hamster »

I didn't mean any harm at all Sabre if I scared you off. I was just stating two facts about you both. Reilune sometimes seem to like to start trouble. :|
Meh Dev account: http://kileyhannan.deviantart.com/

"Life... It's drawing without an eraser..."
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